Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1722: Make dumplings and defeat three major counties.

Chapter 1722: Make dumplings and defeat the three major counties.

Tang Yi waved his right hand, and a long sword glowing with black light appeared in his hand.

This was the first time Tang Yi took out weapons in the county-state competition.

Holding the long sword, Tang Yi suddenly swept forward.


A ray of sword energy swept out, spreading forward like a ray of moonlight.

Facing this sword energy that swept out like moonlight, and feeling the terrifying power of the sword energy, the expressions of the twelve seed county players suddenly changed, as if they had seen something terrifying, and they all He gave up the attack, forcibly interrupted the martial arts in his hands, and retreated quickly.

These twelve players from seeded counties were not very fast when they came, but when they pulled away and flew back, they were extremely fast, as if they had four legs under their feet, running at lightning speed.

However, they were fast and their sword energy was even faster. They were approaching them in an instant, getting closer and closer to them.

If you are caught up by sword energy and blasted in front of you, anyone who is not stupid knows what will happen.

There is nothing but death.

Therefore, seeing the sword energy getting closer and closer, the twelve players from the three major seed counties were immediately frightened.

They hurriedly gritted their teeth, tried their best, and retreated at a faster speed.

With this retreat, he retreated to the edge of the ring.

Moreover, the distance between the sword energy and the sword energy has not been increased, the sword energy is still close at hand.

As long as the players from the three major seed counties slow down even a little bit, they will most likely be overtaken immediately by the sword energy.

At this distance, players from the three major counties could not change directions to avoid it.

As long as they pause for a moment while turning, their entire body will be cut into pieces by the sword energy.

At this moment, they had no choice but to block and continue to run away in a straight line.

As for hard blocking, can it be blocked?

The answer is uncertain.

Facing such terrifying sword energy, the warriors from the three major seed counties did not have any confidence and did not dare to joke with their own lives.

Although killing is not allowed in the county-state competition, if it is accidentally killed, there is nothing that can be done.

Therefore, players from the three major seed counties dare not take this risk.

In this way, while hesitating and flying back, the warriors from the three major seed counties gradually came to the ring, and there was no way to retreat.

However, at this moment, the sword energy was still getting closer and closer to them, and was about to catch up with them.

At this time, if the players from the three major seed counties did not want to be crushed by the sword energy, they could only jump off the ring to escape.

The ring is seven or eight meters high. As long as they jump off the ring, the sword energy sweeping over them will not be able to hit them.

But... jumping off the ring is equivalent to admitting defeat. The three major seed county teams are all extremely ambitious teams. How could they be willing to jump off the ring, stop at the top twenty-five, and give up the top ten spots.

Of course not.

At this critical moment, the Xuanxing County representative flew back and shouted loudly towards the other two county representatives: "Two representatives, what should we do? We can only hide under the ring, but we can't hide." If we hide, our lives will be seriously threatened. It’s neither possible to advance nor to retreat now.”

"I didn't expect that this boy from Tianwu County was so strong and could carry out such an attack. I really didn't expect this. Of course, the main thing was contempt. If I had been more careful and well-prepared before, I'm afraid, We wouldn’t have ended up in this situation.”

The representative of Ximing County said regretfully.

"Okay, now what's the use of this? Let's think about what to do. If we can't think of a way, we will either be eliminated or strangled by this terrifying sword energy."

The Crescent County representative said anxiously.

"Do you think this sword energy is really that strong? Can't we stop it if twelve of us attack together?"

The county representative of Xuanxing County questioned. "I don't understand. I feel extremely powerful power from this sword energy. This power makes me tremble. Anyway, I definitely can't stop it." The representative of Ximing County replied.

The county representative of Xuanxing County suggested: "How about the twelve of us try to resist together! Anyway, if we retreat any more, we will fall off the stage and stop among the top twenty-five. If we don't retreat, we will be defeated by this again." The sword energy is strangling us, why not try to resist together. Maybe we can resist it."

"I agree. Instead of being eliminated or being strangled by this sword energy, it is better to fight to the death and maybe get a chance to turn defeat into victory." The representative of Ximing County agreed.

The representative of Crescent County also nodded and said: "I agree. Anyway, I don't want to lose to the ninth-grade county, nor do I want to die under the sword of a player from the ninth-grade county."

"Okay, now that it's settled, let's turn around and resist in three seconds. You can't betray your trust and kill us." The representative of Xuanxing County said solemnly.

"will not!"

"of course not!"

The other two major counties have said they will not.

"Okay, let me count down!"




"Turn around!"

Twelve players from the three major counties turned around at the same time, raised their weapons, and started to resist.

The teams of the three major counties are quite loyal, and no one of them has betrayed their trust.

If one of the counties breaks his promise and flees instead of turning around to resist, then the other two counties will be embarrassed.

I'm afraid it's possible to be directly blasted to death by the sword energy.

If something like this happened, the two counties that died would be unjust.

And the remaining county that fled will also be reviled.

But nothing like this happened.

While the players from the three major counties deployed their methods to resist, they also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

In this way, twelve players from the three major seed counties took action to resist Tang Yi's sword energy.

They all used their best strength and displayed their strongest martial arts skills in an attempt to resist Tang Yi's sword energy.

However, is Tang Yi's sword energy so easy to resist?
  Of course not!
  The moonlight-like sword energy swept across, like a surging ripple layer upon layer, and a terrifying sharp force tore through the void, making a harsh sound of breaking through the air.

In just an instant, the martial arts performed by twelve players from the three major seed counties were instantly wiped out by this terrifying sharp force.

The twelve attacks did not stir up any waves in the sword energy, nor did they have any impact on the sword energy.

He didn't even manage to block the sword energy, before he was chopped into pieces and turned into countless energy powders.

As for the players from the three major seed counties, they were also swept away by the terrifying sword energy in panic.

His clothes were torn, his body was thrown away, and he flew out of the ring in an instant.

next moment.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

There was a soft sound like countless sandbags falling to the ground, and the players from the three major seed counties fell to the ground one after another like dumplings.

Falling outside the ring...

(End of this chapter)

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