Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1738 Air pirates attack.

Chapter 1738 Air pirates attack.

In addition to two advanced martial arts, Tang Yi also obtained one million holy points and two hundred thousand holy spirit pills.

Of course, these are not important.

After all, Tang Yi still possesses tens of millions of holy points and millions of holy spirit pills.

A mere one million Holy Points and two hundred thousand Holy Spirit Pills would not make Tang Yi too excited.

The important thing is...

This mission actually awarded a title!
  The title of ‘Rookie of the Principality’ was awarded!

This is the second title Tang Yi has received in so long.

Moreover, it has been almost a year since I got my first title!

Since Tang Yi killed a large number of wolf monsters and obtained the title of Wolf Slayer Master a year ago, he has never won the title again.

Unexpectedly, after completing the task of the county competition, I actually won a title!
  Tang Yi was extremely happy to receive this title.

I can finally change my title!
  However, just when Tang Yi was excitedly preparing to open the title panel and check the title of Principality Rookie, a rumbling sound came from the sky in vain.

Hearing the sound, Tang Yi pulled his consciousness out of the system, and then raised his head suddenly.

At the same time, on the viewing platform, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom and all the big guys also raised their heads and looked at the sky.

At this time, countless black spots appeared densely in the distant sky.

These black spots were densely packed and there was no telling how many there were, like locusts, covering the sky and the sun.

Although it was already dusk, the sky was already dark.

But the sunset was especially bright, and with the help of the crimson sky, the strong men in the Kamikaze School Field could still clearly see these black spots in the distant sky.

However, because they were too far away, they could only see black dots. As for what these black dots were, no one knew yet.

However, when these black spots got closer and everyone saw clearly what these black spots were, including the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom Feng Jinrong, all the big guys in the spectator stand were shocked.

"It's a sky pirate!!"

"Quick, ring the awakening bell and prepare to defend yourself against the enemy."

After seeing clearly what these black spots were, Feng Jinrong, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom, hurriedly ordered loudly.

Hearing this, some powerful men from the Kamikaze Royal Family left the school grounds as fast as they could.


next moment.

A huge and loud bell rang, spreading throughout the Kamikaze Kingdom.

Hearing the sound of the bell, countless powerful men flew into the sky one after another and stood in formation above the capital of the Kamikaze Kingdom.

Moreover, strong men continued to appear throughout the Kamikaze Kingdom. As soon as these strong men appeared, they flew high into the sky and waited.

At this moment, the atmosphere was particularly tense. Everyone held their breath and looked extremely solemn.

What made them nervous and dignified were the countless black spots slowly approaching in the distance.

These black spots...

That's right, these black spots in the distance are all warships, the warships of sky pirates!
  Densely packed, I don’t know how many there are!
  At least no less than a few thousand ships!
  Moreover, there are more than a dozen warships among them that are extremely huge, covering the sky and the sun.

On such a scale, it was simply terrifying.

It was as if an army was pressing down on the situation, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

This is not a scale that the air pirates of a county can have. With such a scale, this group of incoming air pirates has at least reached the level of a principality and has the strength to match that of a principality.

Otherwise, these air pirates would not dare to fly towards the capital of Kamikaze Kingdom so openly!

Being able to do this means that they are not afraid of the Kamikaze Principality at all.

"All citizens of the principality should evacuate and return to their residences. They are not allowed to go out." Feng Jinrong, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom, ordered.

When giving the order, Feng Jinrong, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom, used some strength, and his voice spread throughout the Kamikaze Kingdom.

After hearing Feng Jinrong's order, the people in the Kamikaze Capital followed the order and quickly returned, staying behind closed doors. For a moment, the streets were deserted and deserted.

Millions of people in the Kamikaze campus also evacuated and returned home under the arrangements of the Kamikaze Imperial Family staff.

Although the matter was urgent, everyone was in good order.

Everyone saw the black dot in the sky, knew what it meant, and knew the seriousness of the matter, so no one was looking for trouble at this juncture.

It's a matter of life and death, no one cares.

In just a few minutes, the Kamikaze Campus was deserted, with millions of people leaving.

Of course, the reason why this can be done is because all the people in the Kamikaze Principality are armed.

Because everyone practiced martial arts, everyone was strong, and everyone could fly, so everyone left the Kamikaze school one after another.

Being able to fly away, the evacuation speed is of course extremely fast.

If they couldn't fly, if they had to queue up one by one from the exit, millions of people might not be able to finish the journey in several hours.

There might even be major accidents or other emergencies.

Therefore, even if you don't pursue strength, practicing martial arts is still beneficial.

In this way, under the order of the Lord of Kamikaze Kingdom, the entire Kamikaze Kingdom moved.

The people should hide and the strong should be on guard.

The big bosses of the major forces in Kamikaze Capital also left the viewing platform at the Kamikaze School Ground, returned to their own territories, and began to dispatch troops and horses, preparing to help Kamikaze Capital with its defense.

Ying Tianlei, the leader of the Sky Eagle Gang, the first gang in the Kamikaze Principality, and Zhao Haodang, the leader of the Xuanfeng Sect, the first sect in the Kamikaze Principality, left early and returned to their bases to start organizing strong men for defense.

After all, these big guys are all forces of the Kamikaze Principality, and they are all based in the capital of the Kamikaze Kingdom. At this moment, air pirates are attacking and the country is facing a crisis. They naturally want to help the principality in its defense, and they naturally want to share life and death with the principality.

Otherwise, if the principality is finished, they will be finished too.

The air pirate is not a good man or woman.

It's coming so fiercely at the moment, and it's definitely up to something evil.

There will definitely be a big battle later.

Under the influence of this war, it is impossible for all major forces to be spared, and no one can stay out of it.

Therefore, none of the big guys escaped from the battlefield.

At this moment, even the players from major counties were flying into the air, ready to prepare.

Together with the strong men from the Kamikaze Royal Family, the strong casual cultivators from the Kamikaze Kingdom, and the strong men from all the major forces, they will fight against the enemy.

Under the organization of the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom and a group of powerful figures, the entire Kamikaze Kingdom was in a state of high alert.

the other side.

Tang Yi also flew into the air, floating side by side with a group of county players.

At this moment, looking at the group of air pirate warships in the distance, Tang Yi felt excited and confused at the same time.

Excitedly, another 'monster' came to his door for him to kill.

With so many warships, there must be a large number of air pirates on board!
  In Tang Yi's eyes, these air pirates are holy values, martial arts, and all kinds of treasures!

What’s puzzling is that this is a principality. How dare air pirates attack the principality?
  Don't want to live anymore?

How courageous are these air pirates?
  Do they have the strength to deal with the principality?

(End of this chapter)

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