Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1754 The arrangement of Feng Wuyang, the master of Da Kong

Chapter 1754 The arrangement of Feng Wuyang, the master of Da Kong

Fengyu Tianthief hadn't been happy for long when he suddenly saw a figure coming out of the smoke.

Seeing this figure, the smiles of Feng Yu Tian Pirates and other powerful men suddenly solidified on their faces.

"He, he, he, he is still alive, what is going on?"

"Not only is he alive, the clothes on his body are all intact, as if nothing has happened."

"How is it possible? How is this possible! We all know the power of the World-Destroying Spear. Even the top Holy Emperor and even the Holy Sect-level powerhouse can kill him. However, nothing happened to him. It’s really weird.”

"What is going on with this ninth-level warrior? Why can't even the World-Destroying Spear work on him? What happened just now? How did he do it?!"

"I don't know why, but I have an ominous premonition. I always feel that this warrior from the ninth-grade commandery will bring a devastating blow to our Feng Yutian."

"He is flying towards us now. What should we do now? Even the World-Destroying Spear has no effect on him. What else can we use to deal with him?"


Seeing Tang Yi emerging from the smoke with his clothes intact and intact, the Fengyu Heavenly Thieves were extremely shocked. Everyone had an incredible look on their face, and everyone was extremely frightened.

Some people were even at a loss.

After all, even powerful combined attacks like the World-Destroying Spear can't harm Tang Yi, so what other means can harm him?

Seeing this scene, who can not be shocked, who can not be frightened.

Moreover, at this moment, Tang Yi continues to fly quickly towards the location of Feng Yu Tianthief. Seeing this, who can not be afraid?
  Who can not be afraid of a person who cannot even deal with such a powerful means as the World-Destroying Spear?
  "Don't panic. Why panic? Whoever dares to disturb the morale of the army will be the first to behead him."

The Four Sky Masters shouted loudly at the sky pirates.

Hearing the scolding of the Four Sky Masters, Feng Yu Tian Pirates' group of sky pirates stopped.

However, although they have subsided and no longer said uneasy words, the faces of the air pirates are still ugly, and the panic and uneasiness on their faces are still clearly visible.

Because of the suppression by the Four Sky Lords, they stopped making trouble, but the uneasiness in their hearts did not disappear.

Seeing the appearance of the sky pirates, the Fourth Sky Master frowned and did not criticize them any more.

Because he knew that no matter how harsh he was, he could not eliminate the uneasiness and fear in the hearts of the air pirates at this moment, and it would be in vain.

Therefore, the Fourth Sky Master did not continue to pay attention to the air pirates, but turned his head and said to the Great Sky Master Feng Wuyang: "Big Sky Master, this boy named Tang Yi can't even deal with the World-Destroying Spear. Now What should we do? Our men are all scared to death by this kid. If we continue like this, not only will we be embarrassed and thrown out of the principality, nor will we lose the prestige that Feng Yu has gained in the past few years, just these countless Years of accumulation may be destroyed in one day.”

"This Tang Yi is just a warrior from a ninth-grade county. I didn't expect him to be so difficult to deal with."

"The main reason is that Tang Yi is too narrow-minded. We have already shown weakness and retreated, yet he is still so aggressive and persistent in pursuit."

"He can even resist the world-destroying spear. Who is this Tang Yi? What level of strength has he reached?"

"Even the World-Destroying Spear can't deal with this Tang Yi, what else can we do to deal with it?"

"..."       Other senior officials of Feng Yu Tian Pirates said one after another. His face was extremely ugly.


The Great Sky Master Feng Wuyang scolded in dissatisfaction, and did not directly answer the Four Sky Masters' questions. Instead, he asked: "Four Sky Masters, are all the helmsmen who have reached the level of the Holy Emperor here now?"

The Fourth Sky Master didn't know why Feng Wuyang asked this, but he still replied: "Reporting to the Great Sky Master, all the helmsmen who have reached the Holy Emperor level, a total of 376 people, have now arrived."

Hearing this, the Great Sky Master Feng Wuyang nodded, thought for a moment, and said: "The Four Sky Masters, please prepare. Later, we, Feng Yutian, will all retreat, and you will take these helmsmen who have reached the Holy Emperor level with you." Your Majesty, buy us time to retreat."


The Fourth Sky Master was stunned for a moment, looked at the Big Sky Master in surprise, and said: "Big Kong Master, I... should I come to the rear?"

"What, are you scared?"

Feng Wuyang turned his head and stared at the Four Sky Masters with sharp eyes.

"No, no, it's just..."

The four empty masters hurriedly defended themselves.

"Since you are not afraid, then why are you hesitating? Are you saying that you want to disobey my order?" Feng Wuyang, the master of the Great Sky, said coldly.

"I don't dare. Since Master Da Kong needs me to stay and serve as the rearguard, then I will stay and serve as the rearguard."

The Master of the Four Spaces said respectfully.

Although he was extremely dissatisfied and unwilling in his heart, the Master of the Four Spaces did not dare to show it on his face.

After all, Si Kongzhu has been in contact with Da Kongzhu for a long time, and he knows the character of Da Kongzhu quite well. Da Kongzhu is not a soft-hearted person.

If you refuse at this moment, the outcome will definitely be extremely miserable.

Therefore, even if the Four Kong Masters were reluctant and dissatisfied with this arrangement, they had to accept it.

"I know that you are very dissatisfied with my arrangements. However, you don't have to worry. Because this time, you are not going alone. Instead, you will lead all the Holy Emperor-level warriors at the helmsman level in Feng Yutian. Go. There are three hundred and seventy-six powerful Saint Emperors with you, what are you worried about?"

Feng Wuyang, the master of Da Kong, paused for a moment and then said: "Moreover, I said you are the queen this time, but I actually believe you and want you to lead the strong men to annihilate Tang Yi. It will be up to you to take action, plus our Feng Yu It is not impossible for the 387 rudders of the Holy Emperor level to annihilate Tang Yi, so you don’t need to worry at all. Don’t you think that the 387 rudders plus you are not Tang Yi's opponent?"

"Of course not! With me and our three hundred and eighty-seven helmsmen in Feng Yutian, we can naturally kill Tang Yi."

The Fourth Sky Master was originally extremely dissatisfied and unwilling, but after hearing the words of the Great Sky Master, he suddenly became less resistant.


Feng Wuyang nodded and said: "Actually, I made this arrangement not because I am afraid of Tang Yi, but because I am afraid of the strong men of the Kamikaze Principality. The Kamikaze masters must be on their way here at this moment. If we continue to stay, Confronting Tang Yi on the spot, with a large number of strong men reduced sharply, the strong Kamikaze saw an opportunity, and they might join the battle. If Tang Yi and the strong Kamikaze team up to attack us, Feng Yutian, By then we, Feng Yutian, will be in danger, and maybe the entire army will be annihilated. Therefore, there is a reason why I did this. You should understand what I say, right?"

 happy New Year to all!
  (End of this chapter)

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