Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1820 The poisonous gas spreads!

Chapter 1820 The poisonous gas spreads!

Tang Yi was bathed in bloody light, holding the magic sword Apophis, and rushed towards the Plague Bone Dragon Beast again.

"Sky Slash!"


Once again, he slashed at the Plague Bone Dragon Beast with his sword.

This sword was more violent and sharper, tearing the world apart.


The sword light hit the Plague Bone Dragon Beast heavily, causing the Plague Bone Dragon Beast to stagger and its figure flying in the air began to sway.

However, the powerful Plague Bone Dragon Beast recovered instantly and stabilized its figure.

Tang Yi's sword still only left a little mark on the purple bone of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast, and did not cause any harm to the Plague Bone Dragon Beast.

Of course, the marks are a little deeper than before!

But, it’s only a little bit deep.

This still did not hurt the Plague Bone Dragon Beast.

"So strong!"

Seeing the result of this sword, Tang Yi couldn't help but secretly thought in his heart that the Plague Bone Dragon Beast's defense was so powerful that it could even block such an attack.

However, Tang Yi was not angry, and continued to swing with his sword, slashing at this point of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast, and slashed at the Purple Bone of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast.

Although cutting like this will not cause any substantial damage to the Plague Bone Dragon Beast,...

But it can also anger the Plague Bone Dragon Beast!

As Tang Yi expected, although Tang Yi's attack did not cause damage to the plague bone dragon beast, it angered the plague bone dragon beast!

I heard the Plague Bone Dragon Beast open its big mouth, roar, and speak human words: "Human, you successfully angered me!"

At this time, the Plague Bone Dragon Beast flapped its wings, and the soul fire in its eyes beat wildly, as if to express its anger.

"You succeeded in irritating me too!"

Tang Yi also imitated the Plague Bone Dragon Beast and made an angry expression.

Hearing Tang Yi's words, although he didn't know what Tang Yi's expression meant, the Plague Bone Dragon Beast knew that it must have a bad meaning, and immediately became even more angry and said: "Since you are seeking death, then this book The king will help you!"

After saying that, the empty eye sockets of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast were in vain, and the soul fire in the eyes burned even more crazily, and the light was so dazzling that it looked like two dazzling little suns!
  At this time, all I saw was that its mouth was open in vain!

Countless purple gas shot out from its mouth!

These purple gases are completely different from the gases ejected by the Plague Land Dragon and the Plague Poison Frog. They are both purple and look like poisonous gases!
  However, it is slightly different.

The color seems darker, even slightly black.

Moreover, the breath is even more terrifying!
  Tang Yi felt a very dangerous aura and a strong sense of crisis from the purple gas spit out from the mouth of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast.

And just like what he felt, these purple gases were very terrifying.

Originally there were some plants growing in the valley, but as the purple gas spread, these plants seemed to be invaded by the purple gas and withered instantly, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into fly ash and dissipated in the air. .

The speed is terrifying.

In the blink of an eye, the valley became a dead place!
  At this time, the purple gas had just filled the air and did not cover the area where Tang Yi was.

However, Tang Yi still felt dizzy! Moreover, this feeling was so strong that it made Tang Yi extremely uncomfortable.

Tang Yi's consciousness was also blurring in waves, as if he would pass out in the next second.

The toxicity of this purple poison gas can be said to be extremely strong!
  Before it spread to Tang Yi's location, Tang Yi was affected and even fainted. This was simply terrifying.

Fortunately, Tang Yi reacted quickly. The moment he felt dizzy, he quickly sank into the system store and spent 10000 holy points to buy a universal detoxification pill.

Then he took it quickly.

That's why he didn't lose consciousness.

The dizzy feeling in his mind also subsided.

After recovering, Tang Yi was not happy about this, nor was he secretly grateful. Instead, he frowned and looked extremely solemn.

The reason for this is because he felt the crisis!

And, the crisis has not been resolved!
  The purple poisonous gas spewed out by the Plague Bone Dragon Beast still threatened his safety! !
  Although the valley where Tang Yi is located at the moment is very vast, no matter how big it is, it is only that big, with an area of ​​only a few miles.

At this time, more and more purple poisonous gas was sprayed out by the Plague Bone Dragon Beast, and it spread very quickly. In just a short time, it occupied a small half of the valley.

Soon, the entire valley will be filled with poisonous gas, and by then, there will no longer be a place for Tang Yi.

Living in poisonous gas, the poisonous gas is so violent that even if Tang Yi has a universal detoxification pill, it will not help!

At that time, Tang Yi would have no other end than being poisoned to death, or being strangled by the Plague Bone Dragon Beast after being poisoned!

At this time, the purple poisonous gas has not covered Tang Yi's location, and Tang Yi can still use the universal detoxification pill to relieve it.

But when the purple poisonous gas covers Tang Yi's location, the general detoxification pill will not be able to save Tang Yi.

Because taking the Universal Detoxification Pill to detoxify can only detoxify once, and the poisonous gas covering Tang Yi will cause Tang Yi to be poisoned repeatedly!
  Going back and forth, over and over again, the poisoning continued, making Tang Yi unable to solve it even if he wanted to!
  It has no effect at all.

By then, as long as Tang Yitong runs out of detoxifying pills or fails to detoxify in time, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even when the purple poisonous gas spreads throughout the valley, under the gathering of a large amount of purple poisonous gas, the toxin is too strong, and Tang Yi's universal detoxification pill may lose its effect in the end.

In short, once the purple poisonous gas spreads throughout the valley, Tang Yi's situation will be very difficult.

Therefore, Tang Yi had to think of a solution at this time, otherwise, he might die directly in the valley.

Now the only way Tang Yi can think of is to exit from this secret realm of the valley!

Wait until the purple poisonous gas subsides before coming back in!

However, this method doesn’t work at all!
  Because Tang Yi doesn't know how to leave the valley!

The teleportation array was activated by the system, and Tang Yi entered the valley passively. Without receiving a prompt from the system, Tang Yi had no idea how to get out!

In other words, you can't get out at all. Maybe you can't get out until you complete the task.

Therefore, leaving the valley is simply not feasible.

Since he couldn't leave the valley, Tang Yi had to find another way.

When entering the valley, Tang Yi never expected that the BOSS here would spray poisonous gas.

Moreover, the scope of the poisonous gas was actually so large, covering the entire valley!
  If he knew, he would definitely be prepared to take precautions against poison before entering the secret realm of the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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