Welcome to Xiuzhen Academy

Chapter 183 Waiting for Dawn

Chapter 183 Waiting for Dawn
Circe's face suddenly changed, and she pretended to be calm: "Haha, this joke is not funny."

Yu Qian tilted his head: "Do I seem to be someone who likes to joke?"

Her face was too plain, which made her gentle-looking face look a bit colder, giving rise to a sense of contempt for the person in front of her.

Circe asked: "Have there been any other conflicts between us before?"

"No." Yu Qian answered simply.

Of course, this is in a direct sense. If you want to count it in an indirect sense, it is there.

After all, every minute, day, and year she spent in Xiacheng District was all thanks to these high-class people.

The contradiction between classes cannot be erased, but there is no direct conflict between her and Circe or the Red family.

When Circe got the answer, her face turned ugly: "Then why do you have to go against me? Are you really loyal to the Jing family?"

"No." She said slowly, "I am only loyal to myself."

Everything she has done so far has only two starting points.

For her own benefit, and—she wanted to do it.

She didn't know which starting point to classify this time, maybe it was both.

Circe glanced at the light screen suspended in front of her again, swallowed, and tried again: "I really don't know anything about this girl."

"Besides, why do you need to go against the entire Red family for a child? I am the latest leader of the Red family. If you kill me, you will be an enemy of the entire Red family!"

Yu Qian stared at him silently.

It was rare to think of anything in his mind, because there was no need to think at all. His performance was too obvious, and he was busy fighting for survival.

She even skipped the step of thinking.

"That girl..." he said again, observing Yu Qian's expression carefully.

Yu Qian looked at him, raised his eyebrows, and motioned for him to continue.

Seeing her still unmoved look, he finally couldn't maintain his mask: "This girl's death has nothing to do with me!"

"What's the relationship between her and you? Your information also shows that you don't have any relatives. You, you, what are you going to do?"

It was the same old problem again, and she was a little impatient: "There's nothing I can do about it."

Circe has tried countless times just now, but has been unable to contact the outside world: "A child you don't know? Is she dead? Does it have anything to do with you whether she died in the Red family?"

"Indeed." Yu Qian nodded in agreement, "It's just an unknown child."

People are dying in the Federation every second, and many people die every day.

One more is not too much, one less is not too much.

Men, women and children will die.

In the face of death, everyone is equal.

Yu Qian smiled helplessly, even looking a bit rogue: "I can't help it, I don't know her, but I promised others to find her."

Circe's expression was extremely strange, and she looked at her as if she were a madman: "But she is already dead."

"Yes, she is dead." Yu Qian said confidently, "I know."

"For this reason, you, you want to kill me?" Circe couldn't believe it.

She showed a somewhat exaggerated expression: "Reason? Kill you? No, there is no reason to kill you."

Circe was just a torch lit by a fuse.

Circe shook her head repeatedly: "Call Jingchi, I want to talk to him!"

He was completely unable to communicate with the woman in front of him. Her thinking was completely different from that of a normal person.


After the door opened, a tall figure walked in with the light behind him.

"Ah? It hasn't been solved yet?" Jingchi heard the sound before anyone arrived, and the heavy door closed behind him, "I thought you had solved it long ago, and I was going to give you a ride back."

His eyes swept over the two people on the sofa, and finally landed on Yu Qian: "Is there any surprise? After all, you are not a sloppy person. You couldn't be bribed by him, right?"

Yu Qian raised his eyes and wondered: "Can't you afford a higher price?"

"How come?" He smiled and sat down. Circe was impatient: "What do you mean?"

Jingchi looked puzzled: "What's wrong with me?"

"You find someone to assassinate me. The cooperation between our two families..."

"Assassination? Is she assassinating you? It's not obvious, and I wasn't the one who called her." Jing Chi interrupted him and said with a smile: "Cooperation? Cooperation is gone from today on, the Red family's... legacy , I will watch it for you."

Circe's expression was extremely ugly. He raised his hand, but the puppet thread quickly dissipated as soon as it appeared.

He started to panic: "You... you..."

Yu Qianyang raised his hand and threw the pocket watch in his hand to Jingchi. There was a Gu insect inside.

It was the Gu insects that gnawed at the puppet thread.

Jing Chi: "It seems that the puppetry technique is still slightly inferior to the Gu technique."

Circe looked at Yu Qian in shock: "You actually dare to bring the Gu insect with you. Aren't you afraid of being manipulated by the backlash, even worse than a puppet?"

Yu Qian raised his eyebrows: "His cultivation level is the same as mine, what should I be afraid of?"

Circe still wanted to speak, but a Gu insect crawled towards him.

Yu Qian interrupted: "I'll do it."

She stood up, her calm expression hiding murderous intent.

Circe's expression finally froze in a moment of horror, and then the bodies separated.

Leave the castle.

Jing Chi looked up casually at Dusk: "You're so exhausted, are you going back to Penglai?"

"If you don't want to go back, you can leave first and I'll get a body." Yu Qian replied.

"Ah? What did you say?" He asked again as if he didn't hear clearly.

"Corpse," she said, turning around.

Jingchi stopped her and said, "Hey, actually we work together quite well and we look like partners. Do you want to cooperate?"

Another olive branch.

Yu Qian looked back at him: "We are not from the same place."

He is a player, but she is not.

The Federation does not have anyone or anything important to protect.

She wants to knock over the chessboard, but he can't.

"Hahaha, indeed, you are right." Jingchi was stunned for a moment to realize what she meant before laughing.

Yu Qian turned around and left, her simple back looking lonely as always. She was always alone, leaving only her back, tied up in a ponytail, and thin shoulders, lonely but not depressed.

Maybe she seemed to be walking too determinedly, Jingchi thought as he looked at her back.

Then he turned around and drove the other way, just like last time, except it was night then and now it was dusk.

The flaming clouds at dusk are always stunning.


The small box was placed by Yu Qian next to Qi You's urn.

Two urns nestle together.

She also printed a photo of the little girl and pasted it on it.

Yu Qian adjusted the two boxes and looked at them again: "Okay, that's it. Anyway, I found it, so I'll put it here for you. I'll take the rest of the money as a reward."

She turned and left the cemetery.

Dusk closed behind her.

Dark night is coming again.

The light has dimmed, but it doesn't matter, after dark comes dawn.

Dawn will come soon.

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