Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1910 The terrifying power of the mysterious arm

Chapter 1910 The terrifying power of the mysterious arm

Through observation, Tang Yi found that his replacement right hand was completely driven by his arm, as if it were his original arm. It was not affected at all by the fact that it was an external arm.

Not only does it not feel sluggish when controlled, it is on the contrary extremely sensitive.

He clenched his right fist slightly, feeling full of power in his fist!
  This force is unparalleledly powerful.

With this fist, Tang Yi felt great, as if his body had become much taller again!

And this so-called "tall" does not mean growing taller and stronger, but... becoming stronger.

Yes, become stronger.

Tang Yi felt that after he replaced this mysterious arm at this time, the power from the mysterious arm was more than ten times stronger than the original arm!
  Holding such a punch, Tang Yi suddenly wanted to try the power of this punch and verify how powerful this punch was.

Thinking about it, Tang Yi controlled his power a little, controlling his power to one thousandth.

Then, he punched the ground with his right fist.

When the blast went down, Tang Yi restrained his strength a little because he was afraid that the power would be too strong, and the speed of the blast also slowed down a bit!

In short, Tang Yi used very little force in this punch!
  However, just such a punch made Tang Yi slightly surprised.

Tang Yi punched the ground.


There was a loud noise, and the fist directly shattered the entire second floor floor!
  The ground on the second floor collapsed!
  Fortunately, Tang Yi reacted quickly and floated directly.

Otherwise, he would fall from the second floor in a panic.

Tang Yi was very surprised by the power of this punch.

Tang Yi didn't know the building materials of the giant palace, but he knew that these building materials were very strong!

And it's a very solid one.

Even if a strong man of the Holy Emperor level fights here, the palace will not be seriously damaged.

Otherwise, in the previous battle between Tang Yi and the seven demon kings, he would not have only damaged that small area, instead of destroying the entire palace.

However, in such a solid place, Tang Yi used this new right arm to just punch lightly, and it was still a punch that suppressed N times the strength. Moreover, he did not use any means, just relying on The strength of the body…

He actually punched it through!
  And it's still completely shattered.

This shows how powerful this punch is.

And this punch was not just as simple as shattering the ground on the second floor.

The powerful force directly passed through a height of 100 meters and hit the floor of the first floor!



There was another loud noise.

The terrifying punch force directly shattered the first floor of the giant palace!

The entire bottom of the palace was completely penetrated by Tang Yi's punch!
  The bottom of the giant palace shattered in an instant and became hollow.

Since the giant palace was floating in mid-air, after the bottom was hollowed out for a moment, countless fragments suddenly fell into the sky and scattered towards the ground.

However, that's not all the horror!

After Tang Yi's punch shattered the bottom of the palace, it flew out and fell straight to the ground, like a meteor blasting towards the ground.

Outside the palace.

The powerful men from all the major forces had been staring at the situation in the palace. They were shocked when they saw the bottom of the palace shattered in an instant and something flew out. Some strong men even reminded loudly: "Be careful!"

Hearing this, the disciples from the major forces immediately dispersed towards the surroundings.

At this time, Tang Yi's fist turned into a meteor, dragging a slender tail down and blasting into the ground.


The terrifying punch force blasted into the ground, immediately creating a huge crater in the ground. The shock wave spread towards the surroundings, kicking up pieces of dust.

At this moment, hundreds of meters below the palace were affected.

Fortunately, the disciples of the major forces did not stand at the bottom of the palace. They were far away from the palace. When the punch came, they quickly retreated away from the place where the fist was bombarded, so they were not attacked. spread.

However, although they were not affected, the power of Tang Yi's punch still shocked them.

"What is this? What is flying out? Oh my god, that thing just now was too scary. Fortunately, we were far away, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!"

"At that moment, I felt a very terrifying aura. This aura made my heart palpitate. If my prediction was correct, the meteor-like thing just now should be some kind of power. From the palace Power inspired from within!”

"Everyone, look at that giant palace in the air. When I go, the bottom of the entire palace is completely shattered, and the contents inside are now clearly visible!"

"What is it? What shattered the palace and spread to the ground?"

"Isn't there something fighting inside? Should we retreat a little? This level of attack is beyond what we can accept. If it affects us..."


The disciples from all the major forces were talking about it and were shocked.

In the palace, as the culprit who was the initiator of the whole thing and penetrated two floors of the palace, Tang Yi was also extremely shocked.

"So strong!"

Tang Yi didn't expect that the power of this arm was so powerful!

He had already controlled his power just now, reduced his power to one thousandth, and even slowed down the speed of his punches, etc., with various restrictions.

However, it still caused terrifying power!

The two-story palace was still shattered with one punch, and the entire bottom of the palace was completely shattered!
  That terrifying punch force suddenly hit the ground, leaving a huge crater on the ground!
  So scary, so powerful!

"What kind of arm is this?"

Tang Yi looked at his arm in surprise and asked again.


What shocked Tang Yi even more was that the power of this arm was not just that.

It has even more terrifying powers that have yet to be developed!
  Since Tang Yi still knows nothing about this arm, Tang Yi doesn't know what the power contained in this arm is.

Of course, although he didn't know what that force was, Tang Yi knew that this mysterious force was definitely an unparalleled terrifying force!
  This power made even Tang Yi feel palpitation and fear!
  Due to the connection to this terrifying arm, Tang Yi could clearly feel that there was a more terrifying and powerful force in this arm.

This power destroys the heaven and the earth. Even if it is as strong as this giant palace, it will be instantly annihilated and turned into nothingness when attacked by this power.

Moreover, to achieve this level, this power only needs to be branched out a little.

A trace is enough to turn a giant palace into ashes.

It can even cause everything within a hundred miles to be wiped out!

Just a trace can have such power!

This is the feeling Tang Yi is feeling now.

(End of this chapter)

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