Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1828 Human beings are the masters of this world!

Chapter 1828 Human beings are the masters of this world!

If he can avoid the attack of Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia, then Tang Yi will no longer be threatened by Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia.

Otherwise, Tang Yi would be passive all the time. Every time the Underworld Lord Tian Qijia launched an attack, he would be nervous, fearing that he would accidentally be killed instantly by the Underworld Lord Tian Qijia.

This fight was too tiring and not the result Tang Yi wanted at all.

Now that I can completely avoid it with speed, this is naturally the best.


Underworld Lord Tian Qijia let out a slight sigh, seeming a little surprised that Tang Yi was able to dodge its attack.

However, although it was surprised, the Lord of the Underworld Tianqijia still did not take Tang Yi seriously. He only saw it saying to Tang Yi: "Human, although your strength is very surprising to me, but for me, it is far behind." It’s not enough. I advise you to surrender as soon as possible, so that I can leave you a whole corpse.”


Hearing the words of Underworld Lord Tian Qijia, Tang Yi sneered back.

And in the next moment, he raised his magic sword, slashed through the sky, and blasted towards the Lord of the Underworld, Tian Qijia.

The sword light flashed, the sky and the earth shattered, and the terrifying sharpness swept towards the Underworld Lord Tian Qijia in an instant, and the space was broken inch by inch.

However, this terrifying sword struck the body of the Underworld Lord Tian Qijia...

But it wasn't painful or itchy, and it didn't cause any impact.

The terrifying sword light fell on it, leaving not even a white mark.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi was a little confused. He didn't expect such a result.

In his opinion, no matter how strong the defense of Underworld Lord Tian Qijia is, his sword can still leave marks or scars on it.

However, nothing was left, which surprised him very much.

After all, you must know that Tang Yi's strength at this time is no longer time to face the Plague Bone Dragon Beast.

Compared with the time he faced the Plague Bone Dragon Beast before, his strength has increased significantly, by an unknown number of times.

After all, after killing the Plague Bone Dragon Beast, Tang Yi was promoted several levels in a row, reaching the level of the Nine-Star Saint. He was only one step away from reaching the level of the Holy Emperor.

And it is not far away from the Holy Emperor.

Tang Yi has a feeling that as long as he kills a few more mobs, he will definitely be promoted to the Holy Emperor!

In other words, Tang Yi has now reached the peak of the Nine-Star Saint!
  It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a false Holy Emperor.

The current strength is many times stronger than that of the ordinary Nine-Star Saint.

If he then uses a mid-grade Holy Heaven level martial skill like Sky Slash, the power is simply unparalleled.

However, Tang Yi, who now possesses such strength, used mid-level Shengtian-level martial arts, but was unable to leave a white mark on the purple bones of Hades Lord Tian Qijia!
  This is too exaggerated.

The defense of Underworld Lord Tian Qijia is also too powerful.

Compared to the Plague Bone Dragon Beast, it is many times more powerful.

"As expected, he is indeed the last big BOSS. He is indeed powerful."

While being surprised, Tang Yi couldn't help but secretly sigh at the power of the big boss, Lord Tian Qijia.

Of course, in fact, Tang Yi had already expected the power of Underworld Lord Tian Qijia.

After all, the Underworld Lord Tianqijia is the last big BOSS in the Plague Land. It would be strange if he is not powerful.

It's just that Tang Yi didn't expect to be so strong.

After suffering a blow from Tang Yi, the Lord of the Underworld, Tian Qijia, sneered disdainfully: "It is pitifully naive for a small human being to actually try to challenge the God's Mansion."

The Lord of the Underworld, Tian Qijia, is in the form of a skeleton. Although there is no expression on the face of the skeleton, you can clearly feel its disdain and ridicule at this time. Those dark eyes looked directly at Tang Yi, full of a superior feeling.


Tang Yi smiled coldly and did not reply.


"Second level holy level violent pill!"

Both states are turned on again!
  Tang Yi's aura surged.

After the surge, Tang Yi clenched the magic sword Apophis again, and slashed towards the Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia again.

"Sky Slash!"


The sword light lit up again, and the space was broken inch by inch.

However, facing Tang Yi's sword, the Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia still showed disdain. He did not dodge or dodge, and ignored it at all, letting Tang Yi's slash fall on him.


The sword light fell, shaking the sky and the earth, and sent shock waves.

However, this sword still had no effect.

Just like before, he didn't even leave white marks on the body of Hades Lord Tian Qijia.

"Human, stop making useless attempts. It's useless. With a mortal body like yours, how can you possibly hurt the great Lord of the Underworld. I advise you to kill yourself quickly and be buried with my monster companions."

The Lord of the Underworld, Tian Qijia, said.

"Stop talking nonsense! You are just a skeleton, but you dare to look down on us humans with flesh and blood, and you want me to kill myself. I think you should kill yourself quickly! Skeletons like you shouldn't exist in this world. This world, this world is the world of humans, you look like a skeleton, you’d better go to hell and report.”

Tang Yi said with a sneer.

"Be bold!"

Tang Yi's words seemed to poke some holes in the underworld master Tian Qijia, making him slightly angry. He only heard the underworld master Tian Qijia shout loudly and said with a little anger: "I am a great one." Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia, how dare you say that I am a skeleton?"

"In addition, who said this world is the world of humans? You humans always think that you are the masters of this world. You have no idea that you are just ants created by some powerful beings. Haha, the masters of humans are ridiculous. Extremely.

Tang Yi refuted the Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia: "Look at what you look like now, what are you if it's not a skeleton? Are you the only one who is the Lord of the Underworld? It's ridiculous! In addition, you don't need to refute me, we humans are indeed the master of all things. Lord, this world will become more colorful because of us humans! I say that we humans are the masters of this world. This is a fact and no refutation is allowed!"

After saying that, Tang Yi stopped talking nonsense to the Underworld Lord Tian Qijia and raised his magic sword to kill.

No matter how humans change the environment or how bad the world becomes, humans are the masters of this world and the masters of everything in the world. This is an undoubted fact. Tang Yi does not allow anyone to question it!
  As a human being, he must maintain human dignity!

When humans make mistakes, only humans can say and punish them. Other creatures cannot point fingers!
  This is Tang Yi's bottom line!
  This is also his three views!


The sword light flashed one after another, causing the space to tremble, and countless sharp edges swept towards the purple bones of the Underworld Lord Tian Qijia.

However, no matter how many sword lights Tang Yi slashed out in succession, no matter where he attacked the Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia, he could not cause any harm to the body of the Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia.

It won't do anything to target the body of Hades Lord Tian Qijia.

In short, no matter how Tang Yi attacked, he could not cause harm to the Lord of the Underworld Tian Qijia.

Can't even leave a white mark!

The defense of Underworld Lord Tian Qijia is terrifyingly powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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