Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1970 The final BOSS of the Eternal God Palace, Yue Hen of the Eternal God Palace

Chapter 1970 The final BOSS of the Eternal God Palace, Yue Hen of the Eternal God Palace
  "Could this monster be the final BOSS of the Eternal Palace?"

Tang Yi guessed.

I don't know why, but looking at the eyes of the monster on the gate, Tang Yi felt that it might jump out of the gate and eat him at any time.

Moreover, after watching it for a long time, Tang Yi would feel palpitations in his heart, and his body could not stop trembling.

Tang Yi didn't know why he felt this way. In short, it was very inexplicable.

And above this heavy door, there is a plaque with four majestic characters written on it: Eternal Temple.

I don’t know what kind of material the large characters are written with, but they look golden and powerful.

"The Temple of Eternity? You really know how to put gold on your face! It doesn't matter if you call yourself the God's Mansion, it doesn't matter if you name the palace Eternal Temple, and now you call a small palace of yours the Temple of Eternity. I don’t know where I can be so thick-skinned.”

Seeing the four big characters on the plaque, Tang Yi sneered disdainfully.

And just then.

"Ding, I found an ancient ban. It will cost 10000000 holy points to lift the ban. Do you need to lift it?"



Tang Yi didn't even hesitate.

For him, there is no need to hesitate for a mere ten million holy points.

"Ding, player Tang Yi chose to lift the ancient ban, and the holy value was reduced by 10000000 points."

"The ancient ban is being lifted..."

When a prompt came from Tang Yi's mind, he saw a ray of light shooting out of his body into the heavy door in front of him.

The next moment, the heavy door shuddered suddenly, countless dust fell, and then...


Open slowly.

After a moment, when the door was fully opened, Tang Yi did not enter immediately, but first stood at the door and looked into the door.

Inside the gate is a spacious and bright hall.

The hall is very wide and...

Very luxurious.

A huge and gleaming golden dragon chair.

Huge stone pillars carved with various lifelike patterns.

Golden gems are set in various places with dazzling light.

The scene inside the gate is gorgeous.

At first glance, it is full of golden colors.

There is also a plaque hanging directly above the main hall, with the same four characters written on it.



Seeing these four big characters, Tang Yi sneered again and said: "It seems that I underestimated the thickness of the master of the Eternal Palace. His thickness of cheek has probably reached a level that no one can compare with. Bragging that he is a god Forget it that the residence is called the Eternal Temple, but now you dare to talk about immortality! It is really ridiculous."

Tang Yi curled his lips slightly and complained, and set his sights on the main hall again.

The most eye-catching thing in the hall is actually not the ridiculous plaque, but a bronze statue about ten meters high.

After taking a brief look at the main hall, Tang Yi slowly entered the main hall and came to the ten-meter-high bronze statue.

This bronze statue is of a young man who looks to be in his twenties.

The young man was wearing a vest, showing his strong muscles, and a pair of loose trousers.

His appearance as a young man, his sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, can be said to be very handsome.

Although the bronze statue was over ten meters high, Tang Yi could still tell from his body proportions that his figure was perfect. Of course, that’s not the point.

The point is, behind this young man, there are bird wings that look like the eternal human-faced eight-winged gryphon, and the number of wings is also eight!
  This appearance is very similar to the angel Gabriel, except that Gabriel's wings are white.

But the wings of the young man in front of him were Zong gray wings.

In addition, the young man held a round shield in his left hand and a half-moon shaped scimitar in his right hand. He assumed a defensive and offensive posture, which looked very imposing.

From this bronze statue, Tang Yi also felt an extremely powerful aura, as if what stood in front of Tang Yi was not a bronze statue, but a very powerful warrior.

"Is this bronze statue the owner of the Eternal Palace?"

Seeing this bronze statue, Tang Yi couldn't help but wonder.

Thinking about it, Tang Yi tentatively threw a Heavenly Eye Technique towards the bronze statue.

Since the BOSS on the sixth floor all burst out from the stone statues, Tang Yi wondered whether the final BOSS on the tenth floor would also burst out from somewhere.

Therefore, he cast a clairvoyance technique on the bronze statue.

Tang Yi just wanted to try this Heavenly Eye Technique to see if he could get anything. In fact, he was not sure what information he could get.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was.

The clairvoyance technique really got the information from the bronze statue!
  [Name]: Gong Yuehen (God-level BOSS)

[Identity]: Lord of the Eternal Shrine.

[Level]: Level 199 (Nine-Star Holy God)

[Exercise method]: Tianniao Shenzunjue (self-created high-grade holy-level method)

[Martial skills]: Eternal Moon (self-created holy heaven-level middle-grade martial arts), Eternal Strangulation (self-created holy heaven-level middle-grade martial arts), Eternal Protection (self-created holy heaven-level middle-grade martial arts), Eternal Blockade (self-created middle-grade holy heaven-level martial arts) Create a middle-grade holy heaven-level martial skill), Eternal Heaven and Earth (create a self-created high-grade holy heaven-level martial skill)

[Movement Technique]: Eternal Griffin Flying Body Technique (Self-created Shengtian-level middle-level movement technique)
  [Weapons]: Crescent Moon's Eternal Blade (high-grade Holy Heaven level), Blue Bird Holy King Shield (high-grade Holy Heaven level)

[Description]: A man who successfully merged with the griffon bloodline and called himself God Di.

In his early years, Gong Yuehen was just a child of a noble family, with mediocre qualifications and mediocre strength, nothing outstanding.

And because of his arrogant nature, at the age of twenty-two, he provoked an entity that he could not afford to offend. Not only was his fiancée taken away, but his family was also implicated and destroyed by that powerful entity.

Then, that powerful being captured Gong Yuehen, but instead of killing him directly, he used his body to conduct some kind of evil and terrifying experiment.

The experiment is to use a human body to fuse the blood of monsters.

This experiment is extremely difficult, with no chance of survival, and the chance of survival is extremely low.

However, what I didn't expect was that Gong Yuehen not only perfectly integrated the bloodline of the mythical beast Moonmark Griffin.

Moreover, he also used the blood of the divine beast to kill the powerful being to death, avenging his great revenge.

After the great revenge was avenged, Gong Yuehen inherited everything from that powerful being.

Including experiments!

And in order to continue the experiments of that powerful being, he established the Eternal Palace as a base and proclaimed himself the Eternal God Lord...

[Evaluation]: A mountain that cannot be climbed (your strength is far different from that of your opponent. If you challenge forcefully, you will only lose your life in vain)



"This bronze statue is indeed the final BOSS! Moreover, it is a God-level BOSS that has reached the 199-level Nine-Star Holy God level!"


Tang Yi was slightly speechless.

He just tried it before, but unexpectedly he actually used the clairvoyance technique to identify the bronze statue's information.

The final BOSS of the Eternal Palace, the Eternal Divine Lord, Gong Yuehen was identified!
  This bronze statue is the true form of the final BOSS, the Eternal God Palace Yuehen!

(End of this chapter)

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