Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2100 Ice and Fire 2 Divine Bow is released!

Chapter 2100 The Ice and Fire Divine Bow is released!

There are two reasons why I don’t want to buy higher-level weapons in the system store for enchantment.

First, in the system store, there is no more useful long-range weapon than the Ice Divine Bow. There are indeed many with powerful attributes, but none that are more practical than the Ice Divine Bow. I searched the entire system and couldn't find it. Of course, the system is not perfect.

Second, Tang Yi is now very curious about the effect of possessing a fire creature with the Ice Divine Bow! What kind of reaction will ice and fire have? Tang Yi was very curious about this.

Because of these two reasons, Tang Yi did not purchase a higher-level weapon for enchantment, but chose the Ice Divine Bow.

"Episode Ice Divine Bow!"



Just as Tang Yi was reciting silently in his heart, the spirit of the fire cloud turned into a white light and poured into the Ice Divine Bow.

The next moment, the Ice Divine Bow, which originally glowed with a light blue luster, turned fiery red and emitted a dazzling red light.

After a while, it turned blue again, emitting a dazzling blue light.

After a while, the light emitted from the bow alternated between red and blue, constantly changing like a chameleon!
  I don’t know how long this change lasted. In the end, I saw the blue and red colors on the Ice God Gonggong suddenly appeared on the bow at the same time. Then a shocking force erupted, and the dazzling light suddenly dimmed slowly. Go down.

The next moment, calm is restored.

Refining completed!

The appearance of the originally light blue Ice Divine Bow has undergone tremendous changes.

The entire bow body is no longer the original overall light blue appearance.

Instead, it is divided into upper and lower parts.

The upper part is filled with blazing flames. Countless flame patterns are engraved on the bow body. The top part of the bow body, where the bow body is connected to the bow string, becomes three erected sharp corners. The overall appearance is, It's like a burning flame!

The lower part of the bow is completely different from the upper part, and can even be said to be polarized.

The lower part of the bow body is engraved with light blue frozen lines, as if pieces of solid ice are embedded in the bow body. The end where the bow string is connected is conical, like an inverted ice pick.

Generally speaking, the current Ice Divine Bow is half in the shape of flames and half in the shape of ice.

The overall shape looks quite strange.

Seeing the appearance of the Ice Divine Bow, Tang Yi hurriedly opened the properties panel of the Ice Divine Bow to check the properties of the Ice Divine Bow.

[Ice and Fire Divine Bow]: growth weapon

Attributes: Attack power 60000 times, attack speed increased 3000 times, strength increased 50000000 points, agility increased 30000000 points, skill damage increased 5000 times.

Additional special effects: ice and fire, ice and fire, ice and fire posture

Ice and Fire Special Effects: Players use the Ice and Fire Divine Bow to attack or perform skills. Each attack increases the attack speed by 1% and the power by 1%, and each time the enemy target is attacked, a layer of scorching effect will be added. , up to 1 levels, and will return to its original state after leaving the combat state. (Each layer of scorching effect increases the continuous damage by % of blood volume per second)

Ice and fire special effects: Players who use the ice and fire divine bow to attack or perform skills will have ice and fire effects added to them. With the ice and fire effect, both normal attacks and skills will increase the ice and fire damage by an additional 1000 times, and there is a 20% chance of freezing the enemy, and a 10% chance of causing the enemy to enter the burning effect. Special effect of the posture of ice and fire: When the player uses the divine bow of ice and fire to attack or perform skills, the strength will be increased by 10000000 points and the momentum will be increased by 10000 times.

Additional skills: Wrath of Ice and Fire, Heaven and Earth of Ice and Fire, Field of Ice and Fire, Control of Ice and Fire, and Construct the Domain of Ice and Fire.

Wrath of Ice and Fire: Shoots an arrow of ice and fire, causing damage equal to 150000 times the player's strength to the target. After hitting the target, it will freeze the target 100% and burn the target 100%. It will also generate damage within 5000 meters centered on the target. An area of ​​ice and fire. Enemy units within the area will receive additional ice and fire damage equivalent to 5000 times the player's strength per second.

Burning Sky and Frozen Earth: The player shoots an ice rocket. Within 50000 meters of the area hit by the ice rocket, a field of ice will be generated. Hostile targets in the field of ice will have their defense weakened by 1500 times and become resistant to freezing. Weakened by 80%, has a 20% chance of freezing, and suffers additional freezing damage equivalent to 1000 times the player's strength every second.

Ice and Fire Domain: Ability to cast a domain in which all ice and fire attribute effects, ice and fire attribute skills, and ice and fire attribute creatures will be increased by 3000 times.

Ice and Fire Control: Able to control ice and fire.

Construct the Ice and Fire God's Domain: By continuously absorbing the power of ice and fire, we will build an area with ice and fire attributes as the core. This area will expand as the number of ice and fire attributes increases.



The original Ice Divine Bow has been transformed into the Ice and Fire Divine Bow.

The attributes have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Same as the previous spirit possession.

The attributes have skyrocketed by a thousand times or more than ten thousand times!
  The special effects have also been drastically changed and enhanced.

The three special effects of the original cold wind, ice, and king's posture have become the cold wind, ice and fire, and the posture of ice and fire.

Although the effect has not changed much, it has been enhanced a lot.

Not only that, these three special effects originally only had one ice attribute attached to them, such as the howling wind of ice and fire. It was originally a howling wind. Each attack only increased the attack speed by 1%. But now, based on the original, The strength is increased by 1%, and a fire attribute burning damage is added.

Although it only increases strength and burning damage by 1% on the original basis, you must know that this can be superimposed!

Each attack adds a layer. If you attack ten, a hundred, or a thousand times, then...

It seems that it only adds a little bit of attributes, but in fact, it improves this special effect countless times.

The same goes for other special effects, which have been improved a lot!
  What surprised Tang Yi the most was.

After being possessed, all the additional skills of this divine bow have been transformed into skills with two attributes: ice and fire!
  The power is also increased a hundred times and a thousand times compared to the original!
  For example, the skill Wrath of Ice and Fire evolved from the additional skill Wrath of Ice and Ice Divine Bow!

The original skill of Ice Fury was only five thousand times more powerful!
  However, after the possessed spirit transformed into the fury of ice and fire, its power reached 150,000 times!
  It has been improved thirty times on the original basis!
  Of course, the attribute panel only seems to have increased by thirty times, but the real power has increased by a hundred, a thousand, or even ten thousand times!
  In actual combat, due to various status improvements, the power of this martial skill is even more terrifying!
  In other words, this skill has been improved more than ten thousand times, and is even stronger!

In addition, when hitting the target, in addition to the power of the arrow itself, it can also freeze the target 100% and burn the target 100%!

Let the target suffer double special effects damage of freezing and burning!
  And it also comes with some splash effects!
  Very strong!

(End of this chapter)

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