Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1837 Obtain the kill reward and find the starry sky fragments

Chapter 1837 Obtain the kill reward and find the starry sky fragments
  "Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the destruction-level BOSS Underworld Lord Tian Qijia. The reward level has been promoted to one level, and the reward is 30000000 holy points."

"Ding, because the player Tang Yi jumped over the level and killed the destruction-level BOSS, the additional reward level was promoted to one level, with a holy value of 10000000 points."

"Ding, because player Tang Yi killed the destruction-level BOSS for the first time, the additional reward level has been upgraded to one level, with a holy value of 10000000 points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the high-grade Holy Heaven level martial skill, Arrow of Destruction."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the high-grade Holy Heaven-level martial skill, the Earth-shattering Wave Sword."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining 100000 Plague Crystals."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for getting 50000000 Holy Spirit Pills."


"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Holy Emperor."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: One-star Holy Emperor."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Two-star Holy Emperor."



As the skeletal head of Underworld Lord Tian Qijia was torn apart, a prompt suddenly appeared in Tang Yi's mind.

Under the feet, there were also lights.

And as the prompt appeared, the destruction-level BOSS, Lord Tian Qijia, was officially announced to be finished.

Looking at the reward in his mind, Tang Yi felt extremely happy, even the fatigue from the previous hard battle had disappeared.

This time, Tang Yi's level was directly promoted to the third level by killing the Underworld Lord Tian Qijia.

He was promoted from the nine-star saint level to the two-star saint emperor level.

A big stage has been crossed directly!

When Tang Yi directly received the level promotion reward before, he was unable to break through the bottleneck of nine.

However, this time, it was different from before. He directly broke through the bottleneck of Jiu and reached the Holy Emperor from the Holy Lord!
  This surprised Tang Yi very much.

At the same time, it was also a huge surprise.

Although he didn't know why he was promoted, this result was beneficial but not harmful to Tang Yi, so Tang Yi didn't care about it.

It's not a bad thing anyway.

In addition to level, this time, Tang Yi also received 50 million points of holy value as a reward, two books of high-grade holy-level martial arts, and 100,000 plague crystals.

And fifty million Holy Spirit Pills!

The harvest is very rich.

Just two books of high-grade Holy Heaven level martial arts are already worth a huge amount of money.

In addition, this is not Tang Yi's final gain.

Because there are still tasks to be completed at this time, after completing the tasks, Tang Yi will receive richer rewards.

As for the mission in Plague Land, in addition to killing the guardian BOSS, you also need to find something called Gypsophila Fragments.

Although he didn't know what this Gypsophila fragment was, Tang Yi had to find it if he wanted to complete his mission.

At this time, the BOSS has been killed, and Tang Yi can complete the mission as long as he finds the gypsophila fragments.

After looking at the harvest slightly, Tang Yi began to look for the mission items, Gypsophila fragments.

However, I don't know if it was because of this battle that the valley was in a mess, or because of some other reason.

Tang Yi walked around the valley and checked almost every inch. Even in the pile of bones of the Plague Bone Dragon Beast, Tang Yi looked and found no so-called gypsophila fragments.

It stands to reason that if such a mission item is really in the valley, Tang Yi should get a system prompt if he makes such a circle.

However, there was no prompt.

This is really strange. Tang Yi was certain that this valley was the final destination of the Plague Land.

The Plague Bone Dragon Beast and Underworld Lord Tian Qijia that were killed before should be the guardian BOSS of the Plague Land.

Since the final destination is here, Plague Bone Dragon Beast and Underworld Lord Tian Qijia are the guardian bosses.

Then, the mission item, the Starry Fragments, should be within the valley.

However, Tang Yi couldn't find it, which was very strange.

"Could it be that this mission item is inside that huge coffin?"

Tang Yi turned his head and looked at the huge coffin where Lord Tian Qijia had hidden before.

At this time, Tang Yi had searched the entire valley, but this coffin had not been searched.

The most likely place for the quest item to appear might be this coffin.

The reason why Tang Yi didn't search the coffin before was because there was a smell in the coffin that made Tang Yi very uncomfortable. This smell was foul, disgusting, and nauseating, so Tang Yi didn't get close to the coffin and search on the coffin.

In addition, the giant coffin was the forbidden place of the Underworld Lord Tian Qijia. Tang Yi felt that the mission items could not be sealed in a coffin, so for various reasons, he did not search for the coffin.

Until this time, Tang Yi searched the entire valley but failed to find the mission items. With no other option, he set his sights on the coffin.

Enduring all the discomfort in his heart, Tang Yi began to approach the giant coffin and flew above the giant coffin.

The coffin board of the giant coffin had been shattered by Hades Lord Tian Qijia before, so when Tang Yi flew above the giant coffin, everything inside the coffin suddenly came into view.

The coffin was very clean, with almost no dirt or dust.

Obviously, the Lord of the Underworld Tianqijia kept the place where he rested very cleanly.

Tang Yi glanced at the giant coffin, and immediately found a blood-red box at one end of the giant coffin.

Seeing this blood-red box, Tang Yi's eyes brightened and he said happily: "It is indeed here."

Tang Yi quickly flew towards the blood-red box and flew into the coffin.

Although the blood-red box only occupies a place in the giant coffin, it is not very conspicuous.

But in fact, the blood-red box was very huge, at least several times the size of Tang Yi.

Standing in front of Tang Yi, it looked like a hill.

Tang Yi looked at the blood-red box for a moment, then flew up, came to the edge of the box, and opened the lid of the blood-red box with a fierce force.


A soft sound.

When the lid of the box was opened, a red light suddenly rose into the sky and illuminated the sky.

However, the dazzling light only faded away.

He disappeared in the next moment, and everything returned to its original state.

At this time, Tang Yi flew to the top of the blood-red box and looked into the box.

The box contained dozens of purple balls at least one meter in size.

These purple balls are translucent, with a faint glow on the outside, and the inside of the balls...

Through the transparent materials on the surface of the ball, one can see that the inside of the ball is filled with something that looks like a star.

The star is one-tenth the size of the purple ball and appears in the center of the ball. To the naked eye, the star appears to glow bright white.

It seems that the light shining on the outside of the ball is illuminated by the star inside, which makes the ball glow faintly.

"Are these the fragments of Gypsophila?"

Tang Yi was a little surprised when he saw these balls.

At this moment, a reminder appeared in Tang Yi's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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