Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2090: Capture water creatures and refine them!

Chapter 2090: Capture water creatures and refine them!

The sword light of Sky Slash roared and passed through the bodies of several water dragons at once.

I saw that the bodies of these water dragons, which were made of river water, were attacked and collapsed one after another.

Streams of starlight continuously overflowed from the body of the Water Dragon, continued to drain, and continued to dissipate in the air.

It was as if not only their bodies were shattered, but even the energy that made up their bodies was shattered by Tang Yi's sword light.

Not only that.

Because the sword light was so terrifyingly sharp, even the river water was split in half by the sharp edge of the sword light.

A huge chasm appeared in the middle of the river. The rivers on both sides of the chasm were clearly divided.

Dozens of water dragons had just taken shape and were about to attack Tang Yi and his party. Before they had time to take action, they were all wiped out by Tang Yi.

This scene was extremely shocking to the people in Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm royal family, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Even the river can split open, and the giant dragon made up of dozens of river water is so huge that it can be wiped out in one go. This is terrible.

And when Tang Yi killed all the water dragons with one strike, the attacks of water creatures stopped? Are you afraid of Tang Yi?

Of course it's not that easy.

After Tang Yi killed all the water dragons, the river surged again.


More water dragons emerged and floated on the river with the waves!

And this time, there were so many of them, so densely packed, that the entire river was covered with water dragons, and it looked like there were no less than hundreds of them!

Dozens of water dragons were already huge and powerful. At this time, hundreds of water dragons appeared on the river. You can imagine how huge the scene and momentum was.

If you don't have a firm mind, you may be scared to death when you see this scene.

Fortunately, the people in Yongyue Tower and the Divine Realm Royal Family were firm-minded. Moreover, they followed Tang Yi and experienced several locations in the Shanggong Temple. They witnessed many mammoth and dangerous scenes. They also experienced these scenes, and even witnessed them. Tang Yi's unparalleled strength.

Because of all these, they were not frightened by the aura of hundreds of water dragons in front of them.

This is true even for those who support the Yue Tower and the royal family of the Divine Realm, let alone Tang Yi.

Seeing hundreds of water dragons floating up from the river, Tang Yi sneered and said, "What a trick!"

As he said that, Tang Yi once again raised the Red Moon Apophis, jumped into the air, and flew to the sky where the Water Dragon was.

Immediately afterwards, it suddenly fell down and shouted: "Earth Fission Wave Sword!"


Tang Yi held the Red Moon Apophis and hit it on the river where the Water Dragon was. He saw circles of energy shock waves spreading rapidly with Tang Yi as the center.

Wherever the shock wave passed, all the water dragons collapsed instantly and turned into countless water droplets. No water dragon could hold a single breath.

Not to mention a breath, even for a moment, cannot be held.


The shock wave spread like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, sweeping away hundreds of water dragons!

In just the blink of an eye, the hundreds of water dragons that had just been summoned were defeated by Tang Yi again.

The Water Dragon was like a defenseless child in front of Tang Yi, without any power to fight back.

This gave everyone the illusion that the Dragon of Water Element was just a relatively large one, but in fact it was not very powerful at all.

But this is absolutely not the case. The Dragon of Water Element is still very powerful!
  Even if there is only one water dragon, the average holy master cannot deal with it, let alone dozens and hundreds of water dragons.

Even the top Holy Emperor or Holy God cannot deal with such a large number of water dragons.

So it's not that the Dragon of Water Yuan is not strong, but that Tang Yi is too powerful and directly crushed the Dragon of Water Yuan. This is why the Dragon of Water Yuan is not strong. Muggles think that the Dragon of Water Yuan is like this. illusion.

After killing all the water dragons again with one blow, Tang Yi finally felt the location of the water creatures. He suddenly flashed and flew towards the location of the water creatures.

When Tang Yi defeated dozens of water dragons with one blow, the water creatures did not show any breath.

Therefore, he was unable to locate the water creature and had no idea where it was.

However, just after Tang Yi defeated hundreds of water dragons with one blow, the water creature finally couldn't calm down anymore. It seemed that it was too surprised by Tang Yi's strength, or because it lost too much energy, it briefly exposed itself. A hint of breath.

Yes, just a tiny bit, not much at all.

Compared to the vast river surface, this sliver is not even a hair.

Moreover, the time it appeared was very short. It was only leaked for a moment and then disappeared quickly.

However, although there was only a trace, although it was short-lived, Tang Yi still locked onto the location of the water creature!


Tang Yiyun looked at the moon and walked through the swimming technique, quickly heading towards the water creatures.

The location of the water creature was not far from everyone, about a few hundred meters. At this distance, Tang Yi could reach it in an instant.

The water creature has extremely strong senses. Before Tang Yi arrived, it seemed to already know that Tang Yi had discovered it. Therefore, before Tang Yi approached, the water creature instantly flew into the sky, broke through the river surface, and flew into the air. Flee into the distance.

This water creature is a blue bead, shining with blue light. When it flies into the sky, it brings out a stream of blue light, which is very dazzling.

"Ha, you want to escape? It's not that easy."

Seeing the water creatures fleeing in panic, Tang Yi sneered, increased his speed, and chased after them again.

In just a few breaths, he caught up with the water creature.

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed the azure body of the water creature with one hand.

The water creature was caught by Tang Yi and still wanted to struggle and escape from Tang Yi's grasp, but how could it do so?
  Under Tang Yi's iron-pincer-like hands, no matter how hard it struggled or resisted, it was of no avail and could not escape from Tang Yi's grasp.

"Look where are you going to escape?"

Tang Yi sneered, his face full of contempt.

A little creature actually wants to escape? Simply wishful thinking.

The next moment, Tang Yi said silently to the water creature in his hand: "Refining!"


A dazzling light lit up Tang Yi's body, and mysterious energy surged out of Tang Yi's body, and then was driven into the blue bead of the water creature.

Tang Yi did not check the properties of the water creature first, but directly refined it first.

Anyway, if you look at it after refining, the properties will be the same, so it won’t be too late to check again then!
  After Tang Yi's refining, the water creature's body, that is, the blue bead, overflowed with a large amount of black energy.

The original dark blue body became lighter and lighter as Tang Yi refined it, until it finally turned into light blue, crystal clear.

Not long after, water creatures were also successfully refined by Tang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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