Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1937 You may encounter stronger monsters

Chapter 1937 You may encounter stronger monsters

Tang Yi was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the Eternal Six-Armed Divine Ape was not shattered by the destructive power of the Eye of God.

This is the first time that the Eye of God has failed.

When attacked by Tang Yi, the Eternal Six-Armed Divine Ape became furious.

Although Tang Yi's Eye of God did not kill the Eternal Six-Armed Ape just now, it caused great trauma and pain to it.

As the overlord of the Eternal Holy Land, he was attacked and injured by a human. This was a huge shame for the Eternal Six-Armed Ape.


The Eternal Six-Armed Ape slammed his chest with both hands, opened his big mouth and let out a terrifying roar, then moved all four limbs and rushed towards Tang Yi.


Seeing the Eternal Six-Armed Ape charging angrily, Tang Yi sneered, looking unconcerned.

He waved his right hand and took out the magic sword Apophis.

Although the Eye of God did not cause harm to the Eternal Six-Armed Ape, Tang Yi did not think that the Eternal Six-Armed Ape could pose a threat to him.

After all, the Eternal Six-Armed Divine Ape is just a holy beast.

And he is at the Saint Emperor level.

Moreover, he is still the top Saint Emperor.

If the majestic Holy Emperor is still afraid of a Holy Beast and is harmed by the Holy Beast, then this Holy Emperor should stop doing anything and simply kill himself.

The Eternal Six-Armed Ape was extremely fast, and coupled with its huge size, it arrived in front of Tang Yi within a few sprints.

After arriving in front of Tang Yi, he saw the Eternal Six-Armed Divine Ape leaping into the air, then crashing down towards Tang Yi.

All six of its arms were seen moving together, clenched into fists, and blasted towards Tang Yi.

However, seeing the movements of the Eternal Six-Armed Ape, Tang Yi just sneered, holding the magic sword Apophis and waved it upward.


The sword light flashed past, and the movement of the Eternal Six-Armed Divine Ape stopped abruptly, and its figure stayed in mid-air.

The next second, with a 'crash', the eternal six-armed ape was torn into pieces, shattered into countless pieces of flesh, and fell from mid-air.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the Holy Sect-level monster, the Eternal Six-Armed Ape, and gaining 25218547 Holy Points, with a Holy Value of 100000 points."


Seeing Tang Yi kill the eternal six-armed ape with one sword, the kamikaze warriors present couldn't help but take a breath.

How powerful the eternal six-armed divine ape was and how fierce the attack just now was witnessed by everyone present.

In the eyes of the Kamikaze people, they might not be able to stop such an offensive.

The moment the Eternal Six-Armed Ape's attack begins, they may be blown to pieces by the six arms of the Eternal Six-Armed Ape.

However, such a strong momentum and such a fierce offensive could not do anything to Tang Yi.

Even the Eternal Six-Armed Divine Ape was killed by Tang Yi with one sword.

This is simply shocking.

Moreover, Tang Yi looked calm and calm, as if he had not exerted any effort!

Killing the Eternal Six-Armed Divine Ape without any effort shows how powerful Tang Yi is.

Although everyone present at Shenfeng knew that Tang Yi was very strong and had seen Tang Yi take action before, they did not know how powerful Tang Yi was, and they had never seen Tang Yi kill a powerful person at the level of the Holy Sect.

When I saw it at this time, I was shocked. At this time, Tang Yi ignored the shock of the Kamikaze crowd and walked directly to the body of the Eternal Six-Armed Ape and picked up a silver spar.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."



Seeing the prompt in his mind, Tang Yi was slightly startled. He didn't expect that the Eternal Crystal obtained by killing the Holy Sect-level monster could actually obtain ten Eternal Power Energy Groups.

This is nine more than when we killed the Holy Emperor level monster before!
  "The higher the level of monsters you kill, the more Eternal Power energy groups you can get?"

Tang Yi was surprised for a moment, and then he threw the Eternal Crystal in his hand to the eldest prince: "Let's go."

"Tang Yi, do you want to continue walking along the stream?" the eldest prince Feng Jiarong asked.


Tang Yi nodded and said, "If my guess is right, if we keep walking along the stream, maybe we can get a huge harvest."

Tang Yi felt before that as long as he kept going, he would definitely get unexpected gains!
  After seeing the eternal six-armed ape, this feeling became more and more intense.

In addition, after walking for so long, their kamikaze team has never encountered teams from other principalities, which is very wrong.

Tang Yi thought that if this happened, either the Eternal Holy Land was indeed very vast, so vast that even more than three hundred teams could not touch it.

Or... teams from other principalities simply can't reach the stream!
  Only if they can't reach the stream, their kamikaze team can't touch it.

The former is unlikely to happen. After all, the two principalities have chosen this place as the location for the Battle of the Principalities, so it is impossible to choose one that is too vast and cannot be encountered in a long time.

No one can touch anyone, and there is no fierce competition. What's the point of this battle between principalities?
  Therefore, it is unlikely that the Eternal Holy Land is so vast that no one can be encountered there.

The latter is more likely.

Only the teams from the major principalities could not come to the stream, so they could not see the teams from the major principalities.

“Big gains along the stream?”

The eldest prince Feng Jiarong was slightly stunned, and then said: "Then let's continue walking along the stream. However, the monsters we encounter next will not be all at the level of the Holy Sect, right?"

"It's possible, and it's very likely."

Tang Yi also nodded and said: "I have a feeling that the further we go down, the stronger the monsters we encounter will be. At the end of the stream, let alone the monsters at the level of the Holy Sect, I am afraid that the Holy Lord, Or monsters at the Holy Emperor level may appear."

"Ah! Holy Lord, Holy Emperor-level monsters may appear? Then we..."

Hearing this, the eldest prince Feng Jiarong was immediately shocked.

The other kamikaze warriors also showed expressions of surprise and worry.

Seeing everyone's appearance, Tang Yi smiled slightly and said comfortingly: "You don't have to worry. This is just my guess, and it may not be true. Moreover, even if there are monsters at the level of the Holy Lord and the Holy Emperor in the future, That’s okay, I will protect you, don’t worry. Leave the rest of the battle to me, and you just need to stay with me.”

Tang Yi could actually go down the stream alone and let the others wait in place.


It is also extremely dangerous for the Kamikaze people to stay where they are.

If you are unlucky and encounter a powerful monster, it will be the end for everyone in Kamikaze.

Facing the Holy Sect or monsters of a higher level, the Kamikaze people simply cannot protect themselves.

Therefore, Tang Yi would not gamble with the lives of the Kamikaze people. Since he promised to keep the Kamikaze people safe, he would definitely be responsible to the end.

By keeping the Kamikaze people by his side, Tang Yi would have the information to protect their safety.

(End of this chapter)

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