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Chapter 181 Infiltration

Chapter 181 Infiltration

The estate is very large.

But Yu Qian has already obtained the latest map.

Jingchi sent this to her on the way here.

Several locations marked in red have a wide view and can monitor the venue and passages in all directions.

These places are where bodyguards focus their attention.

The map is very accurate, even the location of the camera and the route of the drone cruise are clearly marked.

Jing Chi's men were very cooperative. They blocked the cameras wherever she passed and converted them into recorded videos. Nearly half of the drones were also programmed.

She had a smooth ride.

Until the first position marked in red.

A bell tower.

Hmm, a good place for sniping.

The bell tower is full of the atmosphere of time, and the entire manor has this architectural style. It is solemn and simple, representing the strictness and solemnity of this family.

The goshawk clan emblem with spread wings appears in every corner in a low-key manner, with ambitions spying secretly like eagle eyes.

Yu Qian was like a nimble cat, making no sound of footsteps.

Surveillance nearby has been replaced and cruise drones hacked, so the sniper on the top floor won't know anyone is quietly approaching.

She restrained her aura and appeared like a ghost when she appeared behind the other party.

It wasn't until the cold needle touched the sniper's carotid artery that he suddenly realized that an uninvited visitor was here, and he was well-trained in trying to catch the intruder's arm.

But it was too late. The needle pierced his neck, injecting a fatal toxin. His body convulsed, and then he fell to the ground with his eyes wide open, lifeless.

Yu Qian stepped over the corpse on the ground, walked to the sniper scope, and took a look.

Observing the surrounding sentry booths, I saw the familiar Freesia clan emblem—the Jing family emblem—engraved on the belts of the guards walking among them.

It seems that it has almost penetrated.

When she left the clock tower, she happened to meet a sturdy guard at the bottom of the stairs. The other person turned sideways and leaned against the wall to make way for him. A freesia was engraved on his belt.

She walked down the clock tower without looking back.

All the snipers here must be eliminated to make it easier for the men sent by Jing Chi to take over this ancient manor.

It took nearly an hour for Yu Qian to eliminate all the snipers from more than 20 nearby sentry towers.

She then turned around and walked through the funeral site, turning back to find Jingchi.

The mournful music in the ears eased, the short silence ended, and everyone returned to socializing.

Her eyes stared at everything calmly, as if she saw nothing.

When the goal became very clear, all the confusion in Yu Qian's heart disappeared.

Jing Chi sent a message, which was a coordinate.

Yu Qian followed the coordinates and came to a castle in a manor.

All the surrounding bodyguards have been eliminated, but the owner of the castle is still unaware of it.

Yu Qian wickedly did not go through the main entrance, but climbed in through the window.

No one inside was disturbed at all.

So when the other party saw her, it was hard to hide the shocked expression.

Circe was sitting on the sofa in the hall, talking on the phone, and seemed to be explaining work to her subordinates.

The moment he saw this woman who suddenly appeared, the expression on his face was wonderful.

At the same time, the call in his headset was disconnected and he lost contact with his subordinates.

"Miss, are you going to the wrong place?" He barely maintained his composure.

But Yu Qian saw his fingers tap on the light screen a few times, and then began to tremble slightly.

He already knew that there was no one for him here.

"No." Yu Qian said in front of him while Shi Shiran sat on the sofa, "I just want to come here."

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