Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2011 Longyun Principality Inspection Results

Chapter 2011 Longyun Principality Inspection Results

Zi Wuji said he was not in a hurry on the surface, but in fact, he was extremely anxious in his heart.

Originally, he placed his hopes on Tang Yi and the Kamikaze Principality.

But I didn't expect that the Kamikaze Principality was so unsatisfactory that it was timid and fearful and hid in the Eternal Holy Land and did not participate in the battle.

Zi Wuji cannot place high hopes on the Kamikaze Principality, so he can only place his hopes on other principalities.

But I didn't expect that this other principality would be so unsatisfactory.

The first principality to test its results was completely killed by the principality team from the Tianshui Kingdom.

Seeing this scene, can Zi Wuji not be anxious?

What if Zijin’s principality team is not as good as Tianshui’s principality team in the future?
  As Zi Wuji expected, several Zijin principality teams that were tested in succession were not as good as Tianshui's principality team.

And it is a coincidence that the Zijin Principality team on the left has just completed the inspection, and the Tianshui Principality team on the right has also completed the inspection at the same time.

Of course, simultaneous testing is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that after each test, the results of the Zijin Principality team on the left will always be slightly worse than the Tianshui Principality team on the right.

Every time, one or two Eternal Crystals are missing.

Seeing this scene, Zijin King Zi Wuji's face turned green.

It doesn’t matter if one team loses. Every team loses. What’s this?

If they continue to lose like this, how will their Zijin Kingdom lose face?
  Every principality team lost to Tianshui's principality team, how shameless is this?

Doesn't this prove that their Zijin is weaker than Tianshui?

Zi Wuji was originally very anxious, but when he saw this scene again, his heart suddenly felt cold, and his whole body felt bad.

"Now, we can only look at the results of our Purple and Gold Seed Principality team."

Zi Wuji could only place his hopes on the Seed Principality team at this time.

Not long after, it was the turn of the seeded principality team to take the field for a test.

Coincidentally, it is the turn of Zijin on the left to be the Seed Principality of Tianlan, while on the right it is also the turn of Beiba, the Seed Principality of Tianshui.

"Tianlan Principality, twenty-six eternal crystals."

"Beiba Principality, forty-six eternal crystals!"

The Beiba Principality, the seed principality of Tianshui Kingdom, has twenty more eternal crystals than the Tianlan Principality, the seed principality of Zijin!
  Seeing that even the Seed Principality team lost to Tianshui, the face of Zijin King Zi Wuji became even darker.

At this time, Shui Tianwu, the king of Tianshui, came out again and said: "Old Zi, look, I just said that the team of our principality in Tianshui is more powerful, right? The principality of Beiba, the seed principality of Tianshui, the last principality battle was only It only ranks tenth, but it is still more powerful than your Zijin Seed Principality."

"Hmph. Our Zijin Tianlan Principality was ranked within the top ten last time, but that doesn't mean they are weak. It's just that they didn't perform well this time."

"Furthermore, the rankings of the previous session have absolutely nothing to do with this Battle of the Principalities. After all, the players are not the same group of players, so how can they be used for comparison. Tianlan Principality is not as good as your Beiba Principality, that's because they performed poorly. , you can’t blame others. But if you want to say that your Tianshui principality team must be better than our Zijin team, you still don’t know because it’s not until the last moment, who knows what will happen?”

Zi Wuji said stiffly.

Although I already have ten thousand bad premonitions in my heart, I already feel that there is a high probability that I will lose.

But he still held on.

After all, if you lose, you must lose, and you cannot lose face.

"Lao Zi, Lao Zi."

Shui Tianwu just smiled and didn't say anything.

After all, he has known Zi Wuji for so long, how could Shui Tianwu not know his character.

Zi Wuji has a character that refuses to admit defeat until the last moment, and Shui Tianwu understands this all too well.

Therefore, the result has not been fully revealed at this time, and it is difficult for him to say anything else. All I can say is: "Okay, let's continue reading."

Then, the test results did not make Zi Wuji so uncomfortable, and Zijin finally won a few games.

Several Zijin principality teams defeated the principality teams from Tianshui.

Of course, even though they won, it was only a small victory. They only had a few more eternal crystals than the principality team on the Tianshui side.

Overall, Zijin is still at a disadvantage, losing more and winning less.

In terms of overall results, the principality team from Tianshui completely crushed the Zijin Kingdom team.

Not only the overall results, but also the core team, Tianshui's principality team has the upper hand.

Several Seed Principality teams from the Tianshui Kingdom are better than those from the Zijin Principality.

Seeing this scene, Zi Wuji's face turned even more ugly.

Zi Wuji no longer has any hope for this year's battle between the principalities.

After dozens of minutes of inspection, it was finally the Longyun Principality's turn to inspect on the left, while on the right was a team from a principality named Dasu from the Tianshui Kingdom.

"Dasu Principality, thirty-nine eternal crystals."

The results of Dasu Principality are announced.

The Dasu Principality in Tianshui is not a seed principality team.

However, although they are not a seed principality team, their results have reached the level of a seed principality.

Even more powerful than most of the seed principality teams.

Some seed principality teams only received twenty or thirty crystals of eternity.

At this time, the Dasu Principality in Tianshui had obtained thirty-nine, which shows how powerful they are.

Upon hearing the achievements of Dasu Principality, Shui Tianwu, the Lord of Tianshui King, had a smile on his face.

On the side, Zijin King Zi Wuji's expression became even more ugly.

At this time, the testing station on the left also began to announce the results.

"Longyun Principality, forty-nine eternal crystals."

Compared to the Dasu Principality in Tianshui, there are ten more eternal crystals!

Longyun Principality is also the principality with the best results so far!
  Previously, Longyun Principality went to the location of Kamikaze Principality to provoke them, and they kept talking about more than 30 Eternal Crystals.

In fact, they were reserved.

Their actual results, forty-nine eternal crystals!

The reason why they obtained so many eternal crystals was not only because they continued to hunt monsters, but also because they robbed many principality teams!

Moreover, cheating kills people.

Their hands were covered in blood.

It was because of his ruthlessness that the Longyun Principality obtained so many eternal crystals.

Only then did he obtain the good result of forty-nine eternal crystals.

After hearing the results, Zijin King Zi Wuji's brows finally relaxed, his expression suddenly recovered, and his gaze towards Longyun Principal became extremely soft and satisfied.

After hearing the results of Longyun Principality, he immediately turned his head and said to Shui Tianwu, the Lord of Tianshui King: "How is it? Although the overall results of your Tianshui Kingdom's principality team are good, so far, our Zijin team is still the best. Longyun Principality has the best results, right? If I remember correctly, your Beiba Principality in Tianshui only obtained forty-six eternal crystals, while our Zijin Longyun Principality obtained forty-nine eternal crystals."

(End of this chapter)

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