Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1720 The three major seed counties take action

Chapter 1720 The three major seed counties take action
  Of course, in the eyes of the players from the three major prefectures, it is just a ninth-grade prefecture, and there is no need for the four major seed prefectures to attack together.

As long as any seed county takes action, it is actually enough.

And the three major counties forced Aoyu County to take action together because they were afraid that Aoyu County would reap the benefits!
  If they had defeated Tianwu Commandery, they would have started fighting on the spot.

But Aoyu Commandery's team hid far away, sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight. Didn't that give Aoyu Commandery a benefit?

Doesn’t that allow Aoyu Commandery’s plan to succeed?
  All the representatives of the Zedong County are talented people, and no one is so stupid that others can take advantage of them.

Therefore, when they saw that Ao Xingyuan, the representative of Aoyu County, had no expression, they attacked Ao Xingyuan and wanted to force the players of Aoyu County to take action together.

In this way, after solving the Tianwu Commandery, they would not have any scruples even if they started fighting on the spot.

However, facing the provocation and coercion of the other three major commanderies, Ao Xingyuan said calmly: "There is no need to use provocation to provoke me. I can tell you clearly that our Aoyu Commandery will not take action this time. , if you want to eliminate Tianwu County, you just have to do it yourself."

After a pause, Ao Xingyuan added: "Of course, although we won't take action, we won't take advantage of you when you attack Tianwu County. You can rest assured. In addition, as long as you can eliminate Tianwu County, country, when the time comes, our Aoyu County will also participate in the war, compete fairly together, and obtain quotas based on strength, instead of reaping the benefits, you can rest assured about this."

"No, why should we believe you? That being said, what if you take advantage of us to take action against Tianwu County and then plot against us? Where will we go to reason with you then? This is about the top ten places, Rong Don’t be careless in the slightest.”

The county representative of Ximing County refused.

The representatives of Crescent County were unwilling to say: "Although your Aoyu County has always been known for its frankness, who can say for sure about this kind of thing! This is a matter of competition for the top ten places. For the top ten places, , it’s normal to abandon frankness and play some intrigues.”


The county representative of Xuanxing County nodded and said: "Although you, Ao Xingyuan, are trustworthy, I can't believe it at this juncture. Brother Ao, let's join us and take action against Tianwu County together. We have solved Tianwu County country, we can fight as much as we want, and we won’t be embarrassed if we lose to either side. And if Tianwu Commandery is not eliminated, if we kill each other and let Tianwu Commandery take advantage, it will be very embarrassing. There is no way I would let this happen no matter what. The only solution to prevent this from happening is to eliminate the Tianwu Commandery."

Although Ao Xingyuan promised that he would not take advantage of the situation and that after the Tianwu County was solved, there would be fair competition and he would not take advantage of others, but the representatives of the other three major counties were still unwilling.

"I said, we will not take action this time. No matter what you say, our Aoyu County will not take action. If you are not satisfied, then come and take action against our Aoyu County. Our Aoyu County will not I will be afraid of you."

Ao Xingyuan said firmly.

In his opinion, Tang Yi was too mysterious, giving him a feeling that he couldn't see through it.

Moreover, he felt a dangerous aura on Tang Yi's body.

Rather than facing such a dangerous opponent, it would be more reliable to face the three major seed counties who know the basics.

Ao Xingyuan is not a fool.

Although the players from Aoyu Commandery were wondering why Ao Xingyuan didn't take action against Tianwu Commandery, they didn't say much.

After all, strength is respected, and Ao Xingyuan is stronger than them and is their leader, so they can only absolutely obey Ao Xingyuan's orders.

Ao Xingyuan couldn't take action, so they couldn't take action.

Otherwise, reckless disobedience will make other countries' warriors laugh, and it may even cause internal dissension.

Whether a county is strong or not depends on its internal unity. If unity is affected, the impact on the county will be great.

As players from the Seed County, it is impossible for players from the Aoyu County not to know this.     Of course, the most important point is.

Ao Xingyuan is a member of the Aoyu royal family and has a high status. They must obey Ao Xingyuan's orders.

Therefore, although they were confused about Ao Xingyuan's approach, the other players from Aoyu County were not dissatisfied at all.


No matter how forced or angered the representatives of the three major seed commanderies were, Aoyu Commandery remained unmoved and was unwilling to take action against Tianwu Commandery.

Helpless, the representatives of the Crescent County could only say: "In this case, Brother Ao, you and the Aoyu County cannot take advantage of the situation. After we have solved the Tianwu County, we cannot just sit back and reap the benefits. When the time comes, Everyone must compete fairly."

Ao Xingyuan replied: "This is natural. We in Aoyu County have always kept our word. If we say we won't do it, we won't do it."

"Okay, since Brother Ao is not willing to take action against Tianwu Commandery together and promises fair competition with us, then we won't force it. In this case, let the three of us take action against Tianwu Commandery together." Xinyue Commandery The county representative said.

"it is good."

"It can only be this way."

Said the county representatives of Ximing County and Xuanxing County.

After unifying their opinions, with the exception of Aoyu Commandery, a total of twelve players from the other three seed commanderies began to surround Tianwu Commandery.

Although Tang Yi showed great strength, he defeated four players from seed counties with one punch from the air.

But in the eyes of the players from the three major counties, Tang Yi's method can only be used once at most and cannot be used all the time.

Otherwise, it would be too strong.

Everyone is a contestant in the county-state competition. How could anyone be so strong? This is too unrealistic and exaggerated.

Therefore, although Tang Yi defeated four players from the seed counties with one punch from the air, none of the players from the three major counties were afraid of Tang Yi and still dared to attack him.

The three major counties took action together to deal with Tianwu County, twelve against five, and Seed County against ordinary counties.

I have to say, this is a bit bullying.

No matter in terms of number of people or quality of players, they are completely unequal.

The audience was also very contemptuous of this.

However, the players from the three major counties didn't care at all and continued to go their own way, completely turning a blind eye to the audience's disdain.

After all, compared to being embarrassed, compared to being compared to a ninth-grade commandery, and compared to being reaped by a ninth-grade commandery, mere contempt is nothing to mention.

In this way, a total of twelve players from the three major counties began to take action against Tianwu County.

(End of this chapter)

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