Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2020 The Purple Gold King suddenly realizes

Chapter 2020 The Purple Gold King suddenly realizes

Shi Yuan, the leader of the Tianlan Principality, has always been extremely afraid of the Kamikaze Principality and was afraid of encountering the Kamikaze Principality again.

The reason why Tianlan Principality did not perform well this time was also because of fear.

Tang Yi is afraid of the Kamikaze Principality and is afraid of the Kamikaze Principality.

As for the results of the Kamikaze Principality...

If the results of these 100,000 eternal crystals were obtained by another principality, Shi Yuan would definitely not believe it.

But if it was obtained by the Kamikaze Principality, Shi Yuan would have some confidence.

Moreover, at this time, the Kamikaze Principality obtained one hundred thousand eternal crystals, and then think of the thick layer of black ashes in the Forbidden Land...

Shi Yuan couldn't help but think: "Could that thick layer of ashes be the corpses of the monsters killed by Kamikaze Dukedom?"

Obviously, Shi Yuan guessed wrong this time.

That thick layer of ashes is nothing but the ashes of flowers, trees, and soil crushed by powerful forces.

Although there are also ashes of monsters in it, there are not many.

When everyone heard Shi Yuan's words of proof for Kamikaze Principality, everyone suddenly realized that there really was such a forbidden place.

"It seems that the Forbidden Land incident is not fake. Otherwise, not so many teams would have seen it. This time, our Purple and Gold Royal Family did not do its job properly."

Zi Wuji said.

"The same goes for us in Tianshui. There is such a big thing as a forbidden place in the secret realm, but we didn't discover it. This is really our negligence." Shui Tianwu also said.

Below, Qi Wendong, the leader of the Dongliang Principality, said: "Even if the forbidden land is true, so what? That doesn't explain why you were able to obtain one hundred thousand eternal crystals."

"Yes, even if there is such a forbidden place, it does not prove that your kamikaze has the ability to obtain one hundred thousand eternal crystals."

"The rules in the Eternal Holy Land cannot be changed. If you want to obtain the Eternal Crystal, you must kill the Holy Emperor-level monsters. Even if there is such a forbidden place, you Kamikaze still need to kill the Holy Emperor-level monsters. . It takes a lot of time to kill one such monster. How can you get 100,000 in seven days?"

"Even if there are 100,000 monsters in the Forbidden Land, it won't help. Explaining how to kill them is the key."

"Yes, we don't want to know if there is such a forbidden place in the Eternal Holy Land. I just want to know how you Kamikaze hunted so many monsters in just seven days."


The warriors of the principality all agreed.

Hearing this, the Kamikaze Grand Prince Feng Jiarong smiled slightly and said: "I have already said that the reason why you think it can't be done is because of your lack of strength. Do you know that there will be high-level people in this forbidden land? Do monsters at the Holy Emperor level exist?"

"A monster higher than the Holy Emperor level?"

Everyone present was slightly stunned.


Feng Jiarong continued: "Monsters higher than the Holy Emperor level! In the forbidden place in the Eternal Holy Land, there are monsters above the Holy Emperor level! These monsters are extremely powerful. At the same time, kill one like this The Eternal Crystals obtained by a monster will be hundreds of times that of a Holy Emperor-level monster! And the higher the level, the more Eternal Crystals will be obtained!"

"There are monsters higher than the Holy Emperor level in the Forbidden Land of the Eternal Holy Land?"

"If you kill monsters above the Holy Emperor level, will the Eternal Crystals you get doubled?"    "The higher the level of the monsters, the more Eternal Crystals you will get?"

"This is impossible!"


Everyone said in disbelief.

At this time, Qi Wendong, the leader of the Dongliang Principality, questioned again: "You said that there are monsters higher than the Holy Emperor level in the Forbidden Land. Killing these high-level monsters will get more Eternal Crystals. But I I have a question. Your Kamikaze Principality is only a second-rate principality. How can you kill these high-level monsters? Let’s not talk about more advanced monsters. Even the top-level Holy Emperor Beasts are extremely terrifying in strength and extremely difficult to deal with. , even our Dongliang Principality must do our best to face the top-level Holy Emperor Beast, how can your Kamikaze deal with it?"

"That's right, how could your Kamikaze Principality have such strength?"

"Even if what you Kamikaze Principality said is true, there really is a Forbidden Land in the Eternal Holy Land, and there are really high-level monsters in the Forbidden Land, and killing high-level monsters can really get a lot of Eternity. Jing, but how did you kill these high-level monsters?"

"I also doubt this. The top-level Holy Emperor Beast is extremely terrifying. What kind of strength will a monster that reaches the Holy Sect level reach? How can you Kamikaze be able to deal with it?"

"I just saw what your kamikaze meant. It seems that in addition to the holy sect-level monsters, it can also deal with more powerful monsters? Why don't you tell a normal lie?"

"Haha, that's so ridiculous. This explanation is even more unconvincing."

"If there really are holy sect-level monsters or even higher-level monsters in the Eternal Holy Land, all of our principality teams may be doomed. Do you still want to intercept them? It's simply a fantasy."


Everyone also echoed Qi Wendong's question.

After hearing this, Feng Jiarong said calmly: "I said that I am not strong enough, so I question others. Regarding strength, it is actually easy to explain. You all say that our kamikaze is not good, so how about verifying it? Is that enough? It’s enough to verify the strength of our kamikaze and verify whether our kamikaze has the strength to kill monsters above the level of the Holy Emperor. Isn’t that enough?”

When everyone heard this, they were all stunned.


This is indeed very easy to explain.

Wouldn't it be enough to verify whether Kamikaze can do it and whether it can intercept and kill Holy Sect-level monsters?

Even if there are no monsters above the Holy Emperor level in the Eternal Holy Land, if the Kamikaze Principality really has the strength to challenge the Holy Sect-level monsters, then they will still deserve the first place!

Therefore, all explanations are in vain now, and only Kamikaze can show their strength and show their fists, in order to prove their achievements.

After hearing Feng Jiarong's words, everyone's eyes lit up.

On the high platform, when hearing Feng Jiarong's words about verifying his strength, Zijin King Zi Wuji finally came to his senses and seemed to understand something.

I saw him thinking: "I understand, I understand! Everything is understood. No wonder all the principality teams have never seen the Kamikaze Principality. No wonder the light curtain did not reflect the performance of the Kamikaze Principality. It turns out that the Kamikaze Principality has entered Forbidden Land! It turns out that the Kamikaze Principality is not timid and afraid! Instead, it fights in the Forbidden Land!"

"And the objects they are facing are the monsters in the Forbidden Land. The monsters in the Forbidden Land are more powerful than other places in the Eternal Holy Land! They have exceeded the level of the Holy Emperor! They have reached the level of the Holy Sect, and even Higher level!”

"And these monsters that have surpassed the Holy Emperor level have brought the Eternal Crystal beyond imagination to the Kamikaze Principality!"

"As for whether Kamikaze Principality has the ability to kill high-level monsters... Kamikaze Principality has Tang Yi! With a monster like Tang Yi here, how can it be impossible to deal with it? Let alone the Holy Sect level, even if it is a Holy Lord, or If it’s higher, it’s possible to defeat them!”

All of a sudden, Zi Jin King Zi Wuji suddenly understood, and after connecting all the things, everything became clear.

(End of this chapter)

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