Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1725 Booing

Chapter 1725 Booing
  After fierce competition, the fourth round came to an end, with a total of ten teams standing out.

Arena No. 1 was won by Xueyun County, the first place in the last county-state competition, and Huayan County, the seventh place in the previous county-state competition.

The second stage was won by Chuya County, who came in second place in the previous County-State Competition, and Huohua County, who came in fifth in the previous County-State Competition.

Arena No. 3 was won by Aoyu Commandery, who placed eleventh in the previous Commandery Competition, and Tianwu Commandery, who ranked ninth in the Commandery Competition.

Arena No. 4 was won by Huosheng Junguo, who placed twelfth in the previous county-state competition, and Xiaobai Junguo, who ranked fifteenth in the previous county-state competition.

Arena No. 5 was won by Yuli Junguo, who placed fourth in the previous county-state competition, and Yuxiao Junguo, who placed third in the previous county-state competition.

Two teams advanced to each stage, and a total of ten teams successfully advanced and became the top ten of this year.

Among the top ten teams this year, there were a total of six finalists from the top ten teams in the previous county competition.

The rest of the promoted teams are all from the seed counties!
  Among the top ten teams this year, there are almost no teams from ordinary counties.

Of course, if there is no Tianwu Commandery, then there really is no ordinary Commandery.

However, it happened that Tianwu Commandery, the lowest ninth-grade commandery, appeared among the top ten teams.

Among the ten promotion teams, there are nine seed counties, but there is one ninth-level county.

This ninth-grade county is so out of place among all the seed counties.

It's so conspicuous!

As for Tianwu County being able to advance to the top ten, the audience present were all surprised.

Even the other nine seed counties that entered the top ten were extremely surprised and unbelievable.

Those who did not watch Arena No. 3 had no idea how a ninth-grade county entered the fifth round and became the top ten.

This is too unbelievable.

Even if those spectators who watched the competition on Arena No. 3 told the uninformed spectators the truth, these uninformed spectators still could not believe this fact.

It is even more unbelievable that the players from the Tianwu County are as strong as the players from the Seed County.

Not to mention that a ninth-level county has to stand out when the other four-level teams are all seed counties.

This is even more difficult!

The probability can be said to be almost zero!
  A team from a ninth-grade county, with strength comparable to that of a seed county, defeated the other four teams from a seed county and entered the fifth round, becoming the top ten in the county competition. This had never happened in previous years.

Maybe it won't happen again.

It's really too exaggerated.

And the reason why everyone is shocked and unbelievable when they know this is because the gap is there. The resources obtained by the warriors from the Ninth-grade Commandery are very rare and are not proportional to the resources obtained by the Seed Commandery. Players from the Ninth-grade Commandery want to It is still very difficult to catch up with the players from seed counties.

This is not a matter of talent and hard work, but a matter of resources!
  In the case of a huge disparity in cultivation resources, the gap in strength between the two sides is like a chasm, which is difficult to cross.

Otherwise, the top ten teams over the years would not all be teams from seed counties.

However, at this moment, a ninth-grade county actually crossed the gap and entered the top ten, which shocked everyone.

Of course, no matter how much the audience questions, disbelieves, or is shocked at this moment, Tianwu County appears in the last round and becomes the top ten in this year's County Competition. This is a fact and cannot be changed.

The audience can only discuss and question behind the scenes.

Kamikaze school grounds.

At this time, under the arrangements of the Kamikaze Imperial Family staff, there was only one arena left in the huge Kamikaze school field.

And this arena is even bigger than the previous five arenas!
  It was placed in the center of the kamikaze school grounds and attracted much attention.

In the fifth round, which is the final round, the rules are very simple.

It's still a melee. However, this time the scale of the melee escalated again, expanding to ten teams.

Ten teams compete together on the same stage!

Whichever team survives to the end will be the first place in this county competition!
  On the contrary, whichever team is eliminated first will be ranked tenth in this county competition!

And so on.

The team whose members are eliminated second is ranked ninth, the team whose members are eliminated third is ranked eighth, etc...

After understanding the rules, the ten teams took the stage one after another. Following the instructions of the Kamikaze Imperial staff, they stood in the prescribed positions and waited for the competition to begin.

At this moment, on the viewing stand.

The eldest prince stood at the edge of the viewing platform, facing the entire kamikaze school field, and said loudly: "After four rounds of competition, a total of ten teams stood out and entered the fifth round, becoming the candidates for our county competition. The top ten teams are, Xueyun County!"


Upon hearing the name of Xueyun County, the audience immediately applauded enthusiastically, and the applause was continuous and deafening.

After all, Xueyun County was the first place in the last county-state competition. It is very powerful. It is the champion of this year, so it is naturally popular with people.

The eldest prince Feng Jiarong stretched out his hand slightly, and the applause at the scene suddenly stopped and became quiet.

Continue reading: "Huayan County!"


Thinking of Huayan County, the audience applauded enthusiastically again, with thunderous applause.

Huayan County was ranked seventh in the last County Competition, and its performance this time was extremely eye-catching, so it was recognized and loved by a large portion of the audience.

After that, every time the eldest prince read the name of a county, all the audience at the scene applauded enthusiastically and enthusiastically. There were bursts of applause and the atmosphere was warm.


"Tianwu County."

When the eldest prince Feng Jiarong came to Tianwu County...


When the eldest prince read about Tianwu Commandery, there was still applause, but the applause was not as enthusiastic as before.

The voice has become several times quieter!
  Looking around, only one-fifth of the audience was applauding.

Compared with the previous applause when the other county teams were read, the momentum and voice were much smaller.

Moreover, it is very obvious and the gap can be clearly felt.

There was even a lot of boos in the audience, and the sound was quite loud!
  If it weren't for the part of the audience that applauded, it would have been very enthusiastic and loud.

I'm afraid the boos outweighed the applause.

At this moment, the attitude of most of the audience was obvious, that they looked down on Tianwu Commandery.

Look down on a mere ninth-grade county.

Feel like they shouldn't be in the final round.

Feel like they don't deserve to be in the final round.

So there was no applause, even boos.

(End of this chapter)

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