Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2066 Tens of Thousands of Useless Swords

Chapter 2066 Thousands of Wasted Swords

The five leaders of the Divine Realm on the other side heard Tang Yi's words and saw Tang Yi's confident look, and they were filled with contempt.

They couldn't help but think to themselves: "Why don't you care about favors? Since you sincerely ask me for help, you are so shameless and don't even look at how much you weigh."

Almost all the five leaders of the gods had this idea. They did not believe that Tang Yi could solve the crisis at hand, nor did they believe that Tang Yi had this ability.

However, at this time, Tang Yi was seen taking action.

I saw him slightly raising the palm of his right hand, and then...

A sudden pinch!
  "Bang bang bang bang!"

The hundreds of useless swords in mid-air, as if they had been attacked by some terrifying force, exploded one after another and turned into countless debris...

The three guardians of Yongyuelou, who were originally under great pressure, suddenly felt relieved.

The five commanders who were resisting the attack of the useless sword suddenly froze in place.

What was already an extremely critical situation was completely resolved because of Tang Yi's action!
  Seeing this scene, everyone present, whether it was the God Realm Princess Shenyuan Shuang, the God Realm Commander, or Elder Lin and the three guardians of Yongyue Tower, were all stunned on the spot, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. .

Their eyes were all wide open at this time, and their faces were not only full of disbelief, but also more shocked.

Obviously, he was shocked by Tang Yi's methods.

After all, Wei Wei could crush hundreds of useless swords with just one stretch of his hand. What a terrifying method this was!

These useless swords, even for strong men like them, are very difficult to resist, let alone destroy these useless swords. Being able to withstand these useless swords is already very good.

However, Tang Yi stretched out his hand slightly and crushed these manipulated waste swords, which was simply astonishing.

"This...this...did I have a hallucination just now? That boy...that boy stretched out his hand and crushed all the controlled useless swords?"

"Are they so powerful? Isn't this true? It's very difficult for us to resist these useless swords. It's impossible to destroy them. That kid actually crushed them with one hand? What kind of method was that?"

"No way... This kid really solved the crisis by taking action? Am I dreaming? What is going on?"

"Then...those useless swords exploded all of a sudden. Could it be...could it be that that boy really crushed them? It's impossible. What kind of strength can achieve such a level?"

"Did we all make a mistake? Is that kid really capable?"

The five commanders of the Divine Realm all said in surprise.

At this time, Princess Shen Yuanshuang of the Divine Realm also looked at Tang Yi in surprise, not expecting that Tang Yi could really do it!

What she didn't expect was even more!
  Tang Yi not only solved the crisis, but also did so with ease!
  Tang Yi actually stretched out a hand and crushed the manipulated waste swords flying in mid-air!

The methods are particularly exaggerated and terrifying!
  Although I don't know what methods Tang Yi used, nor how Tang Yi did it.

But this time, Shenyuan Shuang was really shocked by Tang Yi.

Shenyuan Shuang was also more curious about Tang Yi.


On the other side, after all the waste swords were destroyed, the three exhausted Guardians of Yongyue Tower breathed a sigh of relief, and then they simultaneously raised their hands to Tang Yi and said thanks: "Thank you, Master, for saving me."

Although Tang Yi had just crushed all the controlled waste swords with one hand, which surprised the three guardians of Yongyue Tower, they were only surprised for a moment, and they soon came to their senses.

After all, they already knew Tang Yi's ability and extraordinary ability from Elder Lin's analysis, so when they really saw Tang Yi's ability, they were surprised for a while, and then they suddenly came to their senses. .

Although he was still very surprised in his heart, his performance was not as exaggerated as that of the leaders of the royal family of God's Domain. After listening to Elder Lin's analysis, they already had great respect for Tang Yi. Now they saw Tang Yi's methods and saw Tang Yi crush all the useless swords with one hand. At this time, they respected Tang Yi. More respect!
  "It's okay, it's just a trivial matter."

Tang Yi said calmly. He didn't take what happened just now to heart at all, as if he didn't experience any crisis just now, but just encountered a group of ants.

Elder Lin said excitedly: "Sir, I didn't expect you to really be able to solve the crisis, and the solution is... so special."

Hearing this, Tang Yi said calmly: "I've said it before, I don't like to brag, or I won't say it. If I say it, then it will definitely be done."

At this time, Tang Yi stood there, high-spirited and pretending to be in competition.

The top of his head seemed to be blooming with a very dazzling light, and in the light, the word "Bi Wang" seemed to be written.

When it comes to pretense, no one is more pretentious than Tang Yi now. From beginning to end, he maintained a masterful demeanor and the whole audience was indifferent.

Everyone seemed to know that Tang Yi liked to be praised, and knew that Tang Yi liked to show off, so they flattered Tang Yi in every way.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

However, just as everyone was praising Tang Yi, bursts of piercing sounds were heard in the air again.

At this moment, countless useless swords were seen breaking through the air, flying into the air one after another, and floating in the air.

And this time!
  The useless swords floating in mid-air are no longer hundreds, nor thousands, nor tens of thousands.


Hundreds of thousands or even millions of handles!

Yes, hundreds of thousands or even millions of handles, countless!

I saw countless useless swords floating in the sword tomb.

And scrap swords continued to gather from all directions, floating in the air not far from Tang Yi and others.

The tip of the sword was pointed in the direction of Tang Yi and others.

The entire scrap swords in the sword tomb were mobilized.

In just a moment, countless useless swords were densely floating in the sky, with bursts of light. At a glance, it was so dark that it was impossible to count how many there were!

In short, these useless swords are floating in the air, like a large dark cloud, covering the entire sword tomb!
  The scene in front of him didn't look like a useless sword volleying in the air at all, but like locusts crossing the border, which was very terrifying.

Just by looking at it, it was already very terrifying and intimidating.


Seeing so many useless swords floating up, everyone gasped.

At this time, everyone except Tang Yi was stunned.

Everyone showed a horrified look, frightened and frightened by the waste swords all over the sky.

The hundreds of useless swords had already overwhelmed everyone and brought huge pressure to everyone.

If Tang Yi hadn't taken action, I'm afraid they would have died here!

Hundreds of useless swords are so terrifying, now there are thousands of useless swords...

It's like hell!
  (End of this chapter)

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