Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1975 The Unbreakable Bronze Statue

Chapter 1975 The Unbreakable Bronze Statue

Tang Yi repeated his old trick, directly hitting the head of the bronze statue of Yue Hen in the Palace of Eternal God, and struck it down with an arrow.


The black energy arrows hit the bronze statue heavily, and terrifying energy exploded.

However, the billowing torrent of power broke out and kept hitting the bronze statue, but it still couldn't even make the bronze statue shake at all.

No trace can be left on it.

The golden light continued to shine on the bronze statue, completely canceling out the entire power of Tang Yi's 'Arrow of Destruction'.

The bronze statue is still safe and sound!

Tang Yi's blow not only caused no damage to the bronze statue.

On the contrary, he suffered considerable injuries due to the force shock wave.

And his body flew backwards due to the terrifying impact.

Fortunately, Tang Yi was so powerful that he forcibly stopped his body and did not fall from the air.

"I still don't believe it!"

Tang Yi wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and then quickly bought elixirs in the system store to recover from his injuries.

After recovering from the injury...

"Field of Power!"


An invisible realm spreads out!

Tang Yi opens the additional skill of the sacred power ring of inheritance, the power field!
  Originally, Tang Yi planned to keep this additional state to deal with the final boss Gong Yuehen.

But now, he has used this skill.

After all, even the bronze statue can't be destroyed at this moment, and even Gong Yuehen can't be forced out, so what's the point of keeping it?
  Therefore, Tang Yi decided to display this additional skill!

Anyway, the power field can be used twice a day. Just use it once now and save it once to deal with the final BOSS.

After the power field was opened, Tang Yi's power skyrocketed in an instant and became extremely powerful!

At this time, he came to Gong Yuehen's bronze statue again, pressed his head against Gong Yuehen's head, and suddenly drew his bow!
  Anyway, the bronze statue is not resurrected now, and Yue Hen of the Eternal God Palace will not jump out to attack Tang Yi, so Tang Yi is completely free to attack as he wants.

Even if the energy arrow is pressed into Gong Yuehen's mouth, there will be no problem.

Of course, where is the mouth more deadly than the head?
  Therefore, Tang Yi once again put the Ice Divine Bow on the head of the Eternal God Palace Yue Hen, then drew the bow and condensed the arrow.

"Arrow of Destruction!"


The black energy arrow roared again, directly hitting the head of the bronze statue of Yue Hen in the Eternal God Palace.

After being blessed by the power field, Tang Yi became more powerful, and the power of this arrow of destruction became even more terrifying.


There was a loud noise, black energy arrows erupted, the hall suddenly trembled, and Tang Yi was once again blown away by the terrifying shock wave.

However, this time, fortunately, Tang Yi took precautions in advance. Before the shock wave spread, he cast a space-time barrier to withstand the remaining power of the shock wave.

This time, although Tang Yi was also injured, the injury was extremely minor and nothing compared to before.

And this attack...

With this blow, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the power of heaven was shaken. However, the bronze statue of Yuehen in the Palace of Eternal God is still safe and sound.

The torrent of power dissipated, and the bronze statue of Yue Hen in the Eternal God Palace was still as clean as new, without any traces.

It was as if Tang Yi had not attacked before.

"Impossible, why are you so hard?"

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi's face was gloomy, and he showed an unbelievable look.

Because he was too shocked and because the result was too unacceptable, he even forgot to buy pills to recover his injuries. He just stared blankly at the bronze statue of Yuehen in the Eternal God Palace with his injuries.

You know, after taking the second-level holy level violent pill, opening up the power of heaven, opening up the halo of the ruler of dignity, and opening up the field of power, Tang Yi's strength has reached a very terrifying level, and he has gained huge of bonus.

In this state, he exerts the power of the Arrow of Destruction, which is very terrifying!

Coupled with the powerful penetrating properties of the Destruction Arrow, the power of this blow is unparalleled.

Not to mention a bronze statue, even a holy-level monster must be killed!

Beings like the eternal human-faced eight-winged griffon, let alone resisting Tang Yi's blow, could not do it even with the slightest bit of power spilled out from Tang Yi's blow. For fly ash.

So it can be seen that Tang Yi's attack was very powerful.

However, such a terrifying blow still couldn't break the bronze statue?

Is this bronze statue stronger than a holy god-level monster?
  "What exactly is this bronze statue? How can a mere bronze statue be so hard? Could it be said that it is really hard because Yue Hen of the Eternal God Palace is inside? Or is it because Yue Hen of the Eternal God Palace is inside? Is there protection inside the bronze statue? Because of its protection, the bronze statue cannot be broken?"

Tang Yi became confused and made various guesses.

However, no matter what the speculation was, he could not verify it.

After all, no one told him, so how to verify it?

At the same time, facing this weird bronze statue, Tang Yi was also a little embarrassed.

Just now, Tang Yidu had displayed all the states that could be displayed, and now there was no state that could be displayed.

The only remaining ones are status skills like the Holy Armor and Divine Power that have not yet been used.

As for the status skill of Divine Power, the cooldown time reaches twenty-two hours.

Because the cooling time is too long, Tang Yi cannot use it at will.

After all, if he displays it now, then when he faces the final BOSS of the Eternal Palace, Tang Yi will not have the blessing of this state.

Losing a status skill is undoubtedly very disadvantageous for Tang Yi. Facing the final BOSS of the Eternal Palace, the success rate will also drop by a few points.

Therefore, Tang Yi cannot use status skills with long cooldown time at will.

But like the power of heavenly beauty, the aura of the Rule of Dignity and the field of power that Tang Yi used before, there is no such problem.

The cooldown time of Tianmei Power is only ten minutes.

The cooldown time of the Rule of Dignity aura is three hours, so it's not a big problem.

When facing the enemy, just delay. If Tang Yi wanted to delay for three hours, it would be very simple.

There are two opportunities to use the power field every day.

It was only used once, so Tang Yi just had to save the last time for the final BOSS, and there was no problem.

Therefore, there was no problem with Tang Yi's previous states.

The problem is that Tang Yi couldn't break the bronze statue at all in his previous states!

The bonuses brought by these status skills cannot allow Tang Yi to defeat the bronze statue, and it seems that there is no defense. Can Tang Yi not be embarrassed?
  (End of this chapter)

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