Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1942 Responsible to the end

Chapter 1942 Responsible to the end
  Seeing the monster beast and the ice and snow castle, the Kamikaze people were immediately surprised. Everyone opened their mouths with disbelief on their faces.

The reason why he showed such an expression was because the monster in front of him was too majestic, too huge, and his aura was too terrifying.

And the castle behind the monster is too spectacular, too huge, and too mysterious.

They had never seen such a magical scene.

Even the well-informed Tang Yi couldn't help but look surprised at this time.

But after reacting, Tang Yi threw a Heavenly Eye Technique towards the monster.

Name: Eternal Lion Guard (Supreme BOSS)

Level: 181 (Saint Emperor Beast)

Description: A special mutant monster in the Eternal Holy Land. After killing it, you can obtain the special material Eternal Crystal. This monster is the gate guard of the Eternal Shrine and is responsible for guarding the gate of the Eternal Shrine.

Attributes:? ? ?

ability:? ? ?
  Skill:? ? ?

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)


"Eternal Lion Guard?"

"Supreme BOSS?"

"Saint Emperor Beast?"

"Responsible for guarding the gate of the Eternal Palace?"

Tang Yi was slightly startled when he saw the information about the monster.

Unexpectedly, the monster in front of me was actually a Holy Emperor-level monster, a supreme-level BOSS.

Of course, these are not the main points.

The point is, the description says that the monster in front of you is responsible for guarding the gate of the Eternal Palace?
  At this time, this monster appeared behind the ice and snow palace, which means...

"In other words, behind this Eternal Lion Guard is the Eternal Palace?"

Tang Yi said in surprise and excitement.

Seeing the change in Tang Yi's expression, the eldest prince Feng Jiarong on the side asked hurriedly: "What's wrong, Tang Yi? What kind of monster is that in front of me? And what kind of place is the palace behind the monster?"

Tang Yi came back to his senses and said to the eldest prince Feng Jiarong and the people of Shenfeng: "The ice and snow palace behind is called the Eternal Palace, and the monster in front of you is called the Eternal Lion Guard, and it is this palace. Guard of the gate.”

"Eternal Palace?"

"Eternal Lion Guard?"

"The guard at the gate of the Eternal Palace?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, everyone present was stunned and seemed very surprised, as if they did not expect this to be the case.

At this time, the eldest prince Feng Jiarong seemed to have thought of something and asked Tang Yi: "What's the level? What level of monster is this monster?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi replied: "Saint Emperor level."

"Tang...Tang Yi, what did you say? What level?"

The eldest prince didn't hear clearly.

Other kamikaze warriors also dug their ears, unsure of the sound they just heard.

"Saint Emperor level." Tang Yi repeated it again.


"Saint...Saint Emperor level? Is that monster a Saint Emperor level?" The eldest prince turned pale in shock.

The other kamikaze warriors all opened their eyes with disbelief on their faces.

"Yes, it's the Holy Emperor level." Tang Yi confirmed again.

After hearing Tang Yi confirm again, the eldest prince and others were sure that they had heard correctly. The monster in front of them was really at the level of the Holy Emperor.

" is it possible? How could a Holy Emperor-level monster appear here?" The eldest prince was shocked.

When Tang Yi said that there might be a Holy Emperor level, the eldest prince didn't take it seriously. He didn't think that a Holy Emperor level monster would appear in a secret realm like the Eternal Holy Land within the kingdom. After all, monsters at the Holy Emperor level can only appear in areas with stronger spiritual energy. Monsters of this level will not appear in mere kingdoms.

However, I didn’t expect that it would actually appear now!

After the Holy Lord, another monster of the Holy Emperor level appeared!

Normally, they had never seen even a Holy Sect-level monster.

However, now, not only are they seeing people at the Holy Sect level, but they are even seeing the Holy Lord level.

At this time, he even saw the Holy Emperor level.

This is incredible.

"Is it because we followed Tang Yi? Because Tang Yi is strong, we saw powerful monsters again and again. First it was the Holy Sect, then the Holy Lord, and now, it is the turn of the Holy Sect Emperor."

"Is this really the Holy Emperor in front of me? Darling, I never expected to see a Holy Emperor-level monster in my lifetime."

"I couldn't imagine how powerful the Holy Emperor is before. But after seeing the monster in front of me, I probably have a clear understanding! In front of me, it is like the sky..."

"If it weren't for Tang Yi, let alone the Holy Emperor, even if we encountered the Holy Emperor Beast, we would all be annihilated. But now, not only can we see the Holy Emperor, but we can also stand not far away and face the Holy Emperor. The emperor beast makes a judgment..."


Everyone in Kamikaze was surprised again and again.

At this time, the huge eyes of the Eternal Lion Guard turned to the Kamikaze people, frowned slightly, and said to the Kamikaze people: "Humans, although I don't know how you got here, but this is not where you should be." Wherever you came from, please leave quickly. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences."

He also spoke human words and warned everyone in the Kamikaze.

Moreover, when giving the warning, the Eternal Lion Guard also used a little bit of monster power, and his voice was full of power.

Facing the voice of the Eternal Lion Guard that was filled with the power of monsters, everyone in Kamikaze Kingdom could not resist at all. For a moment, their brains felt like they were going to explode and they had a splitting headache.

Fortunately, Tang Yi responded quickly and set up a barrier in time to isolate the sound, thus saving the Kamikaze people from danger.

"Huh, thank you Tang Yi. Without you just now, we would be finished."

The eldest prince Feng Jiarong breathed a sigh of relief and thanked Tang Yi.

Others also looked at Tang Yi with thanks.

At this time, it wasn't that they didn't want to thank Tang Yi, but that they couldn't do it.

They haven't recovered from the horror just now, and they can't speak at all.

The Kamikaze people adjusted a little, and then recovered from the horror just now.

"It's too scary. Is this the strength of the Holy Emperor Beast? If it hadn't been for you, Tang Yi, my brain would have exploded. Thank you so much."

"Thank you Tang Yi, thank you for saving me. Just now, its voice was like thunder, exploding in my brain. I feel like I almost died just now. Fortunately, thank you, Tang Yi, for saving me."

"Thank you for your kindness. From now on, Tang Yi, I will do whatever you want me to do. My life will be yours."

"The Holy Emperor Beast is indeed extremely powerful. Just its sound can kill people. Fortunately we have Tang Yi here, otherwise, the whole army will definitely be annihilated this time."


Everyone thanked him one after another.

Tang Yi did not sink in the thanks, but said lightly: "You're welcome. This is what I should do."

Low-key, yet humble.

After all, Tang Yi had promised to protect the Shenfeng people.

At this time, how could it be possible for the Eternal Lion Guards to kill the Kamikaze people?

Isn't this a slap in Tang Yi's face?
  If the Eternal Lion Guards really killed the Kamikaze people in front of Tang Yi, then where would Tang Yi's face be?

Even if no one blames Tang Yi, Tang Yi's self-esteem will be regretful.

So, how could he let this happen?

Protecting the Kamikaze people is what he should do. There is nothing to be grateful for.

A manly man, once he says something, it's hard to follow him. If he says he wants to protect, he must be responsible to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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