Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 173 Hongmen Banquet

Chapter 173 Hongmen Banquet

Downtown area.

Yu Qian repeated his old trick and spent some money to buy news.

It has to be said that prices in Xiacheng District are much cheaper. These dozen bottles of the most expensive wine combined are only worth one bottle in Uptown District.

"I want to see her, can you bring her over?" Yu Qian pointed to Rui Xue's photo.

The men and women surrounding her all looked a little embarrassed.

"Sister, she can't come now." Finally, a man in low-visibility clothes said, "She is busy today and is not in the club. Why don't you come back in two days? She should be there by then."

Yu Qian thought he was about to hear bad news again.

Fortunately, he is just not here, not dead.

She asked again: "Busy day? It's okay to come later."

She spent a lot of money today, and several people in the booth surrounded her. They didn't want to offend this person who spent a lot of money, but they didn't know what to say.

Yu Qian probably guessed something from their attitudes: "Are you with other guests? It doesn't matter. Ask her to have a drink. One cup costs 100,000 yuan. You can give her as much as you want."

The eyes of several people around him were bright, wishing that such a good thing would happen to them, but the guest just named him, and they couldn't get the money.

Yu Qian's eyes fell on one of the red-haired women who looked the youngest. If I remembered correctly, someone just said that she was not only registered in this club.

Normally in such a situation, this woman would not be too wary of this club. After all, there are other escape routes.

So Yu Qian handed her a glass of wine alone: ​​"This cup is also worth one hundred thousand."

The woman was stunned for a moment, then sighed in surprise: "Sister is so generous."

She came close to Yu Qian and whispered in her ear: "I secretly told my sister that she is indeed accompanying other guests. If she were other ordinary guests, we would have called her over, but she is at the boss's place."

"Boss?" Yu Qian raised his eyebrows, "Forget it, do you know when she came?"

The red-haired woman recalled: "It must have been a few years ago. I didn't come here at that time, and I don't know exactly. This is what I heard from other people."

"Sister, although I have seen many people come here to ask about things, you are still the first to ask about the dancer."

Yu Qian said: "I have a friend who is very interested in her and wants to ask her to go out for a drink."

The subtext is obvious.

The red-haired woman nodded: "So that's it. Then your friend may be disappointed. She doesn't go out much now."

As she said that, she whispered: "She is in very poor health now. I think it will be even worse after today. She won't be able to see anyone in the short term. Sister, why don't you ask your friend to find someone else? What do you think of me?"

"After today?" Yu Qian turned to look at her, "What? Did she go to the Hongmen Banquet today?"

The woman smiled coquettishly: "Absolutely."

Yu Qian sighed secretly, that was really troublesome.

She stood up and settled the bill.

He left the card table in the eyes of several other people.

Walking out of the door, like all those who are taken advantage of on a whim, she spent a large sum of money and then disappeared.

But Yu Qian walked to the door, but instead of going downstairs, he pressed the upward button.

The elevator stopped at the nineteenth floor.

Just now the red-haired woman mentioned the consumption threshold for each floor here.

The twentieth floor is the boss's private space.

If there was a Hongmen Banquet today, it would be on the twentieth floor.

The guest elevator does not have a twenty-floor option.

But it doesn't matter, just climb up.

Yu Qian opened the window and leaned out half of his body.

There are no strong points on the exterior of this building, and the building materials are extremely hard.

It didn't matter, she turned around and held a sharp sword in her palm. She had a sharper weapon. Using the long sword as a mountaineering pick, she quickly climbed to the twentieth floor from outside.

The curtains were drawn on the twentieth floor.

But she could hear the music inside through the glass.

Through the gap in the curtains, she seemed to see several figures walking around inside.

After lying in front of the window for a while, she finally saw a face, a face that appeared in the photo.

That face was really not pretty now, it was covered in blood, the hair was messy, and the clothes were not covering the body.

Sure enough, it's here.

She climbed up a bit, then kicked the glass to pieces and jumped in.

There were two middle-aged men inside who were sitting on the sofa. Next to them were several beautiful boys and girls without any clothes on who were dancing. There were also a few people gathered around them to drink.

Everyone stopped for a moment and looked at the uninvited guest who jumped in from the window.

Yu Qian strode in and wanted to turn off the loud music, but he couldn't find the switch, so he punched the main control unit and smashed it.

It suddenly became quiet.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on her.

"Who are you?" The man with a drooping tie on the left side of the sofa reacted first and picked up the pager to call someone, "Where are the guards?"

No one could see the woman's movements clearly, they only saw her appear in front of them instantly, then take away the beeper and crush it to pieces.

"Who is the boss?" Yu Qian asked.

He took away the beeper from the man: "It's me, who sent you?"


There was a flash of white light, and the man next to the boss was nailed to the wall with a sword.

The sword penetrated his chest, and the man let out a painful cry for help.

Yu Qian took the gun out of his hand: "Sneak attack is a good habit, but you didn't do it well enough."

The boss understood instantly: "What do you want? Documents? Are they the latest bidding documents? I can give them to you."


"Then what do you want? How much did they give you, can I give you more? Are you from the Bounty Association or from another organization?"

Yu Qian didn't answer, he casually swept the wine and fruit bowl on the coffee table to the floor, sat down leisurely, crossed his legs, and pointed at the few naked boys and girls and the others who were so frightened that their faces turned pale. Beautiful woman: "Get out."

Then he raised his chin to Rui Xue, who was injured and leaning on the ground: "You stay, I have something to ask."

The boss didn't dare to act rashly and wanted to continue to bribe her: "You can make a price..."

"Shut up."

Yu Qian raised her hand in front of him, and the sword flew back to her hand. The man fell from the wall and fell to the ground. His life or death was unknown, and only a pool of blood slowly gathered.

The boss reacted: "Are you a superpower? Who sent you here?"

His eyes were shining, and his desire to poach him became even stronger: "No matter how much money they give you, I can give you double! No! Three times!"

Yu Qian looked at him expressionlessly: "Shut up, don't let me say it a third time."

She turned to look at the woman leaning to the side: "Ruixue? Really?"

The woman raised her swollen eyelids, looked at her, and said vaguely: "That was... my previous name. How did you... know?"

Only then did Yu Qian notice that she was missing several teeth and her body was covered with traces of abuse.

She frowned without leaving a trace and threw her coat to her: "Tell me about your past, before you came here."

Rui Xue looked timidly at her boss and then at her.

Yu Qian offered a bargaining chip that he couldn't refuse: "If what you say is what I want, I will take you away."

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