Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1793 Upgrade the Western United Warship!

Chapter 1793 Upgrade the Western United Warship!

Ten thousand meters above the ground, a warship was sailing rapidly into the distance.

And this warship is Tang Yi's Western Unification warship.

At this time, Tang Yi stood on the bow of the warship, looking into the distance, thoughtfully.

After receiving the processing results from the Lord of the Kamikaze Kingdom, Tang Yi quickly packed up and left the capital of Kamikaze Kingdom without any further delay.

Before leaving, Tang Yi went to inform Yuwen Guanhong and others from Tianwu Commandery, telling them that he would be returning later, and then left quickly.

After two days of flight, relying on the swift speed of the Xitong warship, Tang Yi had flown out of the Kamikaze Principality and entered the sky above the Wuwei Principality.

The destination of Tang Yi's trip is Luoyue Principality, but if he wants to go to Luoyue Principality, he must first pass through Wuwei Principality and Yewei Principality.

In other words, Tang Yi had to cross two principalities to reach Luoyue Principality.

Don't underestimate the distance between the two principalities. Two principalities are still very far apart.

You must know that the area of ​​a principality is extremely huge. It can be said that it is very far from one end of the principality to the other.

It took Tang Yi two days to fly out of the Kamikaze Principality and arrive at the boundary of the Wuwei Principality. That was already very good and fast enough.

It would probably take a few days to get from the Wuwei Principality to the Yewei Principality, and another few days from the Yewei Principality to the Luoyue Principality.

Come and go, just to go to Luoyue Principality, not including the time to search for Black Wind Valley, I am afraid it will take Tang Yi nearly ten days.

Therefore, Tang Yi's time can be said to be extremely tight.

Of course, this is actually quite close.

If either the Kamikaze Principality or the Luoyue Principality is on the edge of the Ziyue Kingdom, then the distance between the two is not as simple as being two principalities apart.

From the central area to the edge areas, there are at least ten principalities separated! Even higher.

It takes several days to cross one principality, so how long does it take to cross a dozen principalities?
  I'm afraid it will take several months just to go to Luoyue Principality!
  Fortunately, both are in the central area of ​​the Ziyue Kingdom, and are only two principalities apart.

Perhaps in less than ten days, Tang Yi would be able to cross the two principalities and reach the Luoyue Principality.

However, Tang Yi was not satisfied with this and felt that it was still too slow.

Open the panel of the Western United Warship.

Name: Western Unity Warship (named by the player)

Level: Saint-level upper-category treasure
  Function: Carrying, fighting.

Attack skills: Lightning Grid (high-grade holy level), God-Destroying Cannon (high-grade holy level).

Defense skills: Divine Light Shield (high-grade holy level).

Lightning Grid: A huge thunder ball is ejected from the dragon head statue to attack the enemy. After the thunder ball is spit out, it will split to form a huge grid. All targets within the grid will suffer huge thunder attribute damage. (Can only be used three times a day)

God-Destroying Cannon: A single-target attack skill with extremely strong destructive power. Fires a cannonball from the bow of the ship, dealing a devastating attack that ignores the enemy's defenses. (Can only be used once per day)

At present, Tang Yi's Xitong warship is only at the upper level of the Holy Order, which is slightly too low.

After all, Tang Yi's equipment is now at Holy Land level or Holy Heaven level. A high-grade Holy level warship is no longer suitable for Tang Yi.

Before, Tang Yi didn't need to rush or took other people's warships. He didn't use the Western United Warships, so he ignored them. Now he needs to use them, and it would be unreasonable not to improve.

Therefore, Tang Yi decided to upgrade the Western United Warships.

However, when Tang Yi chose to upgrade the Western United Warship, the Western United Warship did not improve as Tang Yi expected. On the contrary, a prompt appeared in Tang Yi's mind, and three options appeared on the panel of the Western United Warship.

"Player Tang Yi chooses to upgrade the Western United Warship (named by the player), please choose the upgrade direction."

In the upgrade panel of the Western United Warship, there are three upgrade directions.

Combat: If the player chooses to upgrade in this direction, the warship will focus on combat, and its attack will be greatly improved.

Defense: If the player chooses to upgrade in this direction, the warship will focus on defense, and the defense will be greatly improved.

Speed: If the player chooses to upgrade in this direction, the warship will focus on speed, and the speed will be greatly improved.


Seeing the three options, Tang Yi was slightly stunned, then stared at the three options and began to think.

The direction of the battle...

At present, Tang Yi has several holy-level martial arts and several pieces of god-level equipment. The attack power is very powerful. For the time being, there is no shortage of attack power.

Therefore, Tang Yi had no need to develop the warship in the direction of combat.

The same goes for defense. Tang Yi has several pieces of defense equipment, and even powerful special defense items like the Golden Shelter. There is no need to develop in the direction of defense.

Since he is not developing towards combat and defense, then Tang Yi can only develop towards speed.

And speed is what Tang Yi needs now.

"I choose speed."

"Ding, player Tang Yi chooses to upgrade the speed direction of the Western United Warship (named by the player)."

"Ding, upgrading the speed direction of the Western United Warship requires consuming 1000000 holy points. Players, do you agree?"


"Ding, player Tang Yi agrees to spend 1000000 holy points to upgrade the speed of the Western United warship."

"The Western United Warships are being upgraded..."

"The upgrade of the Western United Warship has been completed, and the attributes of the Western United Warship have changed. Players please pay attention to check."


Seeing the system prompt, Tang Yi opened the panel of the Western United Warship again.

Name: Western Unity Warship (named by the player)

Level: Saint-level upper-category treasure
  Function: carry.

Speed ​​attribute: Speed ​​is increased by 10 times based on the original level.

Auxiliary skills: Ejection.

Ejection: When the skill is used, the warship will be ejected like a cannonball, increasing the speed of the warship 5000 times. (Can only be used three times a day)

Duration: 10 minutes.

Cooling time: 10 minutes.


After selecting the speed direction, the panel of the Western United Warship changed a lot.

First of all, there is one function. There are two original functions, one is transportation and the other is combat.

But now only the carrying function is left, and the combat function is missing.

Moreover, several of the original attack skills have disappeared and become an auxiliary skill.

It seems that after choosing the direction of upgrade, the Western United Warships completely abandoned combat and defense, leaving only speed.

Even the auxiliary skills increase speed!
  And there is an additional speed attribute!
  Tang Yi felt the speed of the Western United Warship again and found that after choosing the speed direction, the speed of the Western United Warship had indeed increased a lot.

However, Tang Yi felt that it was not enough.

Grade is not enough.

Just now I just chose the direction of improvement, but the actual grade has not changed. It is still the top grade of the holy level.

Therefore, Tang Yi wants to upgrade the level of the Western United warships at this moment.

This time after the upgrade, the system did not show up the option, but directly popped up a prompt.

"Ding, player Tang Yi has chosen to upgrade the Western United Warship (named by the player). The upgrade requires 500000 Holy Points. May I ask if the player agrees." Seeing the prompt, Tang Yi chose to agree without any hesitation.

"Ding, the player agrees to spend 500000 holy points to upgrade the Western United Warship. The Western United Warship will be upgraded to a lower level of Holy Spirit level."


If it wasn't enough, Tang Yi continued to improve.

"Ding, the player agrees to spend 500000 holy points to upgrade the Western United Warship. The Western United Warship will be upgraded to a higher level. Its current level is Holy Spirit level mid-grade."

"Ding, the player agrees to spend 500000 holy points to upgrade the Western United Warship. The Western United Warship will be upgraded to a higher level. Its current level is the Holy Spirit level."


The Holy Spirit level upgrade is only one level with 500,000 Holy Points. However, after being promoted to the upper level of the Holy Spirit, one million Holy Points need to be consumed once to move up.

However, faced with the high upgrade fee, Tang Yi still did not hesitate and immediately upgraded.

If it were Tang Yi in the past, he would definitely hesitate. After all, one million holy points is not a small sum.

But it's different now. After spending a large amount of pickup fees, identification fees and unlocking fees, Tang Yi still has more than 30 million holy points left.

Still rich!

Tang Yi could still afford to consume a mere one million holy points.

Therefore, Tang Yi chose to continue upgrading.

"Ding, the player agrees to spend 1000000 holy points to upgrade the Western United Warship. The Western United Warship will be upgraded to a lower level. The current level is Shengxuan level."

"Ding, the player agrees to spend 1000000 holy points to upgrade the Western United Warship. The Western United Warship will be upgraded to a higher level. Its current level is mid-grade Shengxuan level."

"Ding, the player agrees to spend 1000000 holy points to upgrade the Western United Warship. The Western United Warship will be upgraded to a higher level. Its current level is the top grade of Shengxuan level."

After the Xitong warship has been promoted to the upper level of the Saint Xuan level, and then promoted upwards, the holy points that need to be consumed reach 3 million points.

Seeing this number, Tang Yi hesitated for a moment, and then chose to continue his promotion.

"Ding, the player agrees to spend 3000000 holy points to upgrade the Western United Warship. The Western United Warship will be upgraded to a lower-grade Holy Land level."

"Ding, the player agrees to spend 3000000 holy points to upgrade the Western United Warship. The Western United Warship will be upgraded to a higher level. Its current level is mid-grade Holy Land level."

"Ding, the player agrees to spend 3000000 holy points to upgrade the Western United Warship. The Western United Warship will be upgraded to a higher level. Its current level is the Holy Land level."


The Xitong warship has been promoted from the high-grade holy level to the high-grade holy land level. So far, it has consumed 13.5 million holy points. If Tang Yi had not encountered the Feng Yutian thief before, if it had not been for the Feng Yutian The thief brought a huge amount of holy value to Tang Yi, and he might not be able to raise it anymore.

too expensive!
  And going up further, if you want to be promoted to the lower level of the Holy Heaven level, you need 10000000 Holy Points!
  More expensive!
  Tang Yi hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to promote.

"Ding, the player agrees to spend 10000000 holy points to upgrade the Western United Warship. The Western United Warship will be upgraded to a lower-grade Holy Heaven level."


After upgrading the Xitong warship to the lower level of the Holy Heaven level, Tang Yi stopped and did not continue to upgrade.

Of course, even if Tang Yi wants to continue to improve at this moment, he doesn't have that much holy value improvement.

Tang Yi originally had about 34 million holy points left. After a series of improvements, 23.5 million holy points were consumed. Currently, Tang Yi only has more than 10 million holy points left.

With more than 10 million holy points, it can still upgrade the grade of the Xitong warship by one level, raising it to the mid-grade Holy Heaven level.


If it really improves, then Tang Yi's holy value will not be much left.

If he encounters a dangerous situation in the future, Tang Yi will be in trouble.

For example, buying elixirs or buying some special items for improvement all require holy points.

If there is no holy value purchase, then Tang Yi's situation will be very pessimistic.

Therefore, Tang Yi must leave some holy value to deal with critical moments.

Only when you have holy values ​​close to you will you have nothing to fear.

Therefore, even if Tang Yi could be promoted to the first-level Western United Warship again, Tang Yi did not choose to upgrade.

However, although he did not choose to upgrade, Tang Yi also upgraded the Xitong warship to the low-grade Shengtian level.

This level is enough for Tang Yi to use.

After the upgrade was completed, Tang Yi opened the interface of the Western United Warship again.

Name: Western Unity Warship (named by the player)

Level: The most powerful treasure in the lower category of Shengtian level

Function: carry.

Speed ​​attribute: Speed ​​is increased by 500 times based on the original level.

Auxiliary skills: ejection, shuttle.

Ejection: When the skill is used, the warship will be ejected like a cannonball, increasing the speed of the warship 10000 times. (Can only be used three times a day)

Duration: 30 minutes.

Cooling time: 10 minutes.

Shuttle: Using skills, the warship can enter the dimensional space and travel through it.

Duration: 30 seconds.



After upgrading, the Western United Warship has changed again.

The speed attribute has been increased from ten times to five hundred times!
  Originally, the speed of the Western United Warships was not slow, but if it were increased five hundred times, it would become very terrifying.

Moreover, after the upgrade, the auxiliary skill ejects, the effect of the upgrade reaches 10,000 times, and the duration reaches 30 minutes.

In addition, there is an additional auxiliary skill shuttle, which can allow the Western Union warship to shuttle in the dimensional space.

Although I don’t know what the effect of this shuttle is, it looks extremely awesome.

In short, after the upgrade, the Western United Warship seems to have become more powerful.

In addition to the changes in attributes, the appearance of the Western United Warships has also undergone tremendous changes.

The statue on the bow is no longer a dragon head statue, but a tiger statue.

The tiger opened its mouth wide and exposed its ferocious fangs. It looked fierce and terrifying.

The phoenix statue at the stern of the ship has also disappeared, replaced by a huge tail with a barb at the end, which looks quite ferocious.

In addition to the changes at both ends of the warship, the overall color and texture of the warship have also undergone tremendous changes.

The color of the hull turned bright white, and there were countless long black stripes, just like the stripes on a tiger.

The entire warship seemed to have turned into a ferocious tiger, which looked extremely intimidating and imposing.

Tang Yi was very satisfied with the new appearance of the Western United Warship.

Driving the warship, the warship rushed out as if flying, extremely fast, many times faster than before.

At this rate, Tang Yi feels that he can travel through a principality in one day!
  And if you use the auxiliary skills of the warship to eject...

The ejection can only be used three times a day. If Tang Yi uses all three times, he may be able to travel through Wuwei Principality and Yewei Principality in less than a day...

(End of this chapter)

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