Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2049 Departure

Chapter 2049 Departure
  "Tianqiong Tower, okay, I understand. I will definitely visit if I have the chance."

Tang Yi said calmly.

After a pause, Tang Yi said: "Okay, can we go to Tianyue Lake, the place of divine punishment now?"

"Young master, please wait here for a while. We can prepare and set off immediately," Yue Zhonglou said.

With that said, Yuezhonglou and the old man quickly left the second floor, not knowing where they went.

Tang Yi waited for about half an hour, and Yue Louzhong came back.

It was not the old man who came back with him, but a few unfamiliar faces.

"Come on, young master, let me introduce you. These three here are the guardian elders of our Yongyue Tower."

Yuezhonglou pointed at three middle-aged men and said, "This is Elder Zhao, this is Elder Li, and this is Elder Qian."

Following the introduction of Yuezhonglou, the three middle-aged men also made slight gestures.

However, he just raised his hand casually, looking very arrogant and even a little impatient?

As if Yuezhonglou introducing them to Tang Yi was a very embarrassing thing?
  However, Tang Yi responded with a lukewarm expression and nodded.

Tang Yi's principle is very simple. No matter what the attitude of the three guardian elders of Yongyue Tower is, as long as they don't provoke him, there is no need to pay attention to them.

I won't offend others unless they offend me. This is Tang Yi's principle of life.

And if others are not discerning and dare to provoke you...

  Tang Yi will let them know what will happen if they dare to provoke him.

Therefore, Tang Yi ignored the three arrogant guardians of Yongyuelou.

Yuezhonglou could clearly see the arrogance in the expressions of the three guardian elders, and immediately said to Tang Yi in embarrassment: "Young master, don't be offended. The three guardian elders have been in seclusion all year round and have not seen strangers, so their tempers are a bit cold and arrogant. I hope. Sir, please don’t be familiar with us."

Tang Yi said nothing.

On the side, the three elders of Yongyue Tower didn't say anything, and even snorted, their nostrils raised to the sky, looking extremely arrogant.

This scene made Yuezhonglou even more embarrassed.

Although he is the owner of Yongyue Building and has absolute say, these three guardian elders are higher than him in terms of seniority, and it is difficult for him to criticize these three guardian elders.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Yuezhonglou could only change the subject, and pointed to several other middle-aged men and introduced: "Come on, young master, I will introduce you to a few others. These five here are the royal family of the God's Domain. The leader."

Yuezhonglou introduced one by one: "This is Commander Fang, this is Commander Fan, this is Commander Lao, this is Commander Shi, and this is Commander Bei.

This time, our three guardians from Yongyue Tower, together with the five commanders from the royal family of the Divine Realm, will accompany the young master to Tianyue Lake, the place of divine punishment. "

Tang Yi hadn't spoken yet. On the side, a strong man from the royal family of God's Domain who was introduced by Yue Zhonglou as Commander Fang asked Tang Yi: "Do you really have the thing that opens Tianyue Lake, the land of divine punishment?"


Tang Yi raised his eyelids slightly and glanced at Commander Fang. The Sky Eye Technique was activated in an instant, and the saint-level information entered his mind instantly.

Seeing that Commander Fang was only at the level of a Saint, Tang Yi's eyelids instantly fell down. Without even looking at Commander Fang, he said lightly: "So what if I have it? So what if I don't?"

"If there is, of course we can allow you to go with us, but if not, why do you go with us?" Commander Fang said coldly, exuding a powerful aura.

However, Tang Yi was unmoved and said calmly: "If it weren't for the request of the owner of Yongyue Tower, I actually wouldn't want to go there with you."

"You!" Just when the two sides were about to get into trouble, Yue Zhonglou stood up quickly and said: "Commander Fang, your Majesty has already promised Yue before coming here, and also said that we, Yong Yuelou, have full authority for this operation. Be responsible. I hope Commander Fang will abide by the agreement he made before coming here and not interfere too much with this mission. In addition, this young master is our distinguished guest at Yongyue Tower, so I hope Commander Fang will be more polite to him."

Yuezhong Tower can't control its own protectors, so it can't control the strong men sent by the royal family of God's Domain?
  He, Yuezhong Tower, is the owner of Yong Yue Tower, and his backer is Tian Qiong Tower, which is an extremely powerful existence.

Even the royal family of the Divine Realm must show courtesy.

He can't take care of his own guardians, but he can still take care of the strong ones sent by the royal family of God's Domain.

He still didn't believe that the powerful people from the royal family of God's Domain dared to cause trouble here.

In addition, if Yuezhonglou wanted to, he could take care of even his own protector.

It's just that he was worried about his seniority and didn't want to take care of it.

If he wants to take care of it, as soon as he opens his mouth, the three guardians will have to follow suit!
  This is the rule of Yongyue Tower!

In other words, this is the rule of Tianqiong Tower!
  No one can violate it, otherwise, they will be punished by Tianqiong Tower.


Hearing Yuezhonglou's words, Commander Fang, who came from the royal family of God's Domain, snorted coldly and said no more.

No one can give face to anyone, but the royal family of the Divine Realm still has to give it to Yuezhonglou.

Seeing that the powerful men in the royal family of the Divine Realm were silent, Yuezhonglou immediately turned to Tang Yi with a smile and explained: "Young Master, please rest assured, since we, Yongyuelou, have agreed to your terms, we will never break our promise. , don’t worry. In this business, you will definitely get what you want.”

"hope so."

Tang Yi didn't say much.

Quexin said, you'd better not break your promise. If you dare to break your promise, then I will let you know the consequences of breaking your promise.

Yuezhonglou thought for a while and said: "By the way, Young Master, in addition to the three guardians of Yongyuelou and the five leaders of the royal family of the Divine Realm, I also decided to ask Elder Lin to go with you, who was just in charge. The elder who will appraise the items for you. Elder Lin will be responsible for all matters on the road, so you don’t have to worry about the complicated and trivial matters during the journey."

"That's fine." Tang Yi nodded lightly.

At this time, Elder Lin stepped forward and said to Tang Yi, "Master, please take care of me."

"Let's go!" Tang Yi said.

"Okay, let's go." Yuezhonglou waved his hand and announced.

The group of people left Yongyue Tower just like that.

After leaving Yongyue Tower, the group did not go directly to Tianyue Lake, the place of divine punishment, but came to the back streets of Yongyue Tower.

There was an open space in the back street of Yongyue Building. After Elder Lin led everyone to the open space, he waved his hand.


A chariot appeared in the clearing.

The carriage of the chariot is about a hundred meters long and thirty to forty meters wide.

Although the appearance of the chariot is not very luxurious, it is also extremely delicate. Exquisite patterns and shining gems can be seen everywhere on the chariot.

(End of this chapter)

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