Chapter 37 I am still the Great God Qingdi

Seeing the visitor's extremely arrogant attitude, the village chief was used to being patient, but he couldn't stand it, let alone listen to it.

Judging from their appearance, they might have some work to do. After thinking about it, the village chief directly handed over what they wanted to do to Su An.

Relying on the name of Lulongxian Temple, they have never been rejected by anyone when doing things, so they have always been holding back a fire in their hearts.

They thought that the so-called Su An was some kind of person, but they didn't expect that he was a child with a dirty mouth, so they immediately vented their anger on him.

"What are you talking about? I think you don't want to live anymore. According to religious law, when you, a subordinate, see us, you should come forward and pay homage."

Su An smiled awkwardly, as if someone suddenly came over and told you that the emperor came to you and you should kneel down to greet him.

This was not just a scolding. Su An was not used to them, and said directly: "I have never heard of it. I guess your so-called Lulong Immortal Temple is also a filth house, specially designed to house you people who are not good-looking and can't speak. The place where the bad water in your stomach is.”

The reputation of Lulong Immortal Temple is now heard everywhere, not to mention Lingling County, but also Jingnan.

Neither of them expected that when they mentioned the name of Lulong Immortal Temple, there would be people who didn't buy it, even this young man had never heard of it.

It’s okay if he doesn’t buy it, but he insults the Immortal Temple with words and refuses to change despite repeated admonitions, and only gets worse.

According to canon law, when faced with provocation by other evil forces, believers should protect themselves with their own bodies.

Wang Tianwu was dressed in black, with a black dragon and a gossip embroidered on his back. He said angrily:

"Well, Su An, if you don't kneel down when you see the Lulong Immortal Envoy, I think you are young and vigorous, so I won't blame you. You actually dare to insult the Lulong Immortal Temple."

Su An's temperament was one that was kind to you and me. He patted his hands gently, as if to flick away the ashes on his hands, and was ready to take action against the two of them at any time.

"If you scold me, scold me. Do you still have to pick a date? I'm telling you two bastard deacons to stop using some arrogant reputation to pressure me."

Not just for being careless, Su An can be a gentleman, but he can also be a philistine.

"If you dare to say more, I will pull off your clothes directly with a mallet and throw them at the entrance of the village, where you will be glorious for the rest of your life."

Wang Tianwu couldn't believe it. He pointed at Su An. Today he had seen what it means to be fearless. He glared angrily:
  "You are really smart enough to do something you know you can't do, but you dare to disturb Tai Sui. Today I will teach you a lesson on behalf of the Lulong Immortal Temple."

After a few words, Su An was not frightened at all. On the contrary, Wang Tianwu was so angry that he couldn't control his hands and wanted to take action.

"Young man, you should have heard the saying that trouble comes from the mouth. What I am going to do today is to let you know that you will pay a bloody price for insulting our Lulong cult."

Su An frowned, what kind of rule is this? You are hermaphrodites first. I deserve to be reviled when I am scolded.

If you are insulted, you will have to pay the price with your blood. There is no such nonsense in the world.

"Haha, I am a disciple of Qing Emperor with an orthodox background. I have already cultivated a half-foot golden body. If you want to teach me a lesson, it is the same as teaching Qing Emperor. You are worthy of being a disciple of Qing Emperor."

Isn't it just pretending to be a ghost and creating a divine cult? It's difficult. At this time, Su An ignored Jiang Wan's advice and directly moved the Qing Emperor out and continued:
  "That bullshit Lulong Immortal Temple of yours is not as big as my ancient righteous gods. I deserve to scold you. You still have the nerve to cause trouble for me. I, the Qing Emperor, have not blamed you, so I should just be happy in secret."

Su An said a few words to Wang Tianwu. It was also the first time that he encountered someone bringing up a sect to talk about something.

Wang Tianwu was furious and his tolerance had reached the extreme. He was about to take action immediately, but was stopped in time by Sun Gang.

"Why, you two have spent half your life's luck meeting the Qing Emperor's first disciple. Why don't you kneel down and worship me?"

It's really funny. When cats and dogs come in front of you, you have to make them kneel down and worship them. Isn't it just using the name of a fairy to pressure people, saying that you don't know how to do it?

This time, the two deacons had complementary personalities. After Wang Tianwu's temper was stopped, facing Su An's strong words, Wang Tianwu asked:
  "That's nonsense. Our Lulong Immortal Temple is a righteous god certified by the government and qualified to worship. Why should I kneel down to you, Emperor Qing?"

The two of them also realized that they had met someone who knew the ropes. They wanted him to kneel down, so he directly brought out a righteous god and asked him to kneel down too.

Facing Wang Tianwu's words, Su An sneered and cursed: "What bullshit god? My master, Qing Emperor, is the great emperor in charge of the East. He is the god of spring and the god of flowers. The royal family must put him first in sacrifices. You How dare a grass-headed god touch the Porcelain Qing Emperor?"

Sun Gang, who was next to him, remained silent. Su An said nonsense and belittled the person he believed in. No matter how good his temper was, he would still explode. "That's enough. I'm really not ashamed of my words. I, the Lulong Sect, don't recognize any of the Qingdi gods. According to the rules of the Lulong Sect, if you don't worship the envoy, you will be punished with thirty sticks."

"What a loud tone. I've seen it today. What does it mean to keep dying without saying anything shocking? I don't know where you got the courage from."

Su An changed the topic and cursed again: "What are they? Who taught you to talk to me like this? You also want to torture my ass. What are you thinking about eating my ass?"

Sun Gang had no expression and looked like an iron-faced judge. Su An couldn't see any emotion in him.

"The words clashed with the Immortal Temple, the staff was fifty, and today's eighty sticks, I think you have been sedated."

Sun Gang suppressed his anger and finally came to Guanyang Village. They had something to discuss. If there was a stalemate, it would not be easy to carry out the rest of the matter.

Faced with the young man's human nature, Sun Gang gave him a step up and said: "This envoy saw that you made an unintentional mistake and did not intentionally rush into the Lulong Immortal Temple. I can forgive your mistake."

With this serious look, you can tell that he does this regularly, and he is very proficient in it.

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with these two people, Sun Gang suddenly shouted:

"Su An, I have forgiven your sins, why don't you come forward and kneel down and listen to the teachings of the Immortal Lord."

Originally, Su An wanted to use the same method to fight back, but seeing how confident the two of them were, he wanted to know why this Lulong Immortal Temple was so rampant.

"I really have a hehe face. I have seen everything in my life, but I have never seen the so-called immortal temple that appears out of nowhere and dares to torture others at will?"

Listening to the words of the two deacons, Su An could probably deduce that Lulongxian Temple's behavior must be that they often show off their power and cause harm to the countryside.

Su An asked directly: "Do you regard yourself as a member of the government and this place as your own home, without the king's law?"

Su An had been on guard, and through the power of the mirror, he discovered that the two people in front of him had no destiny. But the strange thing is that they unlocked five valves, and their realm belongs to the fifth level of the Yellow Order.

In the past two days, Su An has been practicing the wood domain and Qingdi Qi, and occasionally does two moves of boxing. The boxing technique was so ordinary that it didn't even have a name. Zhou Chao was there to join in the fun and teach him.

After practicing again and again, Su An opened another Qi Gate, and his realm rose by a small level. His realm reached the fourth level of the Yellow Level.

Su An originally thought that only those with the destiny of fighting could unlock their own valve, but looking at the current situation, this was not the case.

The two of them come from the same lineage, and the power of the Qimen is actually golden. This is too coincidental. I am afraid that there is really some ability behind this Lulong Immortal Temple.

Su An's own valve is cyan. It seems that these two people must have special powers, and it is not destiny that brings them.

As mentioned in the Strange Events chapter, the power of the Qimen is golden, and it can display metal domain abilities.

Their abilities are of the same origin as Su An's Wood Domain abilities. This is probably the reason why the two of them are lawless, arrogant and extremely arrogant.

Su An continued: "The government must at least have a crime to arrest someone before they dare to take action. You are so crazy that you really think you can cover up the sky with one hand."

The weather has been very good these days. As the climate gradually warms up, it is not so cold in the morning and evening.

All kinds of trees were in bloom, but none could compare to the peach trees in Su'an Courtyard.

The house made of adobe was surrounded by peach blossoms. Although it was beautiful, it really gave Su An a headache to sweep it up.

While Su An was talking, Zhou Chao had already gone to the shed behind and pulled out his horse.

But he didn't leave, but stopped at the corner, his brows compacted, and an expression of deep disgust.

Judging from his appearance, he seems to have a huge grudge against Lulong Immortal Temple. It can be seen from his clenched hands that he has been restraining himself.

Everyone in the village knew that someone came in, and the old village chief notified the villagers to stay near Su An's house, so a lot of people had gathered outside the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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