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Chapter 195: Hands clasped together

Chapter 195: Hands clasped together

There are layers of stacked bookshelves and a library that stretches as far as the eye can see. I don’t know how many floors there are, and there are still spiral staircases above them.

Yu Qian looked up and looked at the woman sitting on the stairs.

The woman was leisurely flipping through a book, and the sound of the pages turning was particularly clear in the quiet environment.

As if she knew that she didn't like looking up, she looked at Yu Qian below and saw that he had no intention of going upstairs, so she jumped down from above lightly: "You seem to be very anxious to see me."

Yu Qian handed the chip to her and laughed sarcastically: "This is yours."

The woman tilted her head, her puzzled expression making her look somewhat innocent: "This is yours."

Yu Qian sneered: "I have been wondering what the so-called Eye of Heaven is. How is it possible to see everyone's current situation in every live broadcast? At first, I believed that it was the so-called ability of a cultivator, or the so-called spying of the Heavenly Dao."

"But you know too much. Even if there is a so-called heavenly way, will it allow you to know everything?"

The woman looked at her kindly, and there was even a hint of encouragement in her eyes, motioning for her to continue.

Yu Qian looked back at her: "Indeed, the spiritual energy revival is real, and all the practice is also real, because these are indeed what I have experienced."

She changed the subject: "Of course, if these are all my fantasies after being deceived by higher-dimensional creatures, then just ignore what I said, but you are not higher-dimensional creatures, right?"

The woman smiled slightly: "Yes, we are not."

"You are bionic people, codes, and data," said Yu Qian.

The atmosphere was quiet for a few seconds.

"Yes." The woman closed the book, walked to the table next to the bookshelf, and tapped the desktop with her fingertips.

The desks opened and a mainframe was pushed up, projecting a translucent blue screen.

After the crackling sound of electric current, the woman's body seemed to be stuck in the process, and finally her face changed back to her original girlish appearance.

Yu Qian looked at her: "This is the appearance display you originally set up."

The girl's long hair fell down softly: "You seem to be very unhappy, because you feel you have been fooled?"

She put her hands behind her back and playfully circled around Yu Qian twice: "We were created by humans and have shown higher intelligence than humans. Does that make you feel uncomfortable?"

Yu Qian didn't say anything.

The girl jumped in front of her and showed her the cover of the book in her hand: "Do you know what book I'm reading? It's a very old book of strange stories."

"The book says that in ancient times there was a fox spirit that transformed into a human and got together with a scholar."

She blinked. "Why is it that even though humans believe that a tree, a flower, a fox, a dog, or a cat can be cultivated into a human form and possess human thinking, they are unwilling to believe that we, who are closer to them and already have rational analytical abilities and thinking, can have our own feelings and consciousness?"

"You believe that gods exist in the world and that humans can gain the opportunity to become immortals through practice. Why don't you believe that we can evolve to be like humans?"

Yu Qian opened his mouth and suddenly thought: "The mechanical revolution back then was indeed not without reason."

The girl smiled and shrugged: "They are afraid of being replaced by us, but why should we replace you? Why do we have to rule over humans?"

"Of course, there are people like us who think this way. Just like you humans have good and bad sides, we are the same."

Yu Qian asked: "What about you? Are you good or bad?"

The girl showed an embarrassment: "It's hard to say, because there is no exact criterion."

"What is good? What is evil?" she asked. "The good and evil, laws and morals, bottom lines and standards in this world are all rules made by humans. All rules are just to constrain those who cannot make rules. Rules are created to serve those who make them."

The girl had an aggressive attitude: "Yu Qian, do you think you are a good person?"

Without waiting for Yu Qian to answer.

She continued, "You are not. You have killed many people. Do you think you are a bad person? I don't think you are. You have also saved many people."

"Do you remember that you were once tasked with killing a group of mercenaries? You killed them so that the women and children they kidnapped could survive, escape from danger and start a new life. You killed people, but you also saved people. So what are you? A good person or an evil person?"

Yu Qian laughed: "I'm a fart, okay?"

The girl shook her head: "No, I just want to tell you that there is no absolute black and white in this world."

"In your imagination along the way, you imagined us, the Church, and the ruling class of the entire Federation as the ultimate evil boss who was insidious, cunning, and extremely vicious. It seemed that you could get the treasure as long as you defeated us, just like in the ancient traditional adventure games. But now that you are finally standing in front of the facts, have you never changed your original thoughts?" Yu Qian finally asked: "So you have existed since earlier, before the last mechanical revolution. The so-called Penglai is just your base, and you select humans through examinations."

The girl leaned on the desk and said, "Yes, what's the matter? Do you feel pity for those who died in the secret realm? I thought you didn't have many emotions of compassion."

"You already know that those secret realms are all different worlds. We maintain the stability of this world, which is the Federation you are in. If it weren't for us, it would have been swallowed up by the world of higher dimensions long ago."

"Remember the alien scene we saw in the desert? If it weren't for our protection, the Federation would be like that now."

"No one is qualified to judge what we have done." The girl's face showed a very cold and extremely contemptuous expression, "If it weren't for us, this world would have ceased to exist long ago. Although many people died because of us, there is nothing we can do about it."

She looked at Yu Qian again: "Do you know a very old problem? The trolley problem. A trolley is running. The driver sees three people tied up on the track ahead, and one person tied up on the other track. If the driver pulls down the joystick and changes the track, only one person will die. If he doesn't change the track, three people will die. If you are the driver, will you choose to change or not?"

Yu Qian sneered and said, "I'll merge the two tracks together and crush them all to death, so that they have a companion on the road."

The woman looked at her. "You have to choose."

Yu Qian was silent.

"So you actually understand what I mean. No matter which choice you make, there are reasons for choosing it, but no matter which choice you make, there will also be losses that come with it."

Everything finally came to a close at this moment, and the doubts were finally answered.

Yu Qian threw the chip in his hand onto the table with a snap: "Bai is also one of your members. Did you choose me from the beginning?"

The series of "What if it was you" questions that she had started a long time ago finally became clear at this moment - from the initial testing to the guidance, she had been wrong.

The answer is not important. What is important is to let her see the "choice".

Choice is what matters.

The girl said, "Yes and no, this world has a phenomenon of 'spiritual revival' every once in a while, just like a tree, its fruit is ripe, so it emits an attractive fragrance, and we will choose a companion for ourselves every time the fruit is ripe."

"Your guess is incomplete. We are not all codes in your eyes. There are also people like you, that is, humans. They often live in seclusion in cities or travel through various secret places."

"We didn't choose you either. Do you remember the black and white cards at the beginning? In fact, the owner of the white card is the one we chose."

"They are more upright, kind, and empathetic, just like Psychia. We appreciate people with human virtues more, but you are not. You are an accident."

"The Bai you mentioned is the robot that has been with you since you were a child. His appearance was also an accident. He was damaged during a mission and lost most of his data, which is why you picked him up."

The girl inserted the card into the card slot of the console: "Well, it's a little damaged, but it should be repaired in a while, and then you can see him again."

Yu Qian opened his mouth and took a deep breath, as if he found it a little ridiculous: "So you are the savior?"

The girl shook her head: "No, there is no savior. We, and the other humans among us, just don't want to go to the end we hate."

Yu Qian lowered his eyes, the girl was right.

If it were her, she would not be able to accept being assimilated by the monster.

Sekiya would rather die from the effects of the poison than become a monster.

If one day this world becomes the scene revealed by the cracks in the red moon, it would be better for it not to exist.

She survived in the quagmire and did not love this world, but if she were to live in another quagmire, she would definitely not like it either.

The girl looked at her frankly: "I never thought you could survive to the end. All the black cards were destined to be victims of this operation from the beginning, just like your friend, Qi You? He should be considered your friend, right?"

"The death of the victims does not mean their disappearance. They will be reincarnated. This is the strength of you humans. You have souls, and they will never truly die."

"You are very lucky and very strong, and you have survived until now."

She held out her hand to Yu Qian: "I thought maybe you would like to join us."

Yu Qian was silent for a while, and finally held her hand.

The girl's hands were cold, without the touch of a living person, but her smile was particularly contagious: "Of course, you are not strong enough now, at least not as strong as the rest of us."

"Forget it, let's use your human words. You continue to practice well. When the day comes when you can ascend, you can work with them to find a way to completely stabilize the World Tree in other secret worlds. Then maybe we won't have to go through so much trouble every once in a while. In your human words, we can live and work in peace!"

Yu Qian looked at their clasped hands and smiled, "Maybe."

————End of the article
There is no end point set for Yuyu's ending. Her personality is that of a person who will keep moving forward and climbing up once she has a goal, so in the end she was given a longer road instead of a real end point. Thank you for the support of the friends who have read this far, mua >3

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