Chapter 33 It’s all your fault
  "I'm telling you, this whole thing is your fault. It's your fault to be a bandit. It's your fault to rob homes and homes."

"Not mine?" Zhou Chao smiled bitterly. If he could live a good life, who would want to be a bandit? If he was not forced by life, how could he end up becoming a bandit?

Su An was unreasonable. No matter what he was thinking, he would not stop talking until he was told something that broke his guard today.

"That's right, all of this is your fault. It's your fault that you don't retreat after defeat. It's your fault that your brother's life and death are at stake. You don't think of any way to save him and just focus on fighting and killing."

But under the circumstances, only by taking Guanyang Village could he better heal his brothers, so he made the decision not to retreat.

Hearing Su An's words, Zhou Chao suddenly couldn't hold his breath, and he began to doubt whether his decision was wrong.

"How I see it, the person who caused the current situation is you yourself."

"It's all because of you that your brothers died. How can you have the nerve to put all the responsibility on me?"

"You, you." Zhou Chao's words came to his lips. He felt at a loss for words and didn't know how to refute him.

Feeling guilty for a moment, Zhou Chao felt powerless. He had been dragged up from the ground by Su An just now, but now he was kneeling on the ground again.

He began to repent and blamed himself for being too incompetent, and could not get over his guilt for a long time.

After a while, Su An said to him: "The burial date of your brothers is scheduled for three days later. I will arrange all the funeral arrangements. You can go and see them off then!"

At the mention of this, Zhou Chao became energetic again. He asked Su An to let him go. He wanted to go back, collect the bones of his brothers, and send him on his last journey.

Su An agreed, but her head kept shaking, and then she said "Three days later".

The reason is simple. Zhou Chao is too capable, and now he is extremely sad. He does not dare to risk the lives of the entire village.

Zhou Chao swore in front of Su An that he would never take revenge and would never rob Guanyang Village again.

"I believe what you say is true, but no one in the village will believe it. It's not that I'm afraid, it's that they are afraid."

Su An didn't have the ability to read minds. Looking at Zhou Chao's heartbroken look, he didn't know if he was just pretending:

"You know Li Tianba better than I do. He is your brother and the brother of Kuangfeng Village. He will make arrangements for the deceased, so you can rest assured."

Zhou Chao was naturally dissatisfied. Su An asked him to change his perspective and think about the problem from his own perspective, and asked him if he dared to let him go.

Zhou Chao was silent for a while. He was indeed standing from Su An's perspective, but he didn't want to let her go. Instead, he was thinking about what Su An was thinking.
  Under normal circumstances, even if he is not killed, he has to be sent to the government. But he didn't do either of these things. His behavior was obviously a sign of goodwill.

Regarding this issue, it is more interesting.

Zhou Chao believed that the young man in front of him was not a good person. If he wanted to avoid any future troubles, he would have killed him with a knife.

Therefore, he must have his own reasons for doing this. Zhou Chao thought about it carefully and found that his only ability was his martial arts.

"He recruited Li Tianba earlier. I'm afraid he has the same intention at this moment."

Who is he in the Zhou Dynasty? He would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix, and would never choose to surrender.

He wanted to expose the matter directly, but Su An's previous words reminded him not to be too aggressive when encountering problems, so he began to pretend to be confused and admitted that Su An's words were right.

"You are right, and you scolded me well. I am indeed nothing, and I am indeed not qualified to blame you. Everything in front of me is my own fault. It is all my fault."

Originally a very upright person, Su An taught me how to be diplomatic and flexible in just a few words.

Su An naturally didn't know that Zhou Chao had understood all his little thoughts.

Seeing him lower his head, he felt that it was his words that made Zhou Chao realize his humanity and rationality, and he could see through some of the human affairs in his guilt.

"There is no medicine for regrets in the world. Things have come to this point. It is useless to worry about it. It is better to think about how to make up for it."

The wind was blowing all the time, although it was not very strong, but standing at the entrance of the village, Su An felt a bit cold after a while, and asked Zhou Chao to follow him back first.

"It's too cold. I will definitely not let you go now, but I also have something to discuss with you. Come with me!" Zhou Chao agreed and did not mention loosening the vines. He knew in his heart that if If Su Zi doesn't have peace of mind, he won't untie the vines for him.

"Uncle Wang, let the peach trees at the entrance of the village be cut down. If anyone is short of firewood, take it back and burn it yourself."

The location of the peach tree is not good, blocking the main road. It is obvious at a glance that it is inconvenient for villagers to get in and out.

Su An reminded them to prevent them from daring to cut and making it inconvenient to walk. They would come to ask again in a few days.

Su An walked in front, and Zhou Chao followed behind. His steps were small, and if he wanted to catch up, he had to speed up, so he was like a little duck, making people laugh.

"No, this big boss will also surrender, right? This is incredible. What benefits did Ziping give him to make him so obedient?"

"Probably not yet. You can see that his hands and feet are still tied, but judging from the boss's demeanor, we can conclude that he will probably be surrendered."

"I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. In the past few days, Ziping has almost finished recruiting Kuangfeng Village. I don't know what he wants to do?"

Wang Meiniang curled her lips and became dissatisfied, and said for Su An: "Ziping is also doing it for our own good. Uncles, please give him some time. You must believe in his vision. He will never do anything that harms the village."

On the way back to his house, a bunch of people were pointing behind him, not knowing what Su An was going to do.

They were also afraid that the Zhou Dynasty would suddenly break free from the shackles, run away from the village, and then turn around to retaliate against them.

And looking at the battle at noon, Su An was able to win at a great price. All the experts in the village were injured.

The villagers didn't know whether Su An would be able to capture him a second time if this happened again, so they all hoped to send him to the government and behead him as soon as possible.

Su An made a bowl of steaming soup for Zhou Chao. He truthfully told Zhou Chao his thoughts and began to persuade him to surrender.

"One thing you may not know is that I am planning to plant a large amount of agriculture starting from Guanyang Village. It is not ordinary agriculture, but cereals with extremely high yields. Once planted, it can change the situation of low yield per mu."

Zhou Chao was cold and hungry. Although his hands were tied, he was still able to lie down on the table and drink soup.

His mind was completely attracted by the thick soup, but his ears were still listening. He thought that with such great ability, it should be impossible for him to farm, right?
  He didn't know why he had this idea, it was a strange idea.

Su An was full of confidence in recruiting talents, his eyes were flying up and down, bubble stars could be seen everywhere, and he said:

"You should have seen my abilities. I can easily transform a peach pit into a towering tree. Even if you want to eat peaches right now, I can bring you fresh ones."

Thinking of what happened at noon, Zhou Chao also felt incredible. He had seen martial arts before, and they were all void power.

But turning a tree, which is a real physical tree, into a towering giant tree in a few breaths is unacceptable to anyone.

"Are you really a master of immortality?"

"Ah, I know a little bit, but I haven't developed any skills yet."

Su An's idea was that he had a great plan in his heart since the beginning of wheat harvesting. At this moment, he revealed his plan in detail:
  "I plan to cultivate high-yielding seeds myself, and then establish a business company. The main business will be agricultural seeds for now, and there will be other fields later."

"My idea is to sell these seeds to Jingnan at a high price, and then to Jingbei, Jiangdong and other places. This business can be said to be a sure profit. In less than two years, our Su's Trading Company will be famous all over the world. ,Hahaha."

Su An became more and more enthusiastic as she talked, as if she had already seen the day when she would become a rich man. Zhou Chao also finished a bowl of hot soup and asked for another bowl.

"Although your idea is good, it is not realistic. The first thing you should do is think about how you can make others believe that your seeds can have the high-yield effect you said."

Zhou Chao curled his lips. Just because of this so-called grand plan, the second boss Li Tianba actually believed it and even surrendered. He was really young and easy to deceive.

"The second thing is that in the past few years, there has been chaos and chaos, and each country has its own affairs. A county and city are a force."

While drinking the soup, Zhou Chao laughed and said, "You still want to transport grain and seeds to various cities. Not to mention that you can't get through the government. Even the bandits can give you enough to pay for the road."

(End of this chapter)

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