Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1782 Received the mission of the Battle of the Principality

Chapter 1782: Received the mission of the Battle of the Principality (two chapters in one)

"I see, the eldest prince actually wants to participate in the battle of the principality?"

Tang Yi was very different. He didn't understand why the dignified prince wanted to participate in the battle of the principality.

"For the prosperity of the principality, I must go!" the eldest prince Feng Jiarong said firmly.


Tang Yi didn't understand.

The eldest prince Feng Jiarong explained: "The war in the principality is related to the prosperity of the entire principality, so I have no shirking responsibility. Tang Yi, you don't know something. Although the war in the principality is similar to the county-state competition we hold, the mode is extremely cruel. ."

"Our county competition just allows players from various counties to get on the ring to compete with each other, and it is done to the point. Very few people die. It can be said to be extremely gentle, but the battle between the principalities is different! People will die in the battles between the principalities. , and many, many people will die!!"

"I won't tell you more about the specifics. In short, this is an extremely cruel test. If we fail to pass the test, our Kamikaze resources will be greatly reduced and our national strength will be greatly weakened. Therefore, in this test, I Had to participate.”

After saying that, the eldest prince looked at Tang Yi again and asked: "Tang Yi, are you afraid? The casualty rate in the battle of the principality is extremely high. If you are afraid, we will not force you."


"I, Tang Yi, have never known what fear is."

Tang Yi was extremely confident.

"Since you are not afraid, Tang Yi, are you willing to participate? I, Feng Jiarong, would like to formally extend an invitation to you." The eldest prince asked again. And the invitation was officially sent out.

Tang Yi did not answer the eldest prince directly, but thought for a moment.

Of course, he looked like he was meditating on the surface, but in fact his consciousness sank into his mind. Tang Yi wanted to see if he had received any system tasks.

If he receives a system mission, then of course Tang Yi will accept the eldest prince's invitation.

But if he had not received the system task, Tang Yi would definitely not waste this time and decisively reject the eldest prince.

However, as soon as Tang Yi's meaning sank into the system, the system prompt came to mind.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving the main mission 'Battle of the Principalities'."

"The content of the mission is to participate in the Battle of the Principality and win the first place in the Battle of the Principality."

"Reward for successful mission: a random low-grade weapon at the top level, a random high-grade holy-grade equipment, a random high-grade holy-grade martial art, a random high-grade holy-grade martial art, and a random special item , 50 million holy spirit pills, 50 million holy points,"

"Penalty for mission failure: obliteration."



Tang Yi was slightly startled when he saw the system prompt in his mind.

In the past, when accepting tasks, there was no information about task rewards. At most, there was only a prompt to indicate the completion of the task.

However, there is information about mission rewards at this moment!

And told what kind of rewards you will get!
  Although these rewards are not clear, you can probably know what you will get.

And this reward...

It’s so rich!
  There are actually three high-grade Holy Heaven-level items!
  One piece of equipment, one piece of martial arts, and one piece of magic!
  He actually has a body technique that is at the upper level of the Holy Heaven level!

Tang Yi also said before that it was a pity that the level of body and martial arts he possessed was too low.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the mission reward would give him a high-level body skill!
  In addition, in addition to these three pieces of high-grade equipment of the Holy Heaven Grade, there is also a low-grade weapon of the Ultimate Grade!
  Tang Yi still doesn't know what level this top level is.

However, Tang Yi guessed that the top level should be a level higher than the holy heaven level.

Of course, we won’t know the details until we get the items.

In addition to three high-grade Holy Heaven-level items and one top-level item, there is also a random special item.

What kind of item the special item is is currently unknown.

But Tang Yi knew it must be something special, because Tang Yi also had several special items on his body.

Things like the Golden Suanni War Chair, the Golden Shelter, the accompanying Spirit Ball, etc. are all special items.

These items are very practical and have great effects.

Therefore, Tang Yi flocked to these special items with great covetousness.

In addition, this mission also has a reward of 50 million Holy Spirit Pills and 50 million Holy Points, which is also a big gain.

In short, the rewards for this mission are very rich.

Tang Yi looked at the mission rewards in the system prompts and his eyes widened.

"Tang Yi, are you willing to participate in the battle of the principality?"

Seeing that Tang Yi did not answer, but fell into deep thought, the eldest prince Feng Jiarong asked again.

Hearing the voice of the eldest prince Feng Jiarong, Tang Yi came back to his senses.

However, even though he had a mission, Tang Yi still did not rush to agree to Feng Jiarong, but said: "I am willing, but, I generally won't do things that are not beneficial. Although I am a kamikaze The middle man should make some contribution to the Kamikaze, but the war in the principality is a matter of life and death and extremely dangerous, so I have to think about it for myself."

Tang Yi's meaning was very clear, he wanted some benefits!
  He only works hard if there are benefits.

When the eldest prince Feng Jiarong heard this, not only was he not angry, but he was very happy.

After all, the war in the principality has a very high death rate and is very dangerous. If others are working hard for it, how can we not give them some benefits?
  The eldest prince is still worried that Tang Yi will not mention the conditions. Now that he has mentioned it, it will be easier to handle.

"Of course there are benefits."

The eldest prince Feng Jiarong replied.

However, he did not directly explain what the benefits were, but instead turned his attention to Feng Jinrong, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom.

Of course the eldest prince can give you benefits, but the things he gives won't be very good.

Better things are in the Kamikaze Treasury, and the eldest prince does not have the authority to let Tang Yi enter the Kamikaze Treasury.

So he turned his attention to Feng Jinrong, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom.

Seeing the gaze of the eldest prince Feng Jiarong, Feng Jinrong, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom, smiled slightly and said to Tang Yi: "Tang Yi, let's do this. Our Kamikaze Treasury has collected a lot of good things in the past few years. If you join the Principality war, then I will open our Kamikaze treasury to you for free, and let you go in and pick three items, and you can take away whatever you pick."

"Is this true?"

Tang Yi asked.

"Of course it's absolutely true." Feng Jinrong, the leader of Kamikaze Kingdom, replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Tang Yi thought for a moment and then asked: "Then I dare to ask the king, when will the war between the principalities begin?"

"Four months later!" the Lord of Kamikaze replied.

"Four months later?" After that, Tang Yi will go to the Luoyue Principality to find Black Wind Valley, and also investigate the Dimen. Four months should be enough.

There is no conflict in time, and it is a task that must be completed. Tang Yi thought for a moment and nodded and agreed: "Okay, then I agree. I am willing to participate in the battle of the principality."

"That's great."

The Lord of the Kamikaze Kingdom was overjoyed when he heard that Tang Yi agreed.

On the side, the eldest prince Feng Jiarong also said happily: "With Tang Yi joining us, our kamikaze will definitely shine in the battle between the principalities this time."

"I am willing to participate in the Battle of the Principality, but I have some important things to do in the past few months and need to go out. It may take two or three months to come back." Tang Yi said.

"Two or three months? This is too long. If we miss the time, Tang Yi, can't we not go?" The eldest prince asked tentatively.


Tang Yi shook his head and said: "These things are very important, related to my life and death, so I have to do them."

The task of finding Black Wind Valley is a phased task with a time limit of three months. If it is not completed within three months, Tang Yi's level will be reduced by 100 levels and his holy points will be reduced by 500000 points.

The holy value doesn't matter, the key is that the punishment at level 100 is too severe.

Therefore, Tang Yi must complete it.

And it can’t be delayed!

"Ah, this is troublesome. What if Tang Yi misses the time..."

The eldest prince Feng Jiarong said worriedly.

"The eldest prince does not need to worry. I will return within the specified time. Please rest assured, eldest prince." Tang Yi promised.

"I'm not afraid of ten thousand, I'm just afraid of what might happen... If Tang Yi has something urgent and you can't come back..." the eldest prince Feng Jiarong said still worriedly.

Tang Yi thought for a while and replied: "Well, if I can come back, I will come back as soon as possible. If I can't come back, then the eldest prince can go ahead and I will go directly to the Zijin Kingdom. In short, I will be in the Principality I rushed to the Purple Gold Kingdom before the war started. I am a manly man who can't follow his promise. Since I agreed to this matter, I will not break my promise."

Even if Tang Yi wanted to break his promise, he couldn't.

You must know that Tang Yi accepted the mission, and the punishment for the mission is to obliterate him!

Even if Tang Yi had the courage, he would not dare not come back.

Even if the task of finding Black Wind Valley is not completed and he risks being reduced to level 100, Tang Yi will come back.

Level 100 is nothing compared to death.

After hearing Tang Yi's words, the eldest prince Feng Jiarong thought for a moment, and could only say helplessly: "Well, since Tang Yi you have something important to do, that's all you can do, but I still Let me tell you first, our Kamikaze Principality is a certain distance from the capital of the Purple Gold Kingdom, and the distance is not short. It takes about fifteen days to get there. If we travel the whole way, it may take ten days."

"That is to say, Tang Yi, you have to come back half a month in advance. In this way, we can arrive at the capital of the Zijin Kingdom on time to participate in the battle of the principality. We will only wait for you for three days. If Tang Yi can do it within three days, If you can come back in time, then go to the Purple Gold Capital with us. If you can't come back in time, then we will go to the Purple Gold Capital first, and then you will have to go to the Purple Gold Capital alone."

"Well, yes."

Tang Yi nodded, feeling that there was nothing wrong with the plan mentioned by the eldest prince.

Originally, Tang Yi had planned to go to the Zijin Kingdom alone, otherwise he would have to return to the Kamikaze Capital. This trip would be a waste of time. It would be better to go directly to the capital of the Zijin Kingdom.

On the side, seeing that the matter was settled, Feng Jinrong, the leader of Kamikaze Kingdom, smiled slightly and said to the two of them: "Okay, this matter is settled. If Tang Yi can't come back by then, then he will be alone Go to the capital of Zijin. If you can come back in time, then go with Rong'er. Okay, Tang can go to our Kamikaze treasury to pick three items. I said, as long as you like the items, you can bring them with you. Walk."


Tang Yi nodded.

"Take this."

Feng Jinrong, the leader of Kamikaze Kingdom, handed a token to Tang Yi.

"This is……"

Tang Yi took the token and looked at the Lord of Kamikaze in confusion.

Feng Jinrong, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom, explained: "Rong'er and I will not accompany you to pick out treasures later, but the one you have in your hand is the Kamikaze Token. With this token, you can Choose three items from the Kamikaze Treasury.”

After saying that, Feng Jinrong, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom, called over an official who seemed to be of high rank, and said to the official: "Take the Tang Yi player to our Kamikaze Treasury."

"I obey my orders."

Upon hearing this, the official bowed his hands respectfully, and then said to Tang Yi: "I am Feng Xinhong, the director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Contestant Tang Yi, please follow me this way."

With that said, Feng Xinhong made a gesture of invitation, which was very appropriate.

"Your Majesty, First Prince, I will take the first step."

Tang Yi first said politely to Feng Jinrong and Feng Jiarong, and then said to Feng Xinhong very politely: "Trouble."

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi left the Divine Wind Palace with Feng Xinhong, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Looking at Tang Yi's leaving figure, the eldest prince Feng Jiarong said uncertainly: "Father, do you think Tang Yi will break his promise? Did he lie to us when he said he had something important to do? What if he What should I do if I take the treasure and then walk away?"

Feng Jinrong, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom, analyzed: "I don't think he is a person who breaks his word. When he said he had something, it must be something extremely important. Moreover, I also saw it in his eyes. Since he was interested in and valued the Battle of the Principality, he should stay in the Kamikaze Kingdom and wait for the Battle of the Principality to begin. After all, it was only four months and it passed in the blink of an eye. However, he still insisted on Go out to do errands. This shows how important what he has to do is."


After hearing the analysis of Feng Jinrong, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom, the eldest prince nodded, feeling that it was very reasonable.

"Rong'er, there is one more thing I have to tell you. As the saying goes, don't doubt the doubter, but the user should not doubt it. You have made a big mistake and you should not question Tang Yi. If this continues, this will have a negative impact on your future control. Kamikaze will have a huge impact. Since you chose Tang Yi before, you should believe him. If he said he could come back to participate in the battle of the principality, then you should believe that he can come back instead of questioning. As a superior Sir, it is not advisable to be suspicious, and I hope you will bear in mind."

Feng Jinrong, the leader of Kamikaze Kingdom, reprimanded again. His expression was extremely serious.

After hearing the words of the Lord of the Kamikaze Kingdom and seeing the serious and serious look on the Lord of the Kamikaze Kingdom, the eldest prince Feng Jiarong instantly woke up and realized what a huge mistake he had made. He immediately admitted his mistake and said: " I know my mistake. My father's teachings must be remembered by me."

"Just admit your mistake. Okay, this matter is settled. Don't raise any more doubts. Just follow what I just said, if Tang Yi doesn't come back, then you can go with others first. If Tang Yi comes back, Well, let's go together. I believe Tang Yi will not break his promise. Moreover, with Tang Yi's strength, the battle between the principalities is just a piece of cake for him, and there is no need to break his promise."

Feng Jinrong, the leader of Kamikaze Kingdom, said.

"Yes, I understand."

The eldest prince Feng Jiarong cupped his hands and said.

"Okay, you go back first." Feng Jinrong said.

"My dear, please retire." Upon hearing this, Feng Jiarong bowed respectfully and then withdrew.

Looking at his son's back, Feng Jinrong, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom, murmured softly: "The battle in the principality is full of dangers. If I, Rong'er, lead the team alone on this trip, I'm afraid it will be a disaster based on his strength. But if we join, Tang Yi... things may be different."

Thinking of Tang Yi, and then thinking that Tang Yi had wiped out the Feng Yu Tianthief by himself, Feng Jinrong, the leader of the Kamikaze Kingdom, suddenly had his eyes shining with peace of mind.

"Tang Yi, I'm afraid it's the key to my Rong'er's survival..."


(End of this chapter)

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