Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1711 This world respects martial arts

Chapter 1711 This world respects martial arts
  "Okay, it's over."

Zhang Xuyao, the representative of Qianye County, said calmly in the direction of everyone in Tianwu County.

While speaking, he also signaled to a player from Qianye County, asking the player to take action against Tianwu County.

When Zhang Xuyao ​​thought about it, one player was enough to deal with a mere ninth-grade county.

After receiving the signal, a player from Qianye County walked in the direction of everyone from Tianwu County.

"Yes, it's over."

Seeing the players from Chiba County approaching, Tang Yi laughed at this time and said the same words as Zhang Xuyao, the representative of Chiba County.

But after saying that, Tang Yi didn't take any action and just stood there quietly.

However, with this look, in the eyes of others, they thought Tang Yi was scared out of his wits.

"Are the players from Tianwu County so scared? Are they too useless?"

"He must have given up your resistance by standing there. After all, the ninth-grade commandery has no suspense at all against the seed commandery."

"It's so ridiculous. The two major counties asked them to unite before, but they refused. Now, they are scared out of their wits."

"I have long said that gathering the strength of the three families to deal with Qianye County together is the best and most promising method. However, this time Tianwu County stayed out of the matter, allowing Weihuo County and Mengcheng County to be attacked. Elimination is really stupid. Is this okay? Weihuo County and Mengcheng County were eliminated, leaving them with only a ninth-grade commandery. I would like to see how they are only a ninth-grade commandery. How to resist Chiba County?"

"How do the people in Tianwu County have such brains? I don't know what they are thinking."

"Maybe they had no hope of winning in the first place, so they didn't want to unite with the other two major counties."

"Hmph, a ninth-grade county is just a ninth-grade county. It has no ambition at all. It really doesn't want to make progress."

"It's over, it's over. There is no suspense in the twenty-fifth arena. Chiba County has successfully entered the top twenty-five this year."

"Other counties have united to face the seed counties. At this moment, other arenas are still anxious, and the 25th arena is about to end without any suspense."


The audience who had not paid attention to Tianwu County shook their heads and said.

"Hey, what is the player from Tianwu County doing just standing there? Isn't he holding back his ultimate move? With his character, it's really possible. I'm afraid the player from Qianba County will suffer now."

"Many people say that the player from Tianwu County was scared out of his wits. Haha, that's because they are ignorant. Will he be scared out of his wits by defeating players from two major counties on his own? It's really ridiculous."

"Although I don't know why Tianwu County did not unite with the other two counties, I watched the two matches of Tianwu County. Based on my understanding of them, they must have something to rely on, so they did not join forces with Tianwu County. Union. And standing where you are now, you must have something to rely on."

"I'm really looking forward to it. I really want to see if Tianwu County has the strength to compete with Seed County. I should be able to see it soon, right? The players from Tianwu County should be taking action soon, right? "

"The leader of the Tianwu Commandery is very strong, but the others are average. Whether he is the opponent of the Seed Commandery remains to be seen. However, I am looking forward to the next battle."


Those viewers who had watched the competition between Tianwu County and the Kingdom had different opinions.

Everyone looked expectant and wanted to see the next performance of Tianwu Commandery.

No, it should be said that he wanted to see Tang Yi's next performance.

After all, only Tang Yi can defeat Tianwu County.

As for being scared silly or something, these viewers didn't pay any attention to it.   spectating platform.

The eldest prince Feng Jiarong was very disappointed with Tianwu County at this moment.

Originally, he was very interested in Tianwu Commandery. After all, a ninth-grade commandery actually broke into the third round and defeated two powerful opponents in a row. This is still very eye-catching.

However, seeing the performance of Tianwu Commandery at this moment, the eldest prince suddenly lost interest at all.

Shaking his head slightly, the eldest prince turned away his eyes and no longer focused on the twenty-fifth arena. Instead, he focused his eyes on the top player from the Bloody Cloud County in the previous session, and the more he looked at it, the brighter his eyes became.

The players from the Xueyun County performed much more brilliantly and looked better than those from the Tianwu County.

On the side, Feng Jinrong, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom, had completely different ideas from the eldest prince. The old king knew and saw much more than the eldest prince Feng Jiarong.

At this moment, seeing the warriors from Qianye County slowly heading towards the direction of everyone from Tianwu County, Feng Jinrong, the leader of Kamikaze Kingdom, couldn't help but get excited, secretly looking forward to Tang Yi's next performance.

Of course, it was impossible for him to think that Tang Yi was scared stupid.

How could he be so scared?

How could a warrior who could defeat two major kingdoms single-handedly be so scared?

It’s even more impossible to admit defeat!

If you admit defeat, there is no need to stand still, just speak directly or step off the ring.

And the reason why they are standing where they are, Tang Yi and others must have something to rely on, or this is Tang Yi's tactics.

Arena No. 25.

Seeing everyone in Tianwu County standing motionless, looking as if they were 'scared', the player from Qianba County who walked towards Tianwu County suddenly sneered disdainfully, and secretly thought to himself that it was indeed Jiu. Pinjunguo is indeed a hot chicken.

Of course, as a player from the Seed County, this player from Chiba County would not say such vulgar words. On the surface, he said to Tang Yi: "You should admit defeat. After all, you can't be our Qianba County player." If Ye Junguo's opponents admit defeat now, they will be spared a lot of physical pain."

Tang Yi sneered and said: "You, Qianye County, should admit defeat. After all, your Qianye County cannot be the opponent of our Tianwu County. If you admit defeat now, you can avoid a lot of physical pain."


The player from Chiba County glanced at Tang Yi slightly, frowned and said, "You want to imitate me?"

In the distance, Zhang Xuyao, the representative of Qianye County, and the remaining Qianye County players seemed to have heard Tang Yi's words, and they couldn't help but frown.

"No! I didn't imitate how you speak. It's just what you want to say, and I want to say it to you too."

Tang Yi said calmly.

"Are you looking for death? Even the Weihuo and Mengcheng commanderies didn't dare to provoke our Qianye commandery like this. You, a ninth-grade commandery, actually dare to provoke us?"

The player from Chiba County narrowed his eyes. The tone was very sharp.


Tang Yi laughed coldly and said: "This world respects martial arts, not which county you are in. If you are judged by birth, then why should you practice martial arts? Just give birth to a good child. "

(End of this chapter)

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