Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2088 Super Seaspout

Chapter 2088 Super Seaspout

"Yes, the young master is really powerful. I have never seen such a powerful person like the young master. What we think is an extremely terrifying method, in the young master's eyes, is just a small trick."

"Yes, Young Master is much more powerful than the strongest warriors in our Divine Realm Kingdom. The strongest warrior in our Divine Realm is the Heavenly Flame God Emperor. He is already at the level of a three-star holy emperor at this time, and is only a short distance away from the four-star holy emperor. A kick, but the aura of such a being is far different from that of the Young Master. It is not on the same level at all. The Young Master is much stronger than him and has many more methods than him."

"I really admire the young master's strength, and I also admire his methods. I think I have a lot of experience, and I have seen strong men use their methods, but I have never seen the young master's extraordinary methods, and such extraordinary methods. The means, in Young Master's case, are just small means, which is really surprising."

"My master's strength is also at the level of the Three-Star Holy Emperor, but compared to the young master, it is much inferior. Not to mention the means, even the momentum is also far behind."

"Before I met the young master, I thought that our special envoy from Yong Yue Tower was the most powerful. He could kill people with just a single move and had many methods. But after meeting the young master, I realized that my knowledge was too shallow. It turns out that our special envoy from Yong Yue Tower is too weak. The special envoy of Yuelou is nothing more than that. Compared with the young master, it is completely different. I am afraid that one of the young master’s fingers can crush our special envoy of Yuelou."

"Just this 'little trick' of Young Master has already made you invincible in many places."

"In the Kingdom of God, I am afraid that you can become a top powerhouse just by relying on this 'little trick' of Young Master."


Hearing Commander Fang's flattery, others suddenly came over and started to flatter Tang Yi.

Even the three guardians of Yongyue Tower and Elder Lin also joined in and praised Tang Yi to the heavens.

Who can't see that Tang Yi is a capable person at this time?

Who can't see that Tang Yi has an extraordinary origin?

Not only Commander Fang is smart, but others are also very smart.

Seeing everyone praising Tang Yi, Shen Yuanshuang, the princess of the royal family of the Divine Realm, felt very complicated at this time.

Before coming, she even boasted about Haikou, saying that no one could take away the inheritance from her.

But now...

I am afraid that not only the inheritance will be robbed, but even the people's hearts will be robbed.

The man in front of me is so charming, so mysterious, and so powerful.

Compared to this man, even though she was a princess from the God's Realm, she seemed humble, as if she had been beaten several times by this man and was several levels lower.

This made the princess of the Divine Realm, Shenyuan Shuang, feel very complicated.


And just when everyone was flattering Tang Yi and thinking about something, something suddenly happened on the sea.

I saw countless seaspouts gathered together as if summoned by something, and then merged to form a very huge super seaspout.

Originally, the diameter of those seaspouts was only tens of meters, and the big ones were only about a hundred meters. Although they looked big, they were just that.

As hundreds of seaspouts continue to gather and merge, the latest super seaspout has a diameter of dozens of kilometers!
  The scale is very huge!
  At first glance, it's very scary.

Moreover, at this moment, bursts of strong winds were coming from this super seaspout, and everyone was already feeling the tremendous pressure.

"Master, can this... can this shield block it?"

Seeing such a huge seaspout and feeling the strong wind that was about to blow people away, Elder Lin asked worriedly.

Tang Yi glanced slightly and immediately shook his head.

Facing such a huge seaspout and feeling the strong winds, Tang Yi was not sure whether the Guardian Light LV3 could block it.


"Ah? Can't this shield stop it? What can I do?" Hearing Tang Yi's words, Elder Lin became nervous, and before Tang Yi could answer, he immediately moved towards the protector and protector of Yongyue Tower. The leader of the divine royal family asked: "Several guardians and five commanders, what can you do?"

The three guardians of Yongyue Tower and the five leaders of the Divine Realm royal family shook their heads and expressed that there was nothing they could do.

Their methods and means had no effect at all in the face of these dozens of kilometers of seaspouts.

"Then what should we do? Do we want to retreat?" Elder Lin panicked, looking nervous.

At this time, Tang Yi said calmly: "Elder Lin, don't panic. I said the shield can't block it, but I didn't say there is no way to resist it."

With that said, Tang Yi's consciousness quickly sank into the system, and then he purchased the higher-level special item Guardian Light LV9 in the system.

[Guardian Light LV9]: Defense item.

If this item is used alone, it can provide the player with a defensive mask. The defensive power of the mask is equivalent to the Saint Emperor level, and it is immune to all attacks below the Saint Emperor level.

This item can also be used as an accessory, which can increase the defense power of shields and other defense methods by 10000 times!

(Limited to one purchase per day)
  Price: 10000000 holy points.


Guardian Light LV9, this is the highest level defensive item Tang Yi can buy.

And this item can activate a shield that is immune to those below the Saint Emperor level!

If attached to an item, it can increase the item's defense by 10000 times!
  The defense is not weak!

Compared to Guardian Light LV3, it is hundreds or thousands of times more powerful.

Guardian Light LV3 could not withstand the super seaspout, but Guardian Light LV9, Tang Yi believed that it would be able to completely resist the seaspout.

Able to protect everyone from any harm!
  Of course, the Guardian Light LV9 has strong defense, so the price is naturally higher, reaching million holy points per piece.

However, 10 million holy points are nothing to Tang Yi now.

Tang Yi bought it without hesitation.

Then, he waved his hand and displayed it.


A ray of light flew out of Tang Yi's hand, then floated in the air, turning into a golden shield to cover everyone.

Wrapped in the golden shield, everyone was covered in golden light, extremely dazzling.

Everyone looked extremely holy at this time.

Seeing this scene and the golden shield in front of them, everyone was surprised and amazed. They didn't expect that Tang Yi actually had a stronger method.

At this time, the super seaspout finally struck at an incredible speed and slammed into everyone.

Seeing the super seaspout rumbling over, Elder Lin, the three guardians of Yongyue Tower, the five leaders of the royal family of the divine domain, and the princess of the divine domain, Shenyuan Shuang, were all nervous. Everyone stared at the super seaspout, their bodies Tight.

Although the golden shield used by Tang Yi looks very sacred and extraordinary, after all, the seaspout is too terrifying, and everyone will inevitably be worried.

In addition, no one has ever seen Tang Yi's shield, so they don't know its defensive power. Who knows whether it can block a seaspout?
  Therefore, everyone's faces were full of nervousness regarding the super seaspout that was about to hit.

(End of this chapter)

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