Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1717: Unmoving as a mountain, this is Tang Yi.

Chapter 1717: Unmoving as a mountain, this is Tang Yi.

Those who have never seen the competition between Tianwu Commandery and Kingdom, but saw the four major seed commanderies targeting Tianwu Commandery together, felt that Tianwu Commandery was in disgrace.

Definitely eliminated.

However, those viewers who knew the strength of Tianwu Commandery were suddenly excited.

Everyone was secretly looking forward to it at this moment, looking forward to the reactions of others after Tianwu Commandery slapped the four major commanderies in the face.

On the viewing platform, some people who had doubts about Tang Yi's strength, such as the eldest prince, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom, and some big shots who had paid attention to Tianwu County, were all looking at the No. 3 arena attentively.

Everyone wants to see how Tianwu Commandery, a ninth-grade commandery, will respond and perform in the face of the encirclement and suppression by the four major commanderies.

Arena No. 3.

The players from the four major counties slowly approached Tianwu County.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi sneered disdainfully, and instantly understood the purpose of the four major counties.

Although he knew the purpose of the four major counties, Tang Yi didn't say anything, let alone do anything. Instead, he just stood there and waited quietly.

He seemed to turn a blind eye to the players from the four major counties approaching.

Anyway, to Tang Yi, these people are just ants.

Even if they were allowed to take action, they would not have any influence on Tang Yi, nor would they be able to hurt him at all.

Seeing that Tang Yi was calm and composed, Su Jingsheng and the others behind Tang Yi were even more calm.

Tang Yi is not afraid, so what are they afraid of?
  If Tang Yi is taking care of something in the front, what worries do they have in the back?
  Absolutely not.

They are just lying down behind them, okay?

And it’s the kind that you can lie down and swim in any way you want.

Now, Su Jingsheng and the others can be regarded as salted fish, the kind that are very salty and will not turn over.

They are also happy to be salty fish.

After all, you can enter the top ten in the county competition while lying down, why not?
  After going out, you can brag to others that you have entered the top ten in the county competition.

Don’t others praise and envy you in various ways?
  Who knew you were lying on it?
  no one knows.

Therefore, seeing Tang Yi's calmness, Su Jingsheng and others also stood calmly behind Tang Yi, looking calm and calm.

The players from the four major counties were slightly surprised when they saw that the players from the Tianwu County remained calm when faced with the pressure from themselves and others.

They really didn't expect that a mere ninth-grade county could be so calm in the face of the encirclement and suppression of players from the four major seed counties.

Of course, they were surprised, and the players from the four major counties would not let them go just because they were surprised or because of Tianwu County's calmness.

After all, it is indeed a big shame to be on the same stage with a ninth-grade commandery. They must deal with this ninth-grade commandery before they can start the competition.

The players from the four major counties slowly approached the position where everyone from the Tianwu County was. When they got close to a certain distance, the players from the Xuanxing County spoke to Tang Yi and others: "Players from the Tianwu County, you Just step down from the ring and admit defeat, so that you can avoid the pain of having your skin turned over. Otherwise, when we take action later, you will not feel so comfortable."

The players from Crescent County who were approaching also said: "That's right, you should admit defeat quickly, this will save us from taking action."

"It's already very good that your ninth-grade commandery has reached this point. There is no need to continue." The player from Ximing Commandery said.

The players from Aoyu County followed the same style as the representatives of the county. Their speeches were very concise and said directly: "Admit defeat."


Tang Yi smiled coldly and said nothing, but turned to look at Su Jingsheng and others behind him. Su Jingsheng understood immediately, and then opened his mouth and shouted to the four seeded county players: "It is impossible to admit defeat, and it is impossible to admit defeat in this life. You can only maintain your life by beating the soy sauce gangster rankings. If you have the ability, Knock us out of the ring.”

"We have gone through a lot of fighting, but we have not experienced physical pain. If you have the ability, will you let us go through it?"

Chai Shaohui shouted shamelessly. They completely forgot that when they didn't believe Tang Yi, they asked to appear and were beaten black and blue, and they were still injured at the moment.

"What do you mean that our Tianwu County has reached this point and is very good and does not need to continue? What do you mean? Do you mean that our feet are broken and we can't walk? It's really funny! But it's a pity, our feet are fine. , we must continue to walk, and go far, ahead of you."

Xu Jie also said loudly.

"I think you are the ones who should admit defeat. You'd better admit defeat as soon as possible, otherwise you won't have time to regret it when our captain takes action. It's good to suffer the pain of flesh and blood. If the attack is too hard and you lose your hand, It’s not good to have a broken leg and a mutilated body.”

Yin Feiran countered.

Hearing the words of Su Jingsheng and others, the four seed county players were slightly startled.

"Your Tianwu County is tougher than I thought. However, some of the players from some counties are the type who won't shed tears until they see the coffin. It's better to let you suffer a little."

"Even a mere ninth-grade county dares to challenge us. It's really a waste of life and death. Anyway, in that case, I'll let you see how powerful I am."

"I want to see how you can cut off our hands and feet."

"Stop talking nonsense to them, let's take action together."

The four seeded county players said.

With that said, the four players from the Seed County jumped up and rushed towards the direction of Tianwu County.

And since Tang Yi was at the front, their first target could only be Tang Yi.

The four of them launched their tactics one after another and launched an attack on Tang Yi.

"The Holy Mysterious Curse of Nirvana!"


"Holy level phosphorescent claws!"

"The Heavenly Remnant Holy Hand!"

It has to be said that the players from these four seed counties are all very powerful, and the martial arts they perform are extremely terrifying and powerful. The energy billows out from their moves, sudden changes occur, and countless brilliance flows.

If four attacks of this magnitude were directed at a player from another ordinary county, they would probably beat that player into a pulp.

Even for players from seed counties, it would be extremely difficult to face them, and they might even be seriously injured in an instant.

After all, four players from different seed counties joining forces to attack is no joke.

It can be seen how powerful these four martial arts are.


Facing the martial arts skills performed by the four seed county players, Tang Yi smiled disdainfully, then stretched out his hand slightly, put it in front of his face, and then stopped making any moves.

Seeing Tang Yi's reaction, the people watching the competition suddenly sneered. Everyone felt that Tang Yi was stupid. He actually wanted to use a pair of fleshy palms to resist the attacks of four seed county players. This was really stupid. Extremely.

However, before everyone could laugh or ridicule Tang Yi, only four contestants from different seed counties were seen, and their martial arts skills had already bombarded Tang Yi...

(End of this chapter)

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