Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2026 The Lord Tianshui suddenly realized

Chapter 2026 The Lord Tianshui suddenly realized


The leader of the Feiyue Principality was slightly stunned, and then said in disbelief: "It's impossible, no matter how powerful you are, you can't do this."


Tang Yi smiled, feeling that the leader of the Feiyue Principality in front of him was really a fool.

He immediately said: "You are really too weak. Of course, someone who is stronger than you can't do this. But if the strength is much, much stronger than you, countless times more than you, your attack will only scratch my body. Isn’t this possible?”

"You mean that you are countless times stronger than our Feiyue Principality? Haha, do you think we believe that?"

The leader of the Feiyue Principality sneered.

"Whether others believe it or not, I don't believe it anyway."

"How can a mere warrior from a second-rate principality have such strength!"

"It's so funny that you would make up such a lie!"

"Hurry up and tell me what kind of magic you used!"

Other warriors from Feiyue Principality said one after another.

"It's really noisy. Only weak people chatter endlessly and don't recognize the strength of others. Strong people don't talk nonsense at all. Now I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to you. You are just frogs in the well."

As Tang Yi spoke, he raised his hand slightly, and all ten warriors from Feiyue Principality flew into the air.

Then, Tang Yi's hand fell suddenly.

"Bang bang bang!"

All ten warriors from Feiyue Principality smashed to the ground, tilted their heads, and spurted out a mouthful of blood. They suffered heavy injuries and fainted.

Tang Yi did not deal harshly with them, he just taught them a lesson and did not kill them.

After solving the Feiyue Principality, Tang Yi said to the audience: "Who else questions the achievements of our Kamikaze Principality? Let's go together."

Still crazy, still arrogant.

Everyone present was once again shocked by Tang Yi's methods!

What method is this?
  With just one raise of his hand, all the warriors from the Feiyue Principality were lifted up.

As soon as their hands fell, the warriors of Feiyue Principality all hit the ground and suffered heavy injuries!
  This is too scary!
  No one present has ever seen such a terrible method!

Not to mention Tianshui's top seed principality, Dongliang Principality, even the powerful royal family members on the high platform were all shocked.

Although they could defeat the warriors of the Feiyue Principality by themselves, they couldn't think of themselves as Tang Yi, who could subdue people with just a few moves and severely injure the enemy. This was too powerful.

Moreover, when Tang Yi used his method, there was no power fluctuation at all. They could not tell what method Tang Yi used.

In other words, is it a means?

This is too weird and mysterious.

Seeing Tang Yi's actions, the powerful men of the two kingdoms were all shocked. Their eyes looking at Tang Yi were full of solemnity.

At this time, they were all trying to imagine whether they could withstand Tang Yi's attack if the people Tang Yi dealt with were not the warriors of the principality but them. Can it cause harm to Tang Yi?

But after thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't come to any conclusion!

Nor do they dare to draw conclusions.

Because the imagined result is that they can't cause harm to Tang Yi, and they can't resist Tang Yi's attack!
  On the other side, the two royal lords were extremely surprised when they saw Tang Yi's methods again.

"Lao Zi, what method did this divine wind warrior named Tang Yi use, and what level of strength did he reach?" Shui Tianwu, the Lord of Tianshui King, looked at Zi Jin King Zi Wuji with an expression of disbelief on his face. asked.

However, Zi Wuji shook his head and replied: "I don't know either."

With this answer, Zi Wuji was not trying to deal with Shui Tianwu, nor was he trying to make some mystery, but it was a true answer!
  Zi Wuji really didn't know Tang Yi's strength or the methods Tang Yi used!

In fact, this is the first time he has seen such a scene!
  Although Zi Wuji had read Tang Yi's information a long time ago and knew how powerful Tang Yi was, before that, he had never seen Tang Yi take action and had no idea how strong Tang Yi was or what his methods were. How awesome.

So at this time, it was also the first time that he saw Tang Yi show his strength.

As for the strength displayed by Tang Yi, not to mention Shui Tianwu, the Lord of Tianshui, even he, who already knew the details of Tang Yi, was shocked.

"Are you really not aware or are you pretending not to know?" Shui Tianwu asked.

Zi Wuji said seriously: "I really don't know."


Shui Tianwu nodded. After all, Zi Wuji said he didn't know so seriously, what else could he say?
  Shui Tianwu asked again: "Lao Zi, what kind of strength do you think Tang Yi would need to achieve this level if he didn't use any evil spells or use any special means?"

Zi Wuji thought for a while and replied: "Maybe the Holy Lord or something stronger?"


Shui Tianwu looked at Zi Wuji in surprise and said: "Old Zi, you didn't think it was impossible, but actually answered my question! Do you really think Tang Yi has the strength of a saint or above? ? Lao Zi, what else are you hiding from me? Hurry up and get the truth! Okay, you are now hiding it from me!"

At this time, Zi Wuji knew that he could no longer hide it, so he had to reply: "Actually, I knew about Tang Yi's strength before the battle between the principalities began, and I knew that Tang Yi was very powerful!"

Zi Wuji didn't explain much, but with a flick of his hand, he took out the Tang Yi information and handed it to Shui Tianwu.

After receiving the information handed over by Zi Wuji, Shui Tianwu quickly looked through it. However, he didn't know what to look at. He was shocked when he saw it, and he was dumbfounded.

" this really a duchy warrior? Tang he really that powerful? Is this information true?"

After reading the information, Shui Tianwu was stunned and shocked by every detail of Tang Yi's resume.

"Of course it's true. Tang Yi is really so powerful, and he is really a duchy warrior." Zi Wuji confirmed.

"Doesn't that mean that Tang Yi's strength is really at the level of a saint? Or even stronger?" Shuitian Martial said.


Zi Wuji nodded again and said: "To say that his strength reaches the level of the Holy Lord is actually a conservative estimate. His strength must have exceeded this level, otherwise, he would not be able to strangle Feng Yu with just one person. Thief."

"Well, being able to annihilate the Feng Yu Heavenly Thief with the power of one person should indeed surpass the Holy Lord and reach an unimaginable level. From this point of view, the achievements of their Kamikaze Principality should be true. With Tang Yi like this With the existence of strong men, it is easy to hunt down high-level monsters. If according to their kamikaze warriors, hunting high-level monsters can obtain more eternal crystals, then the kamikaze will obtain 100,000 crystals. The achievements of the Eternal Crystal are not impossible."

Shui Tianwu also nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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