Chapter 49 Destiny Runs Away
  The matter was settled, which proved that the money was well spent. Although Su An's heart was bleeding, her energy was surprisingly good.

After finishing the meal, they rushed back to the parliament. After some polite exchanges, Su An personally escorted them out of the village.

"Clang clang clang."

Just as they were about to leave, the gong in the village was struck. Under normal circumstances, the sound of the gong indicated that something serious had happened.

"That's the sound of the gong. Did something happen? Wasn't Kuangfeng Stronghold wiped out?"

"Could it be that the guardian army of Lulong Immortal Temple has arrived?"

Su An chuckled, it was definitely impossible to be the Lulongxian Temple Guards Army, because they were all in the county town, separated by a hundred and twenty miles and a mountain road, and they couldn't get through in terms of time.

But it seems that they should be the gang in the town.

When Su An arrived at the entrance of the village, he counted twelve people in total.

As he expected, they were all dressed in the same uniform as the Lulong Immortal Temple, standard black clothes, embroidered with Bagua python pictures.

"I didn't expect that Sun Gang, such a cautious person, didn't persuade this group of people."

With just one glance, Su An could confirm that they came behind Sun Gang's back.

These people were armed with swords, sticks and other weapons, but no long-range weapons, and confronted the villagers at the entrance of the village.

They didn't dare to break in. They must have listened and were afraid of Zhou Chao, a master.

"People in Guanyang Village, listen and release Deacon Wang Tianwu quickly, otherwise, when our Lulongxian Temple Guards arrive, you will be dead without any body parts."

In terms of numbers, they couldn't match the superiority of Guanyang Village, but in terms of strength, they were crushed. The discussions among the village chiefs could be heard in my ears, mostly because they wanted to see how Su An would handle this matter.

Su An smiled. This group of people was not as large as the people in Kuangfeng Village. He didn't know why they dared to invade the village in a dozen people.

"Shut up. When you people from Lulongxian Temple come here, can't you rinse your mouth first? Every time a person comes, they say these words. I'm tired of saying it myself, but you guys are really not tired of it."

As Su An spoke, he used his mirror ability to check. These people did not have destiny, but they all had their valves unlocked, and they all had golden power.

From this point, one thing can be seen. There should be some secret book in Lulong Immortal Temple, which can help them unlock the air gate with the power of the metal system, so as to gain skills.

However, these people in front of me are all small characters, with the ability to stand up to the sky, only the first level of Huang level, or the second level of Huang level.

If you really think about it, it is almost the same as Song Xuan.

However, they had no destiny. Song Xuan challenged each other one by one, and no one among them was an opponent.

Su An didn't take them seriously, didn't even give them a chance to speak, and directly displayed the Qing Emperor's Qi.

"Why did a blue mist suddenly appear?"

"Other than Village Chief Su, there is no other person who can do this."

"Look at my mouth. How can I still be called Village Chief Su now? I should be called Village Chief Su."

Within the green mist of the Qing Emperor's Qi, the believers of Lulong Immortal Temple felt extremely itchy and weak.

In just three breaths, they couldn't even put together a unified defense, let alone stabilize themselves, and just grabbed their necks and arms with their hands.

The difference in realm was so great that the believers of Lulong Immortal Temple could not resist. There was no other way except grabbing their arms and faces.

In the blink of an eye, these people scratched their faces and hands until they were bleeding, and their mouths were itching.

There are even people who roll around in the mist and forcefully use stones to relieve the itching.

Su An didn't understand why no one ran out of the blue mist. His blue mist was not the black tide mist, and he couldn't escape if it covered him.

And there is no blinding effect. The outside can see inside, and the inside can also see outside. It is easy to run out.

Naturally, he didn't know that Qingwu did not have many restrictions, but his whole body was paralyzed by the power, and he also felt an itchy feeling, which was a sign of being immobilized by a strange itching feeling.

Without any perseverance, there is really no way to escape from the mist without encountering severe pain. There was an archery tower built at the entrance of the village. A group of ten archers were on the archery tower, aiming at Qingwu's people, but Su An did not give an order and they did not move.

I have tested the power of the arrow tower in the morning. It is very powerful. As long as it can hit the target, it can be said that it is easy to kill someone with one arrow.

The other arrow tower is only half-completed, and it is estimated that it will be built in less than a day.

As the cultists roared, Su An used his wood domain ability to aim the tree vines at the people in Qingwu and attacked them.

It is said that one learns from one's mistakes, and Su An has suffered two losses. Now, he has planted trees in all the places that lacked trees within ten feet of the village.

In front of everyone, the tree vine directly tied up the twelve believers without giving them a chance to struggle. All the people who came were annihilated.

When the green mist cleared, all twelve people were tied up by tree vines, but at this time, their faces no longer looked like human beings, which was heart-wrenching to look at.

Su An himself didn't expect that with one move, he would open another air gate, and his realm would reach the fifth level of the Yellow Order.

He didn't even expect that he could capture twelve people with one person and break the rules of destiny, so he got the blue destiny of fighting and ran away quickly.

The function of sprinting is not only to be as light as a swallow and as fast as thunder, but also to increase one's own speed, which is five times the fastest speed.

Yunbo's white destiny only increased his speed by three times when he ran fast, while his own blue destiny increased by five times, which was very beautiful.

He almost didn't laugh out loud. These twelve people came at the right time. Not only did they open the door, but they also sent a destiny, and they also gained a reputation in front of this group of partners.

Asking people to take them down and find a place to lock them up first, Su An hoped that they would be sent one by one. The more people arrested, the greater the bargaining chip.

"Actually, you don't need to do anything about this matter. Just be careful with your eyes and ears. Once you find people from Lulong Temple coming, you can run faster and let us know."

"In addition, once it is discovered that the Lulongxian Temple army is dispatched, the village protection guards of each village must follow them quietly to build up their momentum."

It was just that there was not enough time, otherwise Su An would really like to visit various villages, look for people with special fighting destiny, and form an army of low-level superpowers.

There is also the manufacturing chapter in the Qing Emperor Divine Book, which contains manufacturing drawings that cover almost all fields, including manufacturing drawings for weapons and equipment.

With his current ability, he can only watch these good things. Even if he unlocks several of them because of his reputation, he has no ability and cannot make them.

For example, armor, bows and arrows, it is illegal to manufacture them in large quantities, and those caught will be beheaded.

If he is lawless, such as becoming a bandit, it will have no impact. Now that Kuangfeng Village is in his hands, he may be able to take advantage of it.

The village chiefs of each village also understand their responsibilities. They have signed an agreement before. No matter which village Lulongxian Temple causes trouble, the other villages will support them without hesitation.

This matter is still just the beginning. Most of the pressure is on Guanyang Village, so the villages are currently very safe.

They all have a retreat, even Guanyang Village has a retreat, but Su An doesn't have one, so he can only win when facing the Skitarii.

The destiny of running quickly comes at a very good time. Its supernatural power cannot be cultivated through practice. It is completely a special power bonus.

After sending away the village chiefs, Su An began to study the Qing Emperor's Divine Book carefully, looking for useful destiny in the Destiny Chapter.

He wants to unlock them all and create a few masters. Currently, what he lacks is masters.

So this afternoon, people in the village saw an unruly Su An. If they didn't have a good impression of him, they would definitely want to beat him to death.

For example, in public, Su An covered his face with a black scarf, suddenly rushed out, pointed a kitchen knife at Uncle Wu who came back from the field, and directly shouted that he wanted to steal money.

Fourth Uncle Wu was confused for a long time. There was no difference between being masked and unmasked, and he had no idea what he was doing. But because someone reminded him and finally gave him some money, the farce came to an end.

For another example, he swaggered to the blacksmith shop, used a very gangster tone, deliberately looked for trouble, and smashed the inside and outside of the blacksmith shop.

Fortunately, he saved a hand and only knocked over some things, so it was not troublesome to clean them up. Otherwise, according to Blacksmith Wang's temper, he would have to go back and clean up the blacksmith shop.

As for snatching candy from children, fighting dogs for bones, and being chased all over the village by more than a dozen dogs, it was all normal for the whole afternoon.

"This Ping Mo was stunned. He still said that he was possessed by an immortal. After sending away the village chiefs, he seemed to have become a different person."

(End of this chapter)

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