Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 1986 Using the Eternal Power Energy Group, Sublimation of Power

Chapter 1986 Using the Eternal Power Energy Group, Sublimation of Power

There are no side effects, so this eternal body is an artifact!
  Even more powerful than the artifact!
  Increases physical constitution by ten million points, increases defense power by a thousand times, damage reduction by three hundred times, blood volume by five hundred times, and recovery speed by a thousand times.

This basic attribute alone is already unparalleledly powerful.

Coupled with special attributes, the five-element resistance increases five times and the hard value increases five times.

Such a body is unparalleledly powerful.

In addition, this body also has two passive special effects. One is resurgence, which can quickly recover injuries. No matter what damage is suffered, it can be recovered quickly.

Just like the previous bronze statue of Yue Hen in the Eternal God Palace, it can be restored no matter how broken it is.

However, what puzzles Tang Yi is, what is this ultimate power?
  Could it be the power of the Eternal Power Energy Group?
  Yes or no, you will know later when you try it.

Another special effect of this eternal body is that it can change the shape of the body and turn it into various appearances, tall or short, fat or thin, it can be any shape, even if it turns into a puddle of water or a puddle of mud!

This is a very practical skill.

In short, this eternal body made Tang Yi very satisfied.

In Tang Yi's view, the Eternal Body should be a special part item like the 'Eye of the God' and the 'Hand of the Ancient Power King'.

After Weiwei checked it, Tang Yi immediately chose to use the Eternal Body.

"Ding, player Tang Yi has chosen to use the Eternal Body. Do you want to confirm?"


Tang Yi read silently.

next moment.


A stream of golden energy was seen swarming out from Tang Yi's body, gathering in mid-air, and condensing into a golden ball.

The next second, the golden ball turned into a warm current, rushing back towards Tang Yi, and merged with Tang Yi.

After merging with this golden energy, Tang Yi's body was dazzling with golden light!
  At this moment, Tang Yi felt very good.

His body seemed to have been greatly nourished, very warm and very comfortable.

And Tang Yi had a feeling that he had become stronger.

Tougher, more powerful, and more explosive!
  This body now is even more perfect than before!

"Does this mean my body has been replaced?"

"Very good! Very good!"

After experiencing his new body slightly, Tang Yi felt extremely good.

This is much more comfortable and easier than when I just replaced the Ancient Power King's Hand.

You know, when Tang Yi replaced his arm, one of his arms was first cut off by the ancient power king, and then reattached.

That moment was very painful.

After all, who wouldn’t feel pain if an arm was cut off?
  Who doesn’t feel uncomfortable when their shoulders are empty?

But now that I have replaced my body, I don't feel any discomfort, and the difference is immediately apparent.


Tang Yi's expression changed and he began to control his body.

The body undergoes various changes under his control, turning into a thin man for a while, a fat man for a while, extremely handsome for a while, and ugly for a while.

In just a short time, Tang Yi changed countless times. He tried all kinds of shapes, tall, short, fat, thin, handsome and ugly, beautiful women, old people and children.

After having enough fun, Tang Yi's expression changed and he returned to his original form.

"The transformation function of this body is indeed unparalleled and powerful. The transformed appearance is completely impeccable. Even the sound can fit the body and undergo huge changes. It can even be turned into a solution or a quagmire. This is amazing. .”

Tang Yi sighed.

After Weiwei tested it, Tang Yi fell in love with this body even more.

"I'm really grateful to Gong Yuehen, for leaving me such a body."

Tang Yi smiled. After a slight test, Tang Yi's expression changed, and all the golden light emitted from his body subsided.

After condensing the light of the Eternal Body, Tang Yi began to examine the Eternal Power energy group.

[Eternal Power Energy Group]: Buff item.

Attributes: Permanently increases one point of ultimate power.

Quantity: 365895200

Due to the small quantity, Tang Yi did not use it before.

At this time, it was time to clean up the loot. There were enough Eternal Power energy groups for Tang Yi to use.

Choose to use the Eternal Force energy group in the system backpack.

next moment.


Groups of golden energy gush out from Tang Yi's body, then slowly rise into the air, floating in the air, as if they are like golden bubbles, very beautiful.

The size of these golden energy groups is not large, the small one is about the size of a thumb, and the largest one is about the size of a fist.

At this time, golden energy groups continued to pour out of Tang Yi's body, floating in the air.

Not long after, dense golden energy groups floated in the air.

Just looking at it with the naked eye, you can't tell how many groups there are.

In short, they are densely packed and countless.

And when all the golden energy groups poured out, they immediately returned to Tang Yi himself, flew back towards Tang Yi, and then integrated into Tang Yi's body.


Tang Yi's body glowed with golden light, even more dazzling than when he used the Eternal Body before.

At this time, Tang Yi... got a very strange feeling.

He felt as if he had sublimated.

I don’t know how to describe that feeling, it’s like stepping from one ladder to another higher ladder.

It is not an improvement in strength, but a sublimation of state, which is very magical.

Moreover, it is not only sublimated once!
  It seems as if it has crossed several stairs and sublimated several times.

In short, Tang Yi feels that he knows more and views power more comprehensively and carefully.

It's such a magical feeling.

Let's put it this way, if we really need to make an analogy, let's use the school on Earth as an analogy.

If Tang Yi's previous understanding of power was in elementary school, it was only at the first grade level.

So at this time, after using the Eternal Power Energy Group, Tang Yi changed to a school, to a junior high school, and was upgraded to the junior high school level.

Crossed several levels in succession and entered another level.

Elementary school and junior high school are no longer on the same level.

Before using the Eternal Power energy group, I was in elementary school.

And after using it, it’s junior high school.

This is Tang Yi's improvement at this time.

And just when Tang Yi was experiencing it carefully, a reminder suddenly came to his mind.

"Ding, player Tang Yi uses 1 Eternal Power energy group to gain 1 point of ultimate power."

"Ding, player Tang Yi uses 1 Eternal Power energy group to gain 1 point of ultimate power."

"Ding, player Tang Yi uses 1 Eternal Power energy group to gain 1 point of ultimate power."


(End of this chapter)

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