Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1944 Killing the Eternal Lion Guard

Chapter 1944 Killing the Eternal Lion Guard
  For a moment, the light of the 'little sun' dimmed, revealing the embarrassed figure of the eternal lion guard.

However, although the attack of the Eternal Lion Guard was severely damaged, it was not fatal.

It shook its body and immediately got up from the ground again.


"Human you managed to piss me off."

The Eternal Lion Guard roared and said coldly to Tang Yi.

As it spoke, it opened its big mouth and roared again.


And this roar was completely different from the previous roar.

This roar contains the huge power of the Eternal Lion Guard, which is shocking to the heavens and the earth.

All the Saint Emperor Beast-level strength exploded.

Moreover, it is more targeted.

All the voices and all the power were aimed at Tang Yi.

It was like a huge raging wave, rushing towards Tang Yi.

Seeing the movements of the Eternal Lion Guard and the ferocious sound, Tang Yi smiled coldly, opened his hands, and said softly: "Time and Space Barrier."


A mysterious soft sound came, and a barrier as black as ink appeared in front of Tang Yi.

At this time, the sound wave came and surged towards Tang Yi's location.


This ferocious sound stopped in front of Tang Yi, and was absorbed by the time and space barrier, preventing it from advancing even an inch.

This surging sound, let alone hurt Tang Yi, could not even touch a hair of Tang Yi.

"how come!"

"How can this human being be so strong!"

Seeing this scene, the eternal lion guard's lion eyes widened.

Even on the lion's face, one can clearly see its shocked expression.

Totally stunned!
  He was also completely shocked by Tang Yi's methods.

And equally shocked were the Kamikaze people who were watching the battle not far away.

Although they couldn't understand Tang Yi's level of fighting, they couldn't know the strength level of the two sides fighting.

However, they could still feel how powerful the blow and the waves of sound from the Eternal Lion Guard just now were.

The sound of the waves was like a giant wave and extremely terrifying.

If he pounced on them, he might be able to drown them in an instant.

When the sound waves pass by, they will be wiped out.


Tang Yi only raised his hand slightly to block an attack of this level.

This is too exaggerated and too powerful.

Seeing this scene, how could everyone in Kamikaze not be shocked and dumbfounded.

Today, everyone in Kamikaze has learned a lot.

And it’s a great insight.

This will be of great help to their future growth.

With today's knowledge and today's experience, their achievements will become even higher in the future!

Back to the mid-air battle.


Seeing the shocked look of the Eternal Lion Guard, Tang Yi smiled disdainfully.

At this time, I saw his figure moving, as if strolling in mid-air, walking towards the Eternal Lion Guard step by step.

However, although Tang Yi looked like he was strolling in a garden, he was extremely fast. In just a few strolls, he came to the guard of the Eternal Lion King.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi raised the magic sword Apophis and slashed forward.

"Earth-shattering Wave Sword!"


With this sword, Tang Yi did not directly hit the Eternal Lion Guard, but slashed towards the ground in front of the Eternal Lion Guard.

I saw the sword light roaring and falling towards the ground in front of the Eternal Lion Guard. Seeing the light of the sword, the guard of the Eternal Lion King was wondering why the light of the sword was not directed at him, but could not hit him. Is such an attack meaningful?

But the next second.

The Eternal Lion Guard knew that he was wrong.

And, it’s dead wrong.

This is a fatal mistake!

The sword light roared down and fell into the ground in an instant.


The ground shook suddenly and there was a thunderous roar.

At this moment, a huge mushroom cloud rose up from where the sword light fell.

As the mushroom cloud rose, a huge shock wave also spread out from the location where the sword light fell, and became larger and larger, covering an increasingly wider area.

Finally, it devours everything around it.

Including the Eternal Lion Guard!


Wherever the shock wave passed, everything turned into powder.

Flowers, plants, trees, boulders and wasteland, everything was turned into powder.

Of course, this also includes the Eternal Lion Guard.

I saw the shock wave pass by, and the Eternal Lion Guard turned into a pile of powder.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the supreme BOSS Eternal Lion Guard and gaining 8252185471 holy points, with a holy value of 10000000 points."


A reminder sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

The Eternal Lion Guard did not explode any items, but it brought Tang Yi one billion holy points and tens of millions of holy points.

This is also a nice bonus.

Tang Yi just looked at the harvest slightly, and then returned his attention to reality.

At this time, he jumped up and flew towards the location where the Eternal Lion King was before.

Originally, Tang Yi thought that the intensity of the attack just now was so powerful that no matter how tough the Eternal Crystal was, it would be impossible to survive.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was that when Tang Yi came to the location of the Eternal Lion Guard, he found crystal stones shining with silver light shining on the ground.

What are these crystals if they are not eternal crystals?
  "The intensity of the attack just now was so powerful, these Eternal Crystals were actually unharmed."

Tang Yi was surprised to see countless eternal crystals scattered on the ground.

He never expected that the Eternal Crystal could be preserved like this.

"I don't know what kind of material the eternal crystals are, but they are so strong. My attack just now was so powerful that it was not able to destroy them. It is really amazing."

Tang Yi was amazed.

After being surprised for a moment, Tang Yi gathered his strength and made a slight move.


All the eternal crystals on the ground flew up and flew into Tang Yi's palm.

Retrieving objects from the air is just an application of power, a small means.

After Tang Yi gathered all the Eternal Crystals into his hands, he counted them slightly.

There are one hundred and fifty-three in total, which is hundreds more eternal crystals than before when the Eternal Demon King guard was killed.

After getting these hundreds of eternal crystals, hundreds of reminders also sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."


"Get 20 Eternal Power Energy Groups at once?"

Tang Yi was slightly startled when he saw the prompt in his mind!
  Previously, after killing the Eternal Demon King's guard and obtaining the Eternal Crystal, fifty reminders rang in Tang Yi's mind.

However, each prompt only has ten energy groups of Eternal Power.

At this time, hundreds of reminders rang out in Tang Yi's mind, and each prompt resulted in twenty Eternal Power Energy Groups, ten more than the previous prompts!

This surprised Tang Yi extremely.

(End of this chapter)

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