Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2064 Who said I don’t have a solution?

Chapter 2064 Who said I don’t have a solution?
  "The most important thing is that these useless swords are extremely flexible and seem to know some kind of tactics. They did not come in a swarm, but alternated batch after batch. After we repelled one batch, another batch came again. They flew up and attacked us continuously without stopping. They are trying to tire us out!"

Protector Zhao also said helplessly. He looked extremely unwilling.

Elder Lin was protected by the three elders in the middle. He could see the surrounding battle situation most intuitively and clearly.

He observed the situation briefly, and then said: "You are right, these useless swords do know tactics! They attack one after another very regularly, in order to consume our strength. In order to achieve the ultimate goal The purpose of killing us. It seems that the sword-like creature hiding behind the scenes is extremely intelligent and has grown to a certain level of strength. It is not possible to control hundreds of useless swords and launch such a powerful attack. What ordinary creatures can do, it seems that the sword creatures in this sword tomb have exceeded my imagination."

"Elder Lin, what's the use of saying this now? You'd better think of a solution quickly. Otherwise, we won't be able to hold on for a while." Elder Qian said anxiously.

On the other side, Princess Shen Yuanshuang of the Divine Realm seemed to have heard the conversation on the Yongyue Tower side, and immediately said to Elder Lin: "Yes, Elder Lin, I wonder what you can do to solve the current situation? Now we are surrounded We are in a dilemma, and our strength is constantly being consumed. If this continues, I am afraid that none of us will be able to leave here."

Although there are five people on the side of the Divine Realm royal family, they can resist it well and can barely hold on for one or two, but...

It's just that you can persist.

Their strength is also constantly being consumed.

If they continue to be consumed like this, before long, their situation will be the same as that of Yongyue Tower. They will eventually be exhausted and eventually be killed by force.

Now that there is no other way, Commander Fang and the other five leaders of the Divine Realm can only speak as little as possible, save their energy and strength, and resist as long as possible.

"How? I don't have any solution now. I didn't expect that this place would be so dangerous, and existences like sword creatures would actually be born. If we had known this, we shouldn't have come here rashly. We were careless. And , when we saw the Sword Tomb, we shouldn’t have stepped in at that time.”

Elder Lin shook his head repeatedly, regretting it endlessly.

Princess Shen Yuanshuang of the Divine Realm said: "Elder Lin, please stop talking about this. It is completely useless to regret now. Is there no way to solve the situation at this time?"

"There is actually a way."

Elder Lin thought for a while and said.


Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang's eyes lit up and she asked: "What can we do?"

Others who were defending also listened attentively, wanting to know what the solution was.

"Generally speaking, sword-type creatures will lurk in sword tombs and transform into one of the swords. As long as we can find the sword-type creature's body in the sword tomb, and then destroy the sword-type creature's body in one fell swoop, then we can It can solve the current crisis."

"Find the location of the sword creature?"

Princess Shenyuan Shuang of the Divine Realm was stunned for a moment, then glanced around and said: "The Sword Tomb is so huge. There are at least dozens or millions of sword weapons here. How do we find it in the vast Sword Tomb? The true form of a sword-like creature? This is simply talk in vain!"

Shenyuan Shuang's face suddenly darkened again.

"Your Highness, the reason why I didn't tell you this method before is because I know we can't do it at all." Elder Lin said helplessly, his face was very gloomy, and he seemed to have resigned himself to his fate.

At this time, I don’t know whether it was because there was really no other way, because the situation was already very critical, or for some other reason. After the face of Princess Shen Yuanshuang dimmed slightly, she actually raised her head again and looked at the person who had never spoken. Tang Yi asked: "Hey, who is that? Is there anything you can do?"

Tang Yi turned his head slightly, glanced at the Divine Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang, and said nothing. Seeing that Tang Yi didn't speak, Shenyuan Shuang seemed to believe that Tang Yi had a way, and continued: "Sir, as long as you have a way to solve the current dangerous situation, I can promise you that no matter what conditions you put forward when you return, as long as I can do it, and I will definitely satisfy you!"

At the beginning, Shenyuan Shuang was reluctant to talk to Tang Yi.

Even when she spoke after that, Shenyuan Shuang had a condescending attitude.

Until just now, when he called Tang Yi, he was still very rude and called him 'that one'.

However, at this time, he was much more polite and respectful.

And he used the title of ‘Master’.

She, who had always been cold and arrogant, spoke a long series of words at this time.

It can be seen how huge the changes in Shenyuan Shuang are at this time.

It can also be seen how anxious and nervous Shenyuan Shuang is at this time.

Although the anxiety and nervousness were not shown on her face, through the change in her attitude towards Tang Yi, it was still obvious that she was a little panicked and scared now.

That's why I changed my attitude towards Tang Yi and wanted to get Tang Yi's help.

Of course, the current situation is so critical, and they are helpless, and they are about to be consumed alive. Can Shenyuan Shuang, the princess of the Divine Realm, who has always lived in seclusion in the palace and has never seen or experienced this scene, not be afraid? ?

The majesty of the royal family allowed her to ignore her fear, but inside, she was still a girl and was still very scared.

Perhaps it was precisely because of the anxiety and tension in her heart that Shen Yuan Shuang was so sick that she rushed to the doctor and asked Tang Yi for help.

However, facing Shenyuan Shuang's request for help, Tang Yi just looked at her and said nothing.

At this time, if anyone wanted to say who was the calmest among everyone present, it would undoubtedly be Tang Yi.

After all, in his opinion, these hundreds of useless swords were nothing to be afraid of. He could smash them all with just a wave of his hand, easily and effortlessly.

The situation in front of everyone was a crisis, but for Tang Yi, it was not worth mentioning.

So, how could Tang Yi not be calm?
  Seeing that Tang Yi didn't answer him or say anything, Shen Yuanshuang's face dimmed for a moment, thinking that Tang Yi couldn't do anything.

He immediately smiled self-deprecatingly and said: "That's right, you are just a young young master, and you still need the protection of others. With your status and age, what solution can you give? I was rude. I shouldn't ask you if there is any solution. ."

Shenyuan Shuang's face was full of disappointment and loss, as well as helplessness.

However, at this time, Tang Yi said calmly: "Who said I don't have a solution?"

(End of this chapter)

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