Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2212 The other seven generals of the Mengyue Beast King

Chapter 2212 The other seven generals of the Mengyue Beast King

The center of the so-called Dream Moon Lake is a lake glowing with golden light.

The lake is filled with rich spiritual energy and is very sacred.

Even though Tang Yi was far away, he could feel the sacred aura that made people want to worship him.

"That's the center of the entire Mengyue Forest? The 'Golden Lake' at the center of Mengyue Lake?"

Tang Yi looked at the golden lake in front of him and checked the map in his hand to make sure he was in the right place.

After confirming that the golden lake in front of him was the 'golden lake' he was looking for, Tang Yicai looked at the golden lake and said, "According to the map and instructions given by the Courage Tavern, the Dream Moon Beast King is in the center of the Dream Moon Forest. The central lakeside of the Dream Moon Lake is the 'Golden Lake'. If the golden lake in front of you is the so-called 'Golden Lake', then in other words, the Dream Moon Beast King should be here."

However, Tang Yi had just finished speaking.


In front of Tang Yi, on the golden lake, the water was surging and countless bubbles were churning.

Immediately afterwards, in the lake, silhouettes were seen breaking out of the water, rising into the sky, and floating in the air.

There are seven of these figures in total, and the aura emitted by each one is very powerful, almost the same as the auras of the previous Gibbon Holy Ape, Golden Horned Holy Wolf and Black Gold Holy Leopard.

Presumably, it is also at the level of the Nine-Star Holy God.

And the size of these seven figures is similar to the size of the three nine-star holy beasts before.

Tang Yi took a closer look and immediately saw that the seven figures floating in the air were seven monster beasts with different appearances and characteristics.

Seeing seven different monsters appear in front of him, Tang Yi threw seven Heavenly Eye Techniques at these seven monsters.

Suddenly, Tang Yi got the information about these seven monsters.

Name: Colorful Sacred Deer (Supreme BOSS)

Level: Level 199 (Nine-Star Holy Beast)
  Description: The most powerful monster in Mengyue Forest besides the Dream Moon Beast King, and one of the ten generals under the Dream Moon Beast King.

Attributes: Weaker relative to players.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)


Name: Nine-tailed Holy Scorpion (Supreme BOSS)

Level: Level 199 (Nine-Star Holy Beast)
  Description: The most poisonous monster in Mengyue Forest besides the Dream Moon Beast King, and one of the ten generals under the Dream Moon Beast King.

Attributes: Weaker relative to players.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)


Name: Fire Spirit Holy Bird (Supreme BOSS)

Level: Level 199 (Nine-Star Holy Beast)
  Description: The monster with the strongest fire power in Mengyue Forest except the Dream Moon Beast King, and one of the ten generals under the Dream Moon Beast King.

Attributes: Weaker relative to players.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)


Name: Ice Crystal Silkworm (Supreme BOSS)

Level: Level 199 (Nine-Star Holy Beast)
  Description: The most powerful monster in the Mengyue Forest besides the Dream Moon Beast King, and one of the ten generals under the Dream Moon Beast King.

Attributes: Weaker relative to players.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)


Name: Purple Flame Holy Tiger (Supreme BOSS)

Level: Level 199 (Nine-Star Holy Beast)
  Description: Except for the Dream Moon Beast King, he is the strongest monster hunter in Mengyue Forest. He is one of the ten generals under the Dream Moon Beast King. Attributes: Weaker than the player.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)


Name: Giant Thunder Eagle (Supreme BOSS)

Level: Level 199 (Nine-Star Holy Beast)
  Description: Except for the Dream Moon Beast King, the strongest monster with thunder attributes and aerial combat in Mengyue Forest, and one of the ten generals under the Dream Moon Beast King.

Attributes: Weaker relative to players.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)


Name: Nugget Holy Rat (Supreme BOSS)

Level: Level 199 (Nine-Star Holy Beast)
  Description: The most powerful underground monster in Mengyue Forest except the Mengyue Beast King, and one of the ten generals under the Mengyue Beast King.

Attributes: Weaker relative to players.

Ability: Weak relative to the player.

Skills: Weak relative to the player.

Evaluation: No threat (the opponent's strength is far behind the player, and there is no threat to the player)



As Tang Yi expected, these seven monsters with different appearances are indeed the same as the previous golden-horned holy wolf, they are nine-star holy god level monsters!
  Moreover, they are also the top ten generals of Mengyue Beast King!
  "I just killed three of them over there, and there are seven more here. In other words, all the ten generals of the Mengyue Beast King are here. It's good. This makes it easier for me to take care of them all."

Tang Yi thought in his heart.

While Tang Yi was thinking, on the other side, one of the ten generals of the Mengyue Beast King, the Purple Flame Holy Tiger, spoke.

I saw it saying to Tang Yi: "Human, you shouldn't be here."

"Oh? Why?"

Tang Yi raised his head slightly, looked at the Purple Flame Holy Tiger and asked.

"This is not the place you should come."

The Purple Flame Holy Tiger said lightly.

"Your kind also said this to me just now. But do you know what their fate will be?" Tang Yi smiled, with a bright smile.

"Of course I know."

The Purple Flame Holy Tiger replied calmly: "Kill them."

The Purple Flame Sacred Tiger acted very calmly, as if the ones that died were not its own kind, but some unrelated monsters.

It was not angry at all because Tang Yi killed its kind.

In addition, the Purple Flame Holy Tiger seemed to have foresight, and Tang Yi did not say anything. However, the Purple Flame Holy Tiger knew that the Golden Horned Holy Wolf and other monsters had fallen, and knew that they were killed by Tang Yi.

This surprised Tang Yi very much.

"Oh? You actually know? Now that you know, you still dare to let me leave?"

Tang Yi looked at Ziyan Shenghu in confusion.

"This is Mengyue Forest, and it is the territory of our Lord Mengyue. The king naturally knows what happened. It is our king's intention to let you leave."

Ziyan Shenghu said calmly.

"What does it mean? It already knew I was coming?"

Tang Yi was very surprised again.

"Of course. Our king has the power to reach the sky, and nothing can be hidden from him."

Ziyan Shenghu said very proudly.

When speaking of 'our king', Ziyan Shenghu's tone was full of respect, as if he had great respect for the Mengyue Beast King.

(End of this chapter)

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