Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1967 Found the Gypsophila fragments again, the completion level reached 4050

Chapter 1967 Found the Gypsophila fragments again, the completion level reached 4050
  In addition, Tang Yi had a large amount of holy points at this time, reaching several billion. It was not a problem to spend 90 million points of holy points to pick up a high-level elixir with unknown effects.

Even if the effect of the elixir was not good, he could still afford to consume it and waste it.

Therefore, Tang Yi picked it up.

What Tang Yi didn't expect was.

After Tang Yi picked it up, the system sent another unlock prompt.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for picking up a Heaven-Destroying Earth Pill. Please tell me if you want to unlock it now. To unlock the Heaven-Destroying Earth Pill, you need to spend 1 million holy points. Please confirm the unlocking!"

  The unlocking fee reaches 180 million points!
  It's twice as high as the pickup fee.

Unlocking and the previous pickup fee, after a set of procedures, actually cost nearly 270 million holy points!
  Too much?

Tang Yi has never spent so much holy value.

Tang Yi was surprised when he saw the unlocking fee for the Heaven-Destroying Earth Pill. He had no idea that the unlocking fee for the Heaven-Destroying Earth Pill would be so high!

"The cost of picking up and unlocking is so high, does that mean that this elixir is really powerful? Although the description is simple, does it really have the power to destroy the world?"

Tang Yi thought: "Generally speaking, the system will charge pickup and unlocking fees based on the value of the elixir. The higher the pickup fee and unlocking fee, the greater the value of the elixir. At this time, the system charges such a high fee The pickup fee and unlocking fee, in other words, is the Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Pill in front of me really powerful? Does it really have the power to destroy the Heaven-Destroying Earth? The system shouldn’t trick me, right?"

After thinking for a moment, Tang Yi readily paid the unlocking fee of 180 million holy points. Regardless of whether this elixir was powerful or not, Tang Yi decided to put it into the system backpack first.

After all, judging from the powerful aura coming from the Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Pill, the effect will definitely not be too bad.

In addition, Tang Yi currently has no shortage of holy points. It is not a big deal to invest 270 million holy points.

Therefore, he did not hesitate too much and paid readily.

After paying the fee, Tang Yi received the Destroying Heaven and Earth Pill into the system backpack.

After collecting the Heaven-Destroying Pill, Tang Yi walked around the shelves again, and after confirming that there were no special pills, he left the shelf and headed towards the ninth floor of the Eternal Palace.

Although the elixir in the third black jade bottle was not accurately described, its efficacy was unknown, and it did not meet Tang Yi's expectations.

However, this time, he also had a great harvest.

Harvested the Blood Glow Pill, the Immortal Pill and other unparalleled elixirs.

These two elixirs will be of great help in facing the next challenge of the Lord of the Eternal Palace!

After leaving the shelf, Tang Yi soon left the eighth floor of the Eternal Palace and climbed the spiral staircase leading to the ninth floor of the Eternal Palace.

In Tang Yi's opinion, the ninth floor of the Eternal Palace should still not be the location of the final BOSS.

The final BOSS of the Eternal Palace should be above the tenth floor.

The ninth floor should be the same as the seventh and eighth floors. It is a place where something is placed.

Tang Yi still doesn't know what exactly is placed there.

However, when Tang Yi climbed to the ninth floor, as he expected, the ninth floor did not have the so-called final BOSS. Instead, like the seventh and eighth floors, it was a place where items were placed.

As for the items placed.

When Tang Yi came to the ninth floor of the Eternal Shrine, he finally knew what items were placed on the ninth floor of the Eternal Shrine.

Special items!

Placed on the ninth floor of the Eternal Palace are all kinds of strange and special items!

I saw hollow counters placed in the center of the ninth floor of the Eternal Shrine.

Tang Yi quickly came to the counter and took a look. He immediately saw that the counter was filled with a variety of items.

There are unknown stones, sparkling gems, rusty iron lumps, and strange unknown flags.

In short, various.

the most important is……

Here, there is an aura that Tang Yi is very familiar with.

This aura was very powerful and gave Tang Yi a very familiar feeling.

"What?" Tang Yi was curious.

In doubt, he immediately started searching among the many counters.

Not long after, he finally found the source of that familiar aura!

It was a huge counter, more than five meters high and more than ten meters long. It was sealed on all four sides and had a glass panel on the front.

Through the front glass, you can see what's inside.

And inside this huge counter, there are dozens of shiny round stones with a diameter of at least one meter wide!

These round stones... Tang Yi felt very familiar.

Moreover, the familiar scent came from these dozens of stones.

"This is……"

After being confused for a while, Tang Yi finally realized what it was.

"Isn't this the Gypsophila Fragments! I didn't expect that the Gypsophila Fragments would appear on the ninth floor of the Eternal Palace! How lucky are you? You actually got the Gypsophila Fragments here? 12345678910, 10 in total .In other words, there are 10 Gypsophila fragments here!"

Tang Yi said in surprise.

And at the same time that Tang Yi was pleasantly surprised, a reminder came to his mind.

"Ding, I found gypsophila fragments, please let me know if you want to pick them up."

"Ding, I found gypsophila fragments, please let me know if you want to pick them up."

"Ding, I found gypsophila fragments, please let me know if you want to pick them up."


The prompt appears three times in total and is highlighted in red, which is very eye-catching.

As the prompt appeared, Tang Yi was immediately sure that the ten shiny stones in front of him were the fragments of Gypsophila.

"No wonder I have a familiar feeling. It turns out to be fragments of stars all over the sky. It really took no effort to get it without trying to find anywhere." Tang Yi said happily.

Immediately, he silently said to the system: "Pick it up!"

"Ding, the player chooses to pick up the gypsophila fragments. Picking up requires 10000000 holy points. I would like to ask the player if he agrees."


Tang Yi didn't hesitate.

The next moment, dozens of gypsophila fragments in front of Tang Yi turned into ten rays of light and entered Tang Yi's body.

It was put into the system backpack by Tang Yi.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for getting the Gypsophila fragments. The current mission completion rate is (40/50)"


"40 pills!"

Tang Yi said excitedly: "With 10 more, can I get the artifact Gypsophila?"

Tang Yi couldn't help but start looking forward to the so-called artifact Gypsophila.

However, Tang Yi is also very curious about the fragments of the stars, which are round stones that emit faint light. Tang Yi cannot imagine what kind of artifact these stones will become when combined together.

Or is it that these gypsophila stones in front of us, which are some mission items, can activate some kind of forbidden setting after being collected, so that we can get the real gypsophila?

Of course, no matter what it is, and no matter what it will look like after collecting the fragments of the sky, there is no doubt that this artifact is powerful.

Otherwise, the difficulty of searching would not be so great, otherwise, the system would not issue separate tasks.

Therefore, Tang Yi is still looking forward to the Gypsophila fragments.

(End of this chapter)

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