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Chapter 178 The old king is dead

Chapter 178 The old king is dead
The waiter's eyes fell on Yu Qian: "Then...this lady..."

Jing Chi glanced at him: "This is my friend, with me."

"Okay, you two, please come this way."

The waiter led the two people to the reception room.

The lights were dim and the venue was large, more like a viewing room than a reception room.

The stage directly in front is not playing a video, but a drama -

"Gonzalo! Our new king!" The drama actor on the stage was excited. He knelt on one knee, raised his hands, and looked up at the man wearing the crown, his face full of excitement and fanaticism.

The audience seats below are just a row of sofas.

Sitting in the middle was a middle-aged man in his forties.

Jingchi walked leisurely to where he was and sat down leisurely, his arms casually resting on the backrest.

Yu Qian was not polite and sat directly on the other side.

The drama on stage continues——

The king accepted the praise and support from everyone, and then a graceful actress came forward and everyone paid their respects: "Queen."

The queen walked towards the new king.

"I thought I could see the old man." Jing Chi's eyes fell on the stage.

The man next to him said: "The old man is not in good health, so I have to do it for him. Master Jing is very disappointed when he sees me."

"How could it be, Circe? We are old buddies too." Jing Chi said with a smile, "If it weren't for your blessing, I wouldn't be where I am today. Speaking of which, I still want to thank you."

Circe laughed: "Don't say that. Some friction is normal in business. Master Jing shouldn't be the kind of person who holds grudges, right?"

"Of course not." Jingchi poured himself a glass of wine.

Yu Qian looked around and sensed a few weak breaths.

There are bodyguards, six for Qi training and four for foundation building.

There are also about a dozen ordinary bodyguards who have no cultivation level.

She noted down the person's position, then withdrew her gaze and continued to look at the stage: "What is the name of this play?"

She had some simple knowledge of drama.

Because a previous mission was to get close to an idiot who thought he was a refined gentleman, so I checked some basic information.

These activities are pastimes for rich people, and all her studies are to survive better, or to get rid of people who hinder her survival.

However, she could not find any impression of the drama in front of her.

Gee, the more pretentious the rich people are, the more they like unpopular things.

"The Hanged King's Elegy." Circe glanced at her and said with a smile, "Don't you know what to call this young lady?"

Yu Qian pointed at Jingchi: "I am his bodyguard."

Circe was a little surprised, with a look that suggested that people should not be judged by their appearance: "I thought the lady was Master Jing's female companion, which made me curious for a while. I have never seen him take any female companion."

The plot on the stage was pushed to a climax——

The new king issued an order to his subordinates: "Everyone who knows the secret, anyone who disobeys me, and anyone who sees something they shouldn't see must die!"

Yu Qian raised his eyebrows.

It seemed that she was interested in this drama.

Searcy explained: "The origin of this play is very clever. It is adapted from an urban legend. According to legend, all the actors who appear in this play will die mysteriously."

"Ha." Yu Qian sneered, "Aren't they still alive and well?"

"That's why it's a legend." Circe smiled. "The play tells the story of the new king who killed the old king and faces the prince's revenge and wants to kill everyone who knows about it."

Jing Chi suddenly said: "Oh? That's really interesting. After all, many things would be much simpler if there were no insiders." There was something in his words.

Yu Qian glanced at Cirsi out of the corner of his eye and made a rough guess.

A tyrannical usurper.

Ha, even inside the splendid gate of the chaebol, there is nothing but discord.

Circe didn't mean to hide it at all: "Of course, it's a pity that there is no airtight wall in this world. Even uninformed people can always guess the secret based on the signs of trouble."

He showed a distressed expression: "What should we do in this situation?"

Jingchi didn't answer, and the two of them briefly exchanged glances.

Yu Qian's eyes fell on the stage casually, and his tone was full of indifference: "Then how about killing the people who guessed it?"

It is impossible to distinguish truth from falsehood in words.

It's hard to tell whether it's an overconfident provocation or a casual suggestion.

Circe said: "There are too many people in this world, and we can't kill them all."

Yu Qian suddenly smiled: "In that case, why are you still worrying?"

She stood up and walked towards the stage.

The drama actors above were interrupted by this incident and were stunned for a moment.

The young man who played the role of the guard glanced at Sirsi's eyes in the audience and saw that he had no expression. He quickly reacted and continued the performance——

The guard advised the prince not to save the queen: "It is too dangerous. Although she is your mother, she has not fulfilled her nurturing grace..."

Yu Qian pulled out the ancient sword from his hand: "All the right to speak is in the hands of the winner, no matter what the facts are, it doesn't matter."

“Those who know don’t matter, those who speculate don’t matter, and those who object to it don’t matter.”

She touched the sword in her hand: "The authority in your hand is the most important."

"Bah, bang, bang!" There was applause from the audience.

Circe laughed loudly: "Well said."

Yu Qian did not respond to him, but looked straight at Jing Chi: "The old king is dead, and a new king will be established."

The stage lights focused on her.

She raised her sword, and even held a sword flower leisurely, pointing at the "prince" standing aside, and said: "Behind hatred is hatred, and behind the new king is the next new king."

"Only the one standing at the end is the real king."

This time it was Jingchi's turn to laugh: "That's right."

Circe's smile still hung on her face: "The Jing family still has many talents."

He waved to the actors on the stage, and the actors left one after another.

"I still have something to do this time that I really can't get away from." He looked at the screen and said, "The old man is dying. I have to go back. I don't know if I will have a chance to have a good talk with the Jing family next time."

After he finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Yu Qian: "Of course, I also heard that this young lady is looking for the whereabouts of another young lady."

"I've sent people down to investigate. If there is any news, how about we talk about it next time we meet?"

Yu Qian had no expression, but glanced at Jing Chi, signaling for him to answer.

Jingchi received her hint: "It seems that I don't have enough face, but if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be able to see anyone else. After all, our old man is not in good health."

Returned it intact.

But Circe said: "I didn't mean to neglect you two, but I really can't get away now. I really have to rush back now."

Seven points true and three points false.

Yu Qian threw the sword in his hand back to the stage and smiled: "Of course, no problem. Say hello to Master Sean for us."

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