Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1963 Killing the Eternal Human-faced 8-winged Griffin and cleaning up the battlefield

Chapter 1963: Kill the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon and clean up the battlefield

Tang Yi quickly bought a recovery pill from the system store.

After using the elixir to recover from his injuries, he once again faced the strange face of the eternal human-faced eight-winged gryphon, which was where the previous bombardment was. He drew his bow and shot an arrow, and struck it down.


The black energy arrows as thick as a spear once again exploded directly on the face of the Eternal Eight-Winged Griffin, immediately smashing the Eternal Eight-Winged Griffin's face to pieces.

The wounds that were already extremely hideous became even more terrifying.

The eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon was continuously attacked by Tang Yi in the face, and its vitality became more and more sluggish.

At this time, how could it dare to look down on Tang Yi? How dare it say that Tang Yi couldn't kill it!
  It even has the strength to speak.

"Didn't you say you were a god? Didn't you say I couldn't kill you? What now?"

Taking advantage of the opportunity to buy elixirs to recover, Tang Yi said coldly to the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin.

Hearing the words of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon, the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon used all his strength and did not reply. Instead, he said directly towards the void: "Master, you must avenge me and kill this... The hateful and despicable little human being, cut him into pieces...crushed his bones and turned him into ashes!"

After roaring this sentence viciously, the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon began to shout angrily and unwillingly: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It really makes me mad. I am the number one beast of the Eternal Palace, He actually fell into the hands of a little human being! Moreover, this human being is so despicable and shameless. It really pisses me off!"

The eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon seemed very unwilling and very angry.

Hearing the words of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon, Tang Yi sneered in his heart.

"Let your master avenge you? Can he get it?"

"Don't worry, I will send your master down to accompany you later!"

"Besides, it would be your honor to die in my hands."

"Now, die!"

Tang Yi said, and suddenly pulled his right hand!

Spear-like black energy arrows once again erupted on the face of the eternal human-faced eight-winged gryphon.

But this time, the terrifying energy of the black energy arrow directly smashed the strange face of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffin.

Not only that.

At this moment, the broken body of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon seemed to have reached a critical point.

The moment the eternal human-faced eight-winged gryphon's strange face eroded, its body also collapsed from top to bottom!
  Countless pieces of flesh and blood collapsed like mud. In the blink of an eye, they turned into a pile of flesh and mud and merged with the ground on the fifth floor of the Eternal Palace!
  In this way, this powerful monster that had reached the Holy God level died in Tang Yi's hands.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for killing the fifth-level divine beast of the Eternal Palace, the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon, and obtained 9999 billion holy points, with a holy value of 10 billion."

"Ding, because player Tang Yi killed the Eternal BOSS for the first time, he received an additional 1000 billion holy points and 1 million holy points."

"Ding, because player Tang Yi killed the Holy God-level monster for the first time, he received an additional 1000 billion Holy Points and 1 million Holy Points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining an unknown level of martial arts, fission of heaven and earth."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining an unknown level of equipment, the eight-winged human-faced griffon mask."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for his promotion. Current level: Two-star Holy God."


At the moment when the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon died, several reminders sounded in Tang Yi's mind.

And a yellow light spread suddenly under his feet, which was very dazzling.

  At this moment, Tang Yi felt that his body had become stronger.

Every cell in the body becomes extremely powerful.

The power contained in every cell has become extremely terrifying.

At this time, the feeling of being able to destroy the world with one hand was very clear.

It seemed as if he could destroy an entire world with just a wave of his hand.

This feeling was so good that Tang Yi was obsessed with it.      And beyond that.

After killing the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon, Tang Yi also gained a huge harvest.

The holy value alone has reached 1.2 billion points!

This is a terrifying number!

Even Tang Yi spent countless efforts and killed countless monsters to obtain such a holy value.

But now, it was obtained in an instant.

This is incredible.

At the same time, Tang Yi's current holy value has also reached a more terrifying level.

Now he has at least several billion holy points!
  Billions of holy points, this is something Tang Yi can hardly imagine!
  However, at this moment he has achieved it!
  The harvest can be said to be extremely rich.

But in fact, the biggest gain is not the holy value.

It's a book of unknown martial arts skills and an unknown level of equipment. This is the biggest gain.

Items of unknown grade represent extremely high quality and represent a height that Tang Yi has not yet reached.

This is an item that surpasses the Holy Heaven level!

Such items cannot be purchased with holy value.

Therefore, this is Tang Yi's biggest gain this time!

In short, the Eternal Human-Faced Eight-Winged Griffin brought huge gains to Tang Yi!

Before seeing the final BOSS of the Eternal Palace, and before exploring the entire Eternal Palace, this Eternal Palace has brought Tang Yi such a huge harvest. I have to say that this is really lucky.

Isn't it?

If he and everyone in the Kamikaze Principality had not been teleported to the vicinity of the stream or entered a special area at the beginning, then how could they have discovered the Eternal Shrine.

If you can't discover the Eternal Palace, how can you get such a rich harvest?
  What is this if not luck?
  Of course, this is lucky for Tang Yi, but for others, it is unfortunate.

If other people step into the Eternal Palace, it will be a devastating disaster for these people.

After all, how can others deal with Holy God-level monsters?

Tang Yi came to the place where the Eternal Griffin Protector died, stretched out his hand and made a move. Suddenly, countless eternal crystals gathered towards Tang Yi.

The fifteen eternal griffons brought Tang Yi at least 3,000 eternal crystals!
  at the same time!

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for receiving an Eternal Power Energy Group."



There are at least 3,000 tips for obtaining Eternal Power Energy Groups, and each tip contains fifty Eternal Power Energy Groups!
  In other words, just by killing the Eternal Griffin Protector, Tang Yi obtained 3,000 Eternal Crystals.

And 150,000 energy groups of eternal power!

Three thousand eternal crystals and 150,000 eternal power energy groups, this is more than Tang Yi's previous gains combined!

and this.

It's just the harvest of the Eternal Griffin Protector.

Not far away, Tang Yi has not yet explored and collected the corpse of the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon.

(End of this chapter)

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