Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1886 The terrifying coffin!

Chapter 1886 The terrifying coffin!
  The palace door opened again.

However, this time, the object flying out of the palace was no longer a golden light or a treasure, but a dark coffin! !

The coffin flew out from the main entrance of the palace, flew into the air, and floated smoothly.

When the coffin came out of the palace gate, it didn't look very big.

However, in fact, it is extremely huge.

Compared with the palace, this coffin is naturally extremely small.

But compared with people, it looks like a big mountain!
  The length of this coffin reached a thousand meters, and the height was almost a hundred meters. It looked extremely huge!
  Such a coffin is more than enough to accommodate a hundred people, let alone one person.

Seeing such a coffin, all the forces present looked startled.

At this time, someone exclaimed: "This is... the giant coffin that stores the corpse of the ancient power!"

Hearing the exclamation, the eyes of all the forces present became hot.

Even more exciting than when I saw those treasures before!
  After all, there were only a few treasures from before, which was simply not enough.

And inside the giant coffin in front of you, there may be countless such treasures!
  You must know that this giant coffin is most likely the coffin used when ancient great powers were buried.

What is stored inside may be the corpse of the ancient power.

Since it is the coffin of an ancient power, there must be countless funerary objects inside the coffin!

These burial objects are all treasures! !
  Therefore, can everyone not be jealous and passionate about the coffin in front of them?
  In their opinion, this coffin is not a coffin, but a golden mountain!
  A golden mountain full of treasures!


At this time, no one knew who shouted, and countless strong men from all major forces flew up again and rushed towards the giant coffin.

At this moment, everyone wants to be one step ahead and get the treasure!
  For this coffin, all the major forces present are determined to get it!
  And this time, there were more figures flying into the sky than ever before!
  There are four or five thousand people.

And this time, there are more than a dozen holy masters, and almost every force has sent a saint-level master!
  The sky is dense again!

But this time, after everyone flew into the air, they were not like before, and they started fighting immediately.

Instead, they came to the side of the giant coffin first with a tacit understanding, and used various means to pry the lid of the giant coffin, trying to lift the lid.

After all, only when you lift the lid can you compete for the treasure inside, right?
  Moreover, it is only everyone’s guess that there is a treasure inside the coffin.

If there is no treasure, wouldn't their fight be in vain?
  Therefore, instead of fighting again immediately, everyone opened the coffin lid first and planned to open it before fighting!
  With the efforts of thousands of people, with a ‘bang’, the lid of the giant coffin was finally pried open!

The entire coffin lid was lifted, and everyone suddenly started to push the coffin lid out, causing it to fall to the ground!
  After a while.


There was another loud noise, and the coffin lid fell to the ground, kicking up countless dust and causing the ground to shake suddenly.

At this time, the lid of the coffin was lifted, and countless figures from high in the sky began to rush into the coffin, hoping to enter the coffin as soon as possible and snatch the buried treasures inside.

Just like that, thousands of people flying high into the sky all entered the coffin.

However, what is unexpected is!

After thousands of people poured into the coffin, the coffin suddenly shook, and an unparalleled terrifying aura burst out!
  Immediately afterwards, there was no movement.

Before that, there were shouts of killing, sounds of snatching, sounds of breaking through the air, and so on.

However, after the coffin shook and emitted that terrifying aura, everything became quiet.

There was no sound at all.

The people who rushed into the coffin seemed to have disappeared from this world without making any sound. Seeing this scene, the people below were immediately confused and curious about what happened inside the coffin.

However, the coffin is in mid-air, and from the angle below, the situation inside the coffin cannot be seen at all.

Therefore, no matter how confused and curious everyone is, they still don't know what happened inside the coffin.

However, just when everyone was puzzled, countless figures suddenly flew out of the coffin quickly.

As soon as these people flew out of the coffin, they desperately called for help, with panic expressions and fear on their faces.


"Master, save me!"

"Sect Master, save me!"

"Your Majesty, save me!"


After flying out of the coffin, these people fled quickly, and used all their strength to go as fast as they could, and as hard as they could. They were in a hurry, as if there was something terrifying behind them. things in general.

However, these people had just flown halfway and had not flown far away from the coffin. Suddenly, a torrent of black and gray power surged out, wrapped these people, and then pulled them back.

Although these people resisted desperately and used various means to escape, they still could not escape the package of gray-black power and were pulled back into the coffin.

After these people were pulled into the coffin, the coffin became silent again, as if nothing had happened.

However, the place where the coffin was located was quiet, but the major forces below saw this scene and became uproar.

"what is that?"

"What's going on? What was that thing just now? What pulled them back?"

"The strong men who just escaped have at least reached the level of saints, right? However, they were dragged back? And they couldn't even resist?"

"What's going on? Isn't that the sleeping coffin of the ancient powerful man? How could there be such a terrifying thing? Could it be that the ancient powerful man has been resurrected?"


The people on the ground were extremely shocked, but they had no idea what was happening.

More than four thousand people!
  Among them are some powerful men at the level of saints.

However, so many strong men all entered the coffin and wanted to snatch the treasures in the coffin, but no one could come back!
  Silently, as if they all disappeared!

And some people who ran out of the coffin were also pulled back by something terrifying!
  This is too terrible.

Everyone below looked frightened.

At this time, their eyes looking at the coffin were full of fear and doubt.

Although they were confused, no one dared to fly into the air to see what happened.

No one dared to get close to the giant coffin. Facing the giant coffin, all the major forces on the ground were afraid and full of vigilance.

The people on the ground didn't understand what had just happened, nor did they know what terrifying thing was inside the coffin, but high in the sky, Tang Yi saw everything.

After all, standing high and seeing far, from Tang Yi's angle, he could completely see what was going on inside the coffin. .

Seeing what was in the coffin, as well as the scene where the terrifying things slaughtered the disciples of various major forces, Tang Yi was slightly surprised, and somewhat unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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