Chapter 45 Villages in the Alliance
  Naturally, the people in the room didn't believe that Hua Tuo was still alive and could explain his family's affairs clearly and impart his experience.

"We understand you. We are all people who have been here before. Don't be embarrassed. Let me tell you, Ziping, I am really good for you, and I am not happy to tell others."

"Ziping, uncle, come and say a few words."

"Go, there are people in their thirties and their children are running all over the streets. No one is decent. I'm convinced by you."

Su An was thick-skinned and received different thoughts, so she didn't care at all about their bad words and slander.

But after all, Wang Meiniang was still a daughter who had not left the court. She didn't understand it at first, but later she understood it and ran out in shame.

"Okay, just one sentence per person, that's enough. My beautiful mother is already thin-skinned. If you don't embarrass her to death by saying this, she won't dare to go out in the future."

Anyway, no one believes this sentence. They all know what Wang Meiniang has done this month.

But seeing Su An talking to Wang Meiniang, she knew that this happy event would definitely not go away, and everyone immediately asked when the wedding date would be.

Su An felt that these people usually didn't talk so much, so why did they talk so much today as if the floodgates had been opened.

"That's almost it. I came here on business, but you all told me I had forgotten it."

After taking a look at Wang Tianwu, he saw that he was already tied up with ropes and tied to the bed. This group of people finally became smarter.

Su An walked to the bed. The bed prepared for patients at Dr. Zhang's home was relatively small. Although his medical skills are not very good, he is quite prepared.

Until now, Wang Tianwu had not woken up, and Zhou Chao's strength hit him on the back, thus injuring his internal organs.

Unlike Sun Gang, his injuries were all on his face, so he suddenly woke up and escaped during treatment.

Su An rolled up his sleeves and was about to search his body. Doctor Zhang told him that he had already searched his body and found a pill.

Staring at the pills, Su An couldn't see any tricks or secrets.

After all, he has no experience in this area, and it seems that he needs professionals to identify it.

"Dr. Zhang, can you tell what ingredients are in the pills?"

Dr. Zhang is just an ordinary doctor in the village. If he hadn't been prescribed by destiny, he would have to go to the town or county to treat minor illnesses.

Asking Jiang Wan for advice on this matter would not give him an answer. Reading poetry and making suggestions were indeed his strengths, but he was not good at curing illnesses and saving people, and distinguishing between herbs.

Su An knew in her heart that in order to strengthen her power, she had to recruit all kinds of talents.

For example, at this moment, if you know the specific formula of the pills, you can make a few pills and see the specific effects.

Sun Gang dared to take it and suddenly became violent. This medicine must be good and weird. Su An thought that if she could master the prescription, she might be able to use it no matter when.

"You think highly of me. You taught me my skills. How can I analyze it if you can't even see it?"

Since Doctor Zhang was helpless, Su An had no choice but to put away the pills and asked someone to take a look to see if the effects of the pills could be developed, and then the matter would be revealed.

There was nothing else on Wang Tianwu except this pill. After careful confirmation, Su An felt relieved.

In the current situation, Wang Tianwu's injury could never be cured, nor could he be allowed to die.

So Su An asked Dr. Zhang not to use destiny to treat it, but to let him take care of himself slowly and give him some medicine every day.

"Okay, no problem, you have the final say, I will listen to you."

At dusk, Su An was waiting for them to come back at the entrance of the village. The first person to come back was Song Xuan. Seeing that he was alone, he could naturally guess that no one had caught up with him.

But Su An still asked, in case there was good news, it wasn't guaranteed, but in the end the payment was made by mistake.

"It's not that I didn't catch him, it's that I caught him but didn't catch him."

Song Xuan told Su An that Sun Gang should have practiced Xiapan Kung Fu. He ran extremely fast without getting tired or panting. If he hadn't been unable to fly, he would have felt like he could do magic.

Su An has seen their destiny and they have no special powers. Although they can use metal magic, it has nothing to do with speed. He guessed:

"I guess it's because of the medicine?"

Song Xuan couldn't figure it out either. After Su An said this, he thought it might be the reason. After he and Zhou Chao caught up with him on horseback, Sun Gang saw that he couldn't outrun the horse, so he took the mountain trail instead.

The mountains and forests were not conducive to horse running, and they could not run on foot. In the end, they could not catch up.

But there is good news. If he keeps wandering in the mountains and forests, it may take four or five days to return to the county to mobilize the skitarii.

"What about Yunbo? Why are you back alone? Where are the people from the Zhou Dynasty?"

Su An was really afraid that Zhou Chao would just run away. It was a troubled time now. He was such a master, but he was the backbone of his side.

Yunbo was able to catch up, but he had no effort and was injured by Sun Gang a few times. He was unable to move or ride a horse. He was currently recovering from his injuries in Sanshan Village.

Su An slapped his forehead, knowing he would not have let Yun Bo go. He was annoyed by his decision and said: "The injury is so serious, I will ask Doctor Zhang to go to Sanshan Village immediately. What about Zhou Dynasty?"

Seeing that Zhou Chao could not catch up and the time was getting late, he went back to Kuangfeng Village to see his brothers off.

Song Xuan rushed back with the purpose of taking Doctor Zhang to Sanshan Village to treat Yun Bo.

After Song Xuan took the people away, Su An kept pacing back and forth at the entrance of the village. After waiting for a while, the old village chief and several respected people in the village came back one after another.

After waiting all afternoon, the wait was not in vain. Each of them brought back good news.

"Ziping, you are really right. The nearby villages are full of complaints about the Lulong Immortal Temple. I went to ask about the situation, but they were not willing to enshrine the Immortal Temple, so as soon as I told them, they agreed to the alliance."

In the past half month, Lulongxian Temple has set its sights near Yunshan, and almost all the villages in front of Guanyang Village have received notifications.

Regarding the establishment of an immortal temple, asking for money and food, and having to kneel down and worship in the morning and evening, naturally no one would accept these things.

As you can guess, they have made these villages very restless, and the people in the villages will not give up.

Su An's meaning is very simple. He hopes to unite several nearby villages and unite those who can unite to boycott the Lulong Temple.

He still didn't believe it. This Lulong Immortal Temple dared to massacre all the thousands of people nearby.

In the afternoon, I went to learn more about it. Although the Lulong Immortal Temple has a bad reputation, when it does evil things, it is only to kill the first bird and kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. It never dares to massacre the village.

This shows that they still have scruples in their actions and are not just thieves who only know how to burn, kill, loot and torture.

"That's good, village chief, you are the fourth person to come back. There are already four villages willing to unite. At least we are not fighting alone."

"By the way, Ziping, Lulong Immortal Temple is no better than Kuangfeng Village. Are you sure you can face them this time?"

Su An gave a wry smile. To be honest, he was not sure at all, but since things were coming to him, there was no way to hide away.

"Don't worry, village chief. If one comes, we will fight. If two come, we will fight. We will win."

Before the village chief left, he said meaningfully: "The behavior of this Lulong Immortal Temple has long made people angry. If you can eradicate him, your reputation will definitely be famous in Lingling. I am optimistic about you."

He watched the village chief leave without saying a word. He did not dare to think of eradicating the Lulong Immortal Temple. I don’t know where these people got the confidence to believe in themselves so much.

Su An has always suspected that there must be some secret behind the Lulong Temple they built, otherwise the government would not be able to control it.

If they learn Taiping Tao and use talisman water to cure diseases and save people, Su An will accept it. However, the actions of Lulongxian Temple are obviously to wreak havoc on the people, and it is strange that no one stepped forward to take care of it.

Anyway, now he has also provoked Lulongxian Temple. Wherever there is resistance, there will be war. In one word, just fight and fight.

Su An didn't mind being the first person at all, and besides, he might be able to gain a wave of followers, which would upgrade the Qing Emperor's luck, and he might even be able to obtain a divine soul.

In order to unlock the inner power of this book of souls, one must have power, and there is a limit to the scale of power.

The Soul of the Divine Bow itself is given in the Unlock the Divine Soul chapter. If you want to unlock the next Divine Soul, the force scale of Kuangfeng Village is not enough yet, and at least fifty people need to join.

This is not a problem for Su An, who is starting to prepare for Su's Trading Company.

By then, including the people in the village, the scale of power should be enough to unlock the next soul.

(End of this chapter)

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