Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1824 The terrifying things in the giant coffin!

Chapter 1824 The terrifying things in the giant coffin!
  In addition to being cautious, Tang Yi also wanted to be a little reserved and save these cards to deal with crisis moments.

After all, among the information Tang Yi got from the Sky Eye Technique, except for a few brief descriptions about the Plague Bone Dragon Beast, everything was unknown. Tang Yi simply didn't know what other methods the Plague Bone Dragon Beast had.

What if the Plague Bone Dragon Beast still has means and breaks out at the most critical moment?
  If Tang Yi uses all the means to suppress the bottom of the box, won't he be desperate and waiting to die when that time comes?
  Tang Yi didn't want to wait for death in despair.

Therefore, there are some means that should be retained and should be retained.

Facing a strong enemy, it is impossible to go all out at once.

This is not something a smart person should do.

Therefore, Tang Yi only displayed two more states based on the original ones, but did not display all the states.

Of course, even though it only adds two more states, it still makes Tang Yi powerful enough! !

After activating the state, Tang Yi moved and rushed towards the Plague Bone Dragon Beast again.

"Sky Slash!"


Tang Yi's sword staggered the plague bone dragon beast directly, leaving a deep scar on the plague bone dragon beast's body.

This scar was about two meters long and at least dozens of centimeters deep. It almost cut off the bones of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast!
  This sudden pain caused the Plague Bone Dragon Beast to roar continuously, and its huge body kept twisting in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was overjoyed. At the same time, his expression condensed, and he bought medicine to recover in one go.


After recovering, Tang Yi slashed towards the injured point of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast again.



With this sword, Tang Yi finally cut off a bone of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast.

This is the first time Tang Yi has caused substantial damage to the Plague Bone Dragon Beast!

No matter how many traces were left before or how deep the traces were, there was actually no substantial harm to the Plague Bone Dragon Beast!

Only by cutting off the keel of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast now can the Plague Bone Dragon Beast be harmed.

Of course, the Plague Bone Dragon Beast's body is extremely huge, and breaking a bone is nothing.

However, after one of its keel bones was broken, the Plague Bone Dragon Beast was once again like a deflated rubber ball, its breath sluggish in an instant.

The aura of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast had slumped once before, and its strength had dropped a lot.

But this time, the Plague Bone Dragon Beast's aura became even more sluggish, and its strength also dropped even more!
  Although breaking a keel will not damage the foundation of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast, it will greatly reduce the strength of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast.

The body is no longer flawless!

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi sped up the movements in his hands, kept recovering, and kept using Sky Slash to bombard the Plague Bone Dragon Beast.

And with every subsequent attack, Tang Yi could cut off the plague bone dragon beast's keel!
  Not long after, the huge body of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast was covered with desolation, and its keel bones were broken in large areas!

Tang Yi's attack position was also very smart.

He kept attacking the wings of the plague bone dragon beast, beating the wings of the plague bone dragon beast to pieces and breaking the purple bones.

Under the continuous attacks, the pair of purple-bone wings were directly destroyed.

The Plague Bone Dragon Beast lost its wings, and its machine power was suddenly greatly reduced. It also lost the ability to fight in the air and could only fall to the ground, baring its teeth and claws.

"Ha!" Seeing the miserable appearance of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast, Tang Yi sneered.

Holding the magic sword Apophis, he flew in the air, rising higher and higher, like a god of war, despising everything.

Feeling Tang Yi's contempt, the Plague Bone Dragon Beast roared angrily and said: "Despicable human, you dare to hurt the great Amos, you will die! You will be cursed by the gods!"

"I cursed you to be paralyzed. Return the dragon, you are just a dragon skeleton. If you die and are buried properly in the ground, what kind of monster will you come out to be!"

Tang Yi cursed disdainfully, and then launched another attack.

The magic sword was taken out, and the sword light flickered.

Facing Tang Yi's attack, the Plague Bone Dragon Beast was completely unable to resist. It could only roar and roar continuously, and waved its claws like swatting flies, attacking Tang Yi to show its anger.

However, to no avail.

Tang Yi was highly mobile and fast. How could such a random attack hurt Tang Yi?

It posed no threat to Tang Yi at all.

It doesn't even have any impact at all.

On the contrary, Tang Yi was able to cause huge damage to the Plague Bone Dragon Beast.

In this way, Tang Yi's situation is getting better and better, and the damage caused to the Plague Bone Dragon Beast is getting higher and heavier.

Under Tang Yi's suppression, the plague bone dragon beast's injuries became more and more serious!

At last!
  After Tang Yi's continuous efforts, the huge body of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast finally fell down with a 'bang', and the huge skeleton fell into pieces!

At this time, although the Plague Bone Dragon Beast is not dead yet, the huge skeleton still retains the breath of life.

However, the breath was very weak, and death was not far away.

"Human, how dare you hurt Amos! You will be retaliated by the Lord of the Underworld, Tian Qiga!"

The Plague Bone Dragon Beast opened its mouth and said towards Tang Yi.

Although it was extremely weak at this time, it still did not bow its head like Tang Yi and still threatened Tang Yi.

"Underworld Lord Tian Qiga? What the hell is this? Your master?"

Hearing the words of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast, Tang Yi snorted coldly and said disdainfully: "Haha! Don't talk about the Underworld Lord Tian Qijia. Even if the Emperor of Heaven comes, it will not help. I will also cripple him."

Holding the magic sword, with tens of millions of holy points clustered in the system panel, Tang Yi was extremely confident.

However, just when Tang Yi said these extremely confident words, there was a sudden movement at the huge coffin in the middle of the valley.

"Who is it? Who disturbed my sleep!"

A deep and majestic voice was heard coming from the huge coffin, spreading throughout the entire valley, causing the entire valley to shake.

At the same time, a very large and terrifying aura came from the huge coffin, and as time went by, this aura became stronger and more terrifying, and the aura was shocking.

It was as if something terrifying was slowly awakening inside the coffin and was about to be born.

Feeling this breath, Tang Yi was slightly surprised at first, and then his brows furrowed tightly, his expression extremely solemn.

From this breath, Tang Yi felt a strong breath of death, and felt a huge threat!
  He had a feeling that the things in the giant coffin were more terrifying and powerful than the Plague Bone Dragon Beast!
  Moreover, it can pose a fatal threat to him!
  The thing inside the giant coffin is probably a BOSS more powerful than the Plague Bone Dragon Beast!

(End of this chapter)

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