Chapter 2: Destiny for Ordinary People
  Although the village is not exclusive, Su An is an outsider after all, and every household is alienated from him.

But when it came to sending wheat, everyone's attitude towards him immediately changed and they became enthusiastic.

Su An was not restrained. Faced with everyone's enthusiasm, he took the opportunity to say some suggestive words.

The general meaning is that he can lead them to live a happy life and prepare to gain the support of the villagers.

Everyone who has grown crops is greedy for the wheat in his fields. They most hope to understand the secrets from Su An's mouth.

"It's not that I didn't tell you, this really can't be passed on. This is a secret technique, learned from the immortals in the mountains. And there are many restrictions. In and out, it can only be twenty acres of land at most, no more."

Naturally, the villagers didn't believe it. Several people said that he was hiding it, and several others asked him to pass on the secret technique to contribute to the village.

Human nature is greedy, so Su An did not agree with them and directly told another bombshell news.

"However, although I can't teach you how to grow food, I can teach you something else."

After seeing everyone's reactions, Su An continued: "For example, Uncle Wang, who is a blacksmith, I can teach you some techniques and let you hammer a few times, and you will have the effect of repeated hammering."

People who have never made iron will naturally not know that to produce good iron tools, repeated tempering is a necessary process.

Otherwise, the printed objects will not be up to standard and will have to be remade after a few days of use.

Naturally, Blacksmith Wang didn't believe it, and immediately said that if he could really do it, and it would be effective after a few hammerings, he would volunteer to help cut the wheat tomorrow.

The bet must be mutually beneficial. Naturally, if Su An can't do it, the blacksmith's family will have to send him a hundred catties of wheat if he doesn't help tomorrow.

Time came to noon, and the sun shone warmly on people. A group of people followed Su An to Blacksmith Wang's blacksmith shop.

When the bellows was pulled, the carbon fire gradually became stronger. Blacksmith Wang threw a piece of pig iron into the carbon fire. He turned around and explained to everyone:

"This is a piece of pig iron. To make it into mature iron, it can be said that it requires several processes to complete, especially beating the iron body, which is the most important."

After taking a look at Su Ziping, he saw that he was going to order the hundred pounds of wheat. Blacksmith Wang said with a smile:

"Thousands of times, these four words are not just said casually. Today I am going to bear witness to Zi Ping's words and see if I can turn it into a piece of wrought iron by hammering it a few times?"

It is very easy to get Su An's wheat, but it is difficult to win his wheat.

The power of destiny, to put it bluntly, is a special power. They all use superpowers to strike iron. Naturally, there is no common sense. He said something astonishing again:

"Don't bother. With your ability, you don't need to burn it at all. If you give it three hammer blows, I guarantee you will get a piece of wrought iron."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked and talked a lot. They had never eaten pork, but they had seen pigs running away.

Blacksmith Wang bangs every day in order to temper the iron block and beat the pig iron.

Su An's words directly overturned the villagers' perceptions. They all thought that this child was talking too much nonsense.

Blacksmith Wang himself was confused. No one in the world could be so stupid. He, Su An, was not a brainless person. There must be a reason.

"Ziping, you are not interested in my eldest daughter, and you are deliberately trying to please your Uncle Wang by sending a hundred catties of wheat to her, are you?"

"What are you thinking? You never know one day when you and Wang Meiniang will make things happen?"

They were all from the village. Seeing Wang Meiniang getting older and older, the villagers were also anxious and wanted to help her, so they deliberately matched her with Su An.

They believed that Su An was not a local and had no relatives, so they could settle down in the village by introducing him a daughter-in-law.

Unfortunately, this matter has been talked about for a month, but it has not been done yet.

Except that this Wang Meiniang is a little older, she looks pretty good. She is quite capable and can do any kind of work. She is a very good girl.

Someone asked him what kind of girl he liked. Was it because he was marrying into his wife that he didn't agree to Wang Meiniang's marriage?
  As he talked, the topic got sidetracked, and Su An quickly brought it back:
  "Uncle Wang, if you don't believe me, you can try it yourself, but before you lower the hammer, you have to pinch your right arm in several places with your left hand."

The way to unlock destiny is in those positions, but this method is not suitable for all destiny, and it also depends on quality.

Su An walked over and taught Blacksmith Wang five times before he learned it.

As for strength, there are also things to pay attention to, but now there is no time to go into details, so he just said "use it hard".

Blacksmith Wang was dubious, so he took out the pig iron with tongs and placed it on the iron plate.

Picking up the hammer, he pressed those positions with his left hand and felt that the hammer in his hand seemed to become lighter.

With a strong swing of the hammer, Blacksmith Wang couldn't believe that the pig iron changed color.

He could tell at a glance that one hammer strike would be worth the results of his three hundred strikes, but how could this be possible?

Even if he saw it with his own eyes, Blacksmith Wang wouldn't believe his own eyes.

Except for the irregular appearance, in other aspects, it is perfectly beaten. Su'an thought about it and saw some clues. When it came to using supernatural powers to strike iron, he was crossing the river by feeling the stones:

"Uncle Wang, when you hammer down, think about the shape of the iron block, such as square, rectangular, perfect circle, or a simple rule diagram such as three sides, and then try hammering it."

Naturally, complex graphics cannot be made with just one hammer. Judging from Blacksmith Wang's current ability, he is still unable to control the details of this new blacksmithing mode.

Blacksmith Wang held his breath, tried to calm his heartbeat, and followed Su An's instructions again, hitting the pig iron for the second time.

With a crisp sound, the hammer was lifted, and the pig iron had turned into an extremely regular rectangle, and was tempered into wrought iron.

"I don't believe it. How is this possible? The temperature is not enough and it has not been quenched. This is simply impossible?"

With just two hammers, Blacksmith Wang knew that he had lost.

Blacksmith Wang couldn't believe it when he saw the wrought iron in front of him, but objects couldn't deceive anyone.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the iron he had spent half his life was wasted.

Amidst the sounds of impossibility, Wang Tiejiang fell into madness, and his world view was completely subverted at this moment.

"This is nonsense. I must not have woken up and am still dreaming. Yes, this must be a dream."

Blacksmith Wang, who did not believe in evil, took out another piece of pig iron. This time he did not preheat it. He hammered down three times and another piece of wrought iron was placed in front of him.

Blacksmith Wang's eyes were dull and his face was expressionless. This time he completely believed it.

There is also a limit to the power of destiny. The power of white destiny is very small. Once it is used up, if you use it forcefully again, you will fall into fatigue.

Blacksmith Wang lost his strength and swayed for a while, then sat down on the ground with a puzzled look on his face.

Among the crowd, an elderly man with white hair and beard came. He was the head of Guanyang Village.

Along the way, he naturally heard about the bet, and looked at the collapsed Blacksmith Wang with a worried expression.

"Ziping, what's wrong with Blacksmith Wang?"

"Grandpa Village Chief, everything has to pay a price. Uncle Wang can't think about it for a while, and he is exhausted. As long as he rests for a while, he will be fine."

As soon as he explained it, everyone understood it, but if it could be done in a few bursts, it would be enough to finish the day's work, and it wouldn't hurt to lose strength for a while.

"By the way, Ziping, show me if I have any special abilities. Like your Uncle Wang, I can be many times more powerful in an instant."

Originally, everyone just came to watch the fun, but they didn't expect that Blacksmith Wang really mastered the secret technique. Suddenly, the enthusiasm of the villagers was pushed to the peak, and they all asked if they could master it.

Everyone said something to each other, almost drowning him in words.

At this time, Su An discovered that the destiny in the Qing Emperor's divine book actually broke a rule, and he received a golden fighting destiny, Qing Emperor's luck.

Helping people open their destiny actually broke the Qing Emperor's rules of luck, and Su An was happy on the spot.

According to the introduction to Tianming, Tianming is divided into three colors: gold, blue and white. Gold is the best, blue is the second, and white is the worst.

As for ordinary people, once they have the destiny to fight, it means that they have the potential to become a good general in the world.

He also discovered that the Qing Emperor's luck was the same as that of agricultural affairs. They were both destined to grow and were extremely special.

Agricultural management requires irrigating food to increase its level, but Qingdi Luck requires faith to upgrade.

The Qing Emperor's Qi Luck, the legendary Qing Emperor's powerful Qi Luck, lives in the east and captures the Qing Dragon, which can control the realm of wood and condense the Qing Emperor's Qi.

Agricultural management, regardless of terrain, season, or disaster impact, can plant any vegetation, shorten the product maturity cycle, and increase output.

The irrigation power of agricultural administration is initially five acres, and can be increased by two acres for each level up to a maximum of ten levels.

The crop maturity cycle is shortened by 8% and the yield increases by 50% for each level.

The current level is Level 4, with an agricultural power of 13 acres, a 32% shortening of the maturity cycle, and a 200% increase in yield.

The effect of agricultural policy is much more powerful than genetic breeding and grafting. It increases production and shortens the maturity cycle. If it were not for the restriction on the number of acres, there would be no food shortage in the Three Kingdoms world.

Next, Su An went to Wang Meiniang's house and gave her some guidance. Her pigs could grow five kilograms of meat a day if they were irrigated by an expert pig farmer every day.

Wang Meiniang's eyes widened. If you calculate it this way, a pig weighing 200 pounds can earn a lot of money in just forty days.

But the only drawback is that only one can be irrigated every day. More would be better.

(End of this chapter)

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