Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2051 Absolutely Not

Chapter 2051 Absolutely Not

Tang Yi nodded and understood.

Although he didn't know whether what Elder Lin said was true, after all, others had said so, so he couldn't say anything else.

If Elder Lin deceives him, or wants to do something, or has other evil intentions, Tang Yi believes that he has the ability to get Elder Lin the punishment he deserves.

Not only Elder Lin, but the entire Yongyue Tower, and the entire Divine Realm royal family, if they really have evil intentions, Tang Yi will make them all pay the price!
  Therefore, Tang Yi was not panicked at all. If the Godly Princess wanted to go with him, then let her go with him.

In addition to Tang Yi who was chatting privately with Elder Lin, the two groups on the other side were also whispering.

On the side of the royal family of the Divine Realm.

"Your Highness Princess, what do you mean by Your Majesty? The inheritance of Tianyue Lake was originally discovered by our royal family in the Divine Realm. Why should we give it to a young boy now? Even if this young boy has something to open the stone gate, Should I give it to him?" Commander Fang said dissatisfied.

"Yes, I don't understand what your Majesty means. He said that he wanted to give up the inheritance to that boy, and then asked Her Royal Highness to go with him. What's the point of this? Isn't this a waste of effort?" Commander Fan also said. .

"Speaking of which, can't we snatch the unlocked object from that boy's hand? We can also exchange it for treasures. The inheritance is related to the future of Her Highness the Princess. With the inheritance, Her Highness the Princess will be able to soar into the sky. How can we let it go to the sky? That boy?" Commander Lao also said.

"That boy has mediocre qualifications. How can he be worthy of inheriting Tianyue Lake?" Commander Shi said.

"I think, even if the inheritance is given to that boy, he will not be able to inherit it. Generally, inheritance will look for candidates with good qualifications to inherit. I think that boy is not very good at all. How can he compare with our princess? If ancient times If the great leader really wants to choose someone to carry on the inheritance, then he will definitely choose Her Highness the Princess." Commander Bei said.

After hearing everyone's words, Princess Shen Yuanshuang of the Divine Realm didn't show any expression, and her expression didn't even fluctuate at all.

She raised her teeth slightly and said: "It's yours. You can't take it away. It's not yours. You can't have it even if you want it. Don't worry about it. Let's just go first. Since my father has arranged for me to accompany you, If Yue Lou and that young man are going there together, they must have a very deep intention, so we will just follow the arrangement of our father."


Commander Fang wanted to say something else.

But the Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang interrupted him.

"No need to butt! You must remember that since you are coming out of the palace with me, whatever I say outside will be whatever I say. You are not allowed to question or talk back!" Shen Yuanshuang scolded.


Upon hearing Shenyuan Shuang's scolding, Commander Fang and others lowered their heads and remained silent.

After Shenyuan Shuang scolded Commander Fang and others, he turned his eyes in the direction of Tang Yi and murmured: "No one has ever been able to snatch something from my Shenyuan Shuang in such a long time. Not before, not now." , there is no future either!”

Initially, Commander Fang and others thought that Shenyuan Shuang did not want to compete with Tang Yi for inheritance. After hearing Shenyuan Shuang's murmur, they realized that their princess did not want to compete for inheritance, but did not want them to talk too much. This inheritance is in the heart of Her Royal Highness the Princess, and she has actually already determined to win it.

Hearing Shenyuan Shuang's words, Commander Fang and others immediately felt relieved and looked at Tang Yi with eyes full of disdain.

On the other side, there is the location of the guardian of Yongyue Tower.

At this time, Elder Lin had returned to where everyone in Yongyue Tower was. “Elder Lin, why do we have to take that boy with us?”

Protector Zhao asked in confusion.

Although Guardian Zhao did not name "that boy", as long as they are not stupid, everyone can know who "that boy" refers to.

"Yes, I don't understand it very much. And why do you still promise to help him obtain the inheritance? Why should you help him obtain the inheritance?" Protector Li said dissatisfied.

"If he really has something to open, we can buy it. If not, then we can still..." Protector Qian also said. The right hand also made a cutting gesture.

Although he didn't finish what he said, the meaning he wanted to express was obvious. The other two guardians present and Elder Lin could fully understand what he meant.


Upon hearing Protector Qian's words, Elder Lin quickly pressed down Protector Qian's raised right hand, and then suddenly looked around to see if anyone was paying attention.

The main direction to look at is where Tang Yi is.

Fortunately, Tang Yi sat still like an old monk, sitting cross-legged in the carriage motionless, as if he didn't pay attention to them at all.

Seeing that Tang Yi didn't pay attention to them, Elder Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Protector Qian: "Protector Qian, there are some things you shouldn't say nonsense."

"What's the point? Haven't you ever thought about it?"

Protector Qian said nonchalantly: "Originally, I thought this boy would bring some troops, but he came with us alone. If he dares to go to Tianyue Lake with us alone, doesn't this give us a chance to take action? Although We at Yongyuelou pay attention to integrity when doing business, but which force doesn’t try to take advantage of others? What if we attack him? "

"Indeed, I thought so before. I feel that we at Yongyue Tower should not go to the Divine Realm Royal Family at all. We can go to Tianyue Lake alone with this kid. In this way, after he opens the stone door, we can attack him Take action, and then devour the inheritance inside the stone gate. Now that the royal family of the divine domain has come, and they also brought the princess of the divine domain, if we want to annex it all to ourselves, it will be impossible." Li Hufa said.

"My thoughts are the same as Lao Li's. I originally thought of waiting for that kid to open the stone door before expelling or dealing with him. In this way, the inheritance belongs to our Yongyue Tower. After all, it is an ancient inheritance, and it is just a stinker. What qualifications does the boy have to get it?" Protector Zhao said.

"Absolutely not!"

Elder Lin hurriedly said: "You must not have such thoughts. Three guardians, do you know why we want to cooperate with him?"

"Isn't it because he owns the thing that opens the stone gate?" Elder Qian said.

"He owns the thing that opens the stone gate, and this is just one of them! The reason why we cooperated with him is because he took a total of four low-grade Holy Heaven-level items to pledge our information on Yongyue Tower!"

Elder Lin said shockingly.


The three guardians of Yongyue Tower didn't know that Tang Yi took out four low-grade holy-level items as collateral!
  Therefore, the three guardian elders were very surprised when they heard the news.

(End of this chapter)

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