Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1846 The Eye of God was used for the first time, shocking the whole audience

Chapter 1846 The Eye of God was used for the first time, shocking the whole audience
  Do you want to know where Tianfeng Tower is?
  That is the largest restaurant in Longyun City!

And where is Longyun City?
  That is the central city of Tianyu Domain!
  Being able to open such a restaurant in such a place is not something that can be accomplished simply by having spiritual crystals.

It must require a certain amount of strength and power!

Only in this way can we open the largest restaurant in the main city of Tianyu Domain.

In other words, the backstage of Tianfeng Tower is powerful!

At least, I can speak in Longyun City!

In a place like this, with such a backstage, who dares to cause trouble?

The waiter has almost never seen anyone who dares to come to Tianfeng Tower to cause trouble!
  As long as they are not stupid, no one dares to cause trouble.

However, at this time, someone actually dared to come to Tianfeng Tower to cause trouble, and he was so blunt, claiming that he was just here to stir up trouble, which surprised the waiter.

However, although he was surprised and angry, the waiter did not argue with Tang Yi. Instead, he turned around and left quickly.

After a while, the waiter returned to the scene with five or six guards.

These guards are tall and thick in stature, and their aura is very extraordinary. Their martial arts strength has reached at least the King of War level, or even higher.

A small restaurant in the Tianyu Domain is equipped with warriors at the level of war kings as guards, which shows how extraordinary the backstage of this Tianfeng Tower is.

Of course, such strength is not enough in Tang Yi's eyes.

"It's him, he's the one who came to our Tianfeng Tower to stir up trouble."

The waiter came back with someone to identify Tang Yidao.

Faced with the waiter's identification, Tang Yi remained calm and unconcerned.

Seeing Tang Yi's attitude, the guards became more and more certain that Tang Yi was here to stir up trouble. The leading guard suddenly said rudely: "You are the one who wants to come to our Tianfeng Tower to stir up trouble? Do you know that Tianfeng Tower what is the place?"

"I don't care what kind of place this is. As long as I don't like it, I will stir up trouble! Let your building owner come out quickly. If not, I will demolish your building." Tang Yi threatened.

"I think you're looking for death!"

The leading guard said something coldly, and then ordered the other guards: "Come on, subdue him."

Hearing this, several other guards and the leading guard pressed towards Tang Yi.

Since Tang Yi was making a lot of noise, and it was in the lobby on the first floor, this immediately attracted the attention of the guests in Tianfeng Tower, and everyone turned their eyes over.

Moreover, even some pedestrians on the street stopped to watch when they saw the movement in Tianfeng Tower.

People all like to join in the fun, whether it's on Earth or another world.

Seeing some people stopping to watch, some unsuspecting pedestrians on the road also stopped.

After a while, the street outside Tianfeng Tower was filled with passers-by who were watching the fun and not taking it too seriously. Everyone was pointing and talking.

"Who is that person? He dares to cause trouble in Tianfeng Tower."

"Tianfeng Tower is a place with the support of the City Lord's Mansion. If you cause trouble here, that person will die?"

"I see that boy is young and doesn't look like he's brainless. Why is he so stupid?"

"It's not a good place to make trouble, and it's actually in Tianfeng Tower. If it were elsewhere, the trouble might be settled in the end, but if you make trouble in Tianfeng Tower, you will definitely not be able to walk around. After all, Tianfeng Tower is In the place protected by the City Lord’s Mansion, the owner of the Tianfeng Tower is also inextricably linked with the City Lord of the City Lord’s Mansion, so making trouble here is really dangerous.”

"Let's not talk about the City Lord's Mansion. Now, I'm afraid that boy can't even deal with the guards of Tianfeng Tower."

"That kid is miserable. The guards at Tianfeng Tower are at least at the level of war kings and are extremely powerful. Even if the City Lord's Mansion doesn't come forward, the kid who started the trouble probably won't be able to get out of Tianfeng Tower."



The onlookers were talking a lot. Everyone felt that Tang Yi was in trouble this time. He would definitely not be able to live with his troubles in Tianfeng Tower.

The waiter at Tianfeng Tower also had the same idea as the onlookers.

In his opinion, the young man in front of him actually dared to cause trouble in Tianfeng Tower. He was simply overeating and seeking death.    and...

At this time, several guards pressed towards the young man, but the young man did not move, as if he was stupid!
  Seeing this scene, the waiter became even more disdainful.

Now, the waiter has already thought about how to punish Tang Yi after the guards subdue him.

At this time, several guards came to Tang Yi and took action against Tang Yi one after another.

When the guards came under pressure before, Tang Yi did not move at all. It was not until this moment that the guards took action that Tang Yi made any move.

In fact, it can't be called a strange movement. Tang Yi just moved his eyes slightly.


Tang Yi thought silently in his heart.

At this time, a golden light shot out from Tang Yi's eyes and shot towards several guards in Tianfeng Tower.

Under the illumination of the golden light, several guards disappeared in an instant, as if they had evaporated, silently and without any movement.

Several guards did not even utter a cry.

In short, with a flash of golden light, several guards disappeared silently.

Tang Yi and the waiter were the only two people left at the scene.


The waiter was dumbfounded and didn't realize what happened.

It wasn't until a few seconds passed that he realized that the guard had disappeared!
  After a flash of golden light, it disappeared without a trace, as if the world had evaporated without a sound!

Everyone in the Tianyu Domain is martial, and it is the most martial domain among the major domains in the Tianwu Kingdom. It can be said to be a domain for the strong.

Therefore, the waiter himself also has a certain level of cultivation.

It's just that his cultivation level is slightly lower.

In short, the waiter is not a noob who doesn't know anything.

The waiter also knows some things about martial arts.

However, no matter how broad the waiter's knowledge is, no matter whether the waiter's strength is good or not, he has never seen this scene before him.

So weird, so scary.

He had no idea what was going on in the scene before him!

With a flash of golden light, several warriors who had reached the level of King of War disappeared without a trace. Isn't this too weird?

What means can do this?

And silently?

Even if it is an extremely powerful method, it will at least produce a little fluctuation and give off a little strange phenomenon, right?

However, it didn't happen at this time. There was just a flash of golden light and the person disappeared.

This is too terrible.

Seeing several guards disappearing silently, the waiter was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Tang Yi slightly, seeming to have thought of something, and then fled in panic as if he had seen a ghost, and ran away directly Tianfeng Tower, I don’t know where to escape to.

Only when they saw the waiter escaping from Tianfeng Building, the customers sitting on the first floor of Tianfeng Building, and the passers-by watching from the outside of the street, reacted.

After reacting, the onlookers all widened their eyes with expressions of disbelief and confusion. They didn't know how the guards in Tianfeng Tower disappeared, or what happened just now. What's up.

In short, these onlookers all looked confused.

(End of this chapter)

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