Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1826 Destruction-level BOSS, Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia

Chapter 1826 Destruction-level BOSS, Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia
  Tang Yi gained a huge harvest by killing the Plague Bone Dragon Beast.

The first is the holy points. Tang Yi has nearly obtained 20 billion holy points.

This raised his level by two levels again, from the Seven-Star Saint to the Nine-Star Saint.

The strength is more powerful.

He is only one step away from reaching the Holy Emperor level.

In addition, Tang Yi also obtained a high-grade Holy Heaven level martial skill, five thousand Plague Crystals, fifty million Holy Spirit Pills, and three finishing skill promotion scrolls!

Of course, at this time, Tang Yi had no time to see what he had gained from killing the Plague Bone Dragon Beast.

Because, the aura exuding from the giant coffin became more and more violent, and the shaking became more violent.

Seeing that the things in the giant coffin are about to escape.

As Tang Yi thought, the giant coffin shook for a moment...


There was a loud noise, and the lid of the giant coffin was shattered into countless pieces.
  At this time, a huge shadow flew into the sky from the coffin.

next second.


The huge body fell from the sky and landed suddenly, causing the entire valley to tremble.

And when the huge figure landed, Tang Yi finally saw what the huge figure looked like.

The huge figure in front of him, a hundred meters tall, was extremely huge, with a purple skeleton, empty eye sockets, and beating soul fire.

The huge figure in front of me actually has the same skeleton as the Plague Bone Dragon Beast!

The body of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast is a giant dragon, so its skeleton is that of a giant dragon.

But the skeleton in front of him was a human skeleton, one hundred meters high and full of evil.

Moreover, in addition to being huge, the skeleton is also full of majesty and aura of superiority.

Obviously, this skeleton was also a strong or powerful person who held a high position all year round.

In addition, this skeleton is wearing a blood-red cloak, a purple gold crown on its head, and a huge azure sword in its hand, which is majestic!

Seeing the shape of this giant skeleton, Tang Yi was slightly startled, and then he threw a Heavenly Eye Technique towards the giant skeleton.

Name: Underworld Lord Tianqijia (Destruction Level BOSS)

Level: 189 (Nine-Star Holy Emperor)
  Description: The terrifying emperor in ancient times ruled the world. After his death, he was infected by plague and evil spirits, gave birth to evil thoughts, and turned into the terrifying Lord of the Demon World. Later, he was punished for doing too many evil things. He was seriously injured and hid in a secret place, unable to escape from the world.

Attributes:? ? ?

ability:? ? ?
  Skill:? ? ?

Judgment: Super dangerous (the opponent's strength is too much for the player, the success rate of a forced challenge is less than 10%, and the mortality rate is extremely high)


Sure enough, as Tang Yi expected, the skeleton in front of him was the Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia mentioned before by the Plague Bone Dragon Beast.

That is, the master of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast!
  And this Underworld Lord Tian Qijia is actually a destructive level BOSS!

The Destruction Level should be a BOSS level that is one level higher than the Supreme Level among the BOSS levels!
  This is a level Tang Yi has never seen before!

In addition, the actual level of Underworld Lord Tian Qijia has also reached level 189. An existence equivalent to the level of the human Nine-Star Saint Emperor.

A whole ten levels higher than Tang Yi!
  This is also the first Nine-Star Holy Emperor that Tang Yi has seen!
  Others, like the Plague Bone Dragon Beast, its attributes, abilities, and skills are all question marks.

The rating is also super dangerous.

In short, judging from the information fed back by the Sky Eye Technique, this is a very scary and powerful BOSS!
  After reading the message from Underworld Lord Tian Qijia, Tang Yi immediately became more alert and alert.

The huge skull head of the Lord of the Underworld Tianqijia turned to the location of the remains of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast, and glanced at the Plague Bone Dragon Beast slightly.

When he saw that the life breath of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast had completely overflowed, and there was no trace of life breath on the broken skeleton, the soul fire in the eyes of Hades Lord Tian Qijia jumped violently, and then, he turned his head Tang Yi.

It opened its mouth and spoke in human words: "Are you the one who killed my fellow monsters?"

When speaking, the Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia showed no emotion at all, neither cold nor indifferent, neither happy nor angry, as if he was not affected by the death of his monster partner.

"It's me, what?"

Tang Yi looked directly at the Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia and said: "Moreover, didn't you see it just now? There is no one else here except me. If I didn't kill your monster companion, who could kill it? Why do you need more?" This question?"

Tang Yi sneered.


After hearing Tang Yi's words, Lord Tian Qijia still said without any emotion: "Human, you are very good. For many years, no one has dared to speak to me like this. No one has ever dared to touch this demon." However, you are the first one. Do you know the consequences of talking to me like this? Do you know the consequences of killing my monster companions?"

"I don't know, how about you tell me?"

Tang Yi said indifferently. He was tit for tat with Tian Qijia, Lord of the Underworld.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia asked.

"Afraid of you? Afraid of a skeleton? Haha." Tang Yi sneered.

Seeing that Tang Yi was so arrogant and not afraid of himself at all, Hades Lord Tian Qijia would definitely raise his eyebrows slightly if he still had them.

However, at this time, it was in the form of a skeleton, unable to express any joy, anger, sorrow or joy at all. It looked like it was neither surprised nor happy, without any joy, anger, sorrow or joy.

"I have been hiding from the world for many years. The world has long forgotten my evil reputation and my fear. It is normal that you are not afraid of me."

After a pause, Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia said: "Well, now that I have been born, I will let you stupid humans understand what a terrifying existence I, the Lord of the Underworld, am."

After saying that, Lord Tian Qijia held the huge azure sword in his hand and walked towards Tang Yi step by step with heavy steps.

The entire valley also trembled due to the movement of Hades Lord Tian Qijia.

The skeletal body of the Lord of the Underworld Tianqijia is a hundred meters high and is very huge. With one step, it immediately spans a distance of dozens of meters.

In just a few steps, it came to Tang Yi.

He raised his azure sword and struck down with one strike.

This cut was unremarkable, there was no flow of brilliance, and there was no change of power, it seemed like just an ordinary cut.

It was as if the Lord of the Underworld, Tian Qijia, raised his hand slightly, and then mechanically slowly dropped it with gravity.

  Even so, this beheading gave Tang Yi a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

This sense of crisis was so strong that Tang Yi's body trembled slightly unconsciously.

This is Tang Yi's body's instinctive reaction to the crisis!
  Feeling the strong sense of crisis in his heart, Tang Yi hurriedly dodged and hid aside.

(End of this chapter)

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