Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2222 Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle sneak attack? The horn of counterattack sounds!

Chapter 2222 Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle sneak attack? The horn of counterattack sounds!
  "According to what you said, that is indeed the Monster Empire. Where is the wasteland over there?"

Tang Yi nodded.

"If the Realm of the World is the edge of the Tianmu Realm, then the Borderland is the border of the Realm. Generally speaking, the Borderland is the edge of the Tianmu Realm. Passing through the Borderland is another area. realm. As for the situation in other realms, I don’t know.”

The Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle explained.

"That's it! It turns out that the borderland is the boundary of the Tianmu Realm."

"In other words, if I want to get that divine object, I must first go to the Divine Realm of the Realm in the Tianmu Realm, and then go from the Divine Realm of Realm to the Borderlands. After finding the boundary monument in the Borderlands, I can then go north. Travel three thousand kilometers to find that divine object?"

Tang Yi sorted it out and said.

Hearing this, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle nodded and said, "Yes, that's right! How about it? Can this treasure and this news of mine be exchanged for my life?"

While speaking, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle had been staring closely at Tang Yi, his eyes full of cunning, as if he was planning something.

And Tang Yi had opened the Gate of Six Spirits, and his six senses were very sharp, and he immediately caught the cunning in the eyes of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

But on the surface, Tang Yi remained calm and didn't seem to notice it at all, but secretly, he was wary of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

Although Tang Yi is no longer afraid of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle and feels that the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle can no longer hurt him, but...

It's right to be careful when sailing a ten thousand year ship. Who knows what the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle has in store.

What if the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Ghost still hides some trump card, and if this trump card can cause very fatal damage to Tang Yi, then Tang Yi will be doomed?
  Tang Yi would not do such a thing as capsizing in the gutter.

Therefore, after noticing the cunning look in the eyes of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, Tang Yi became cautious.

Tang Yi said to the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle: "Your treasures and information are indeed very valuable. In exchange for your life..."

When Tang Yi said this, before he finished speaking, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle's eyes turned cold, his mouth opened, and a milky white bead flew out, flying directly towards Tang Yi at a very fast speed.

And this bead is the natal divine bead of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, the Red Water Dragon Bead.

The Red Water Dragon Pearl is very important to the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, because all its power essence and tens of thousands of years of cultivation are all condensed in this bead.

It can be said that the Chishui Dragon Ball is the heart of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle and the source of energy of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

The Red Water Dragon Ball is immortal, and the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle can remain immortal!

Compared to the turtle shell, this bead is a hundred times more important.

At the same time, the Red Water Dragon Ball is still a very terrifying weapon.

After all, the bead contains all the essence and power of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

The Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle is the top holy beast. You can imagine how powerful all its essence and power are.

Spraying out the red water dragon ball and blasting it at the enemy will cause extremely terrifying and powerful power!
  In other words, the attack of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle is very powerful.

It was even more terrifying than the self-explosion of the turtle shell before.

If an ordinary person faced the sneak attack of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, and it was such a terrifying and fast sneak attack, he would probably have died on the spot at this moment.

But unfortunately, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle was facing Tang Yi!

When the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle showed that cunning look, Tang Yi had already heightened his vigilance and was ready to react at any time.

Therefore, when the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle's attack was in vain, Tang Yi reacted immediately. Faced with the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle's natal divine bead, Tang Yi did not choose to resist forcefully, because he felt the breath of the divine bead immediately.

Knowing that the Divine Pearl is extremely powerful and powerful, if you forcefully resist, there is no other possibility except suffering a loss.

It might even have the power of life.

Because he didn't know how powerful this red water dragon ball was.

Tang Yi didn't dare to take risks when it came to uncertain things.

Therefore, seeing the Chishui Dragon Ball Qi coming, Tang Yi did not choose to resist, but quickly activated the additional skill of the flashing ring to teleport!
  [Flash Ring]: A special item. After wearing it, players will gain the ability to teleport. The maximum teleport distance is one hundred meters and can only be used once a day.


The maximum teleportation distance of the flashing ring is only one hundred meters. If you use the flashing ring to avoid the attack of the Red Water Dragon Ball, you will definitely not be able to dodge it.

With such a small distance, Red Water Dragon Ball arrived in the blink of an eye.

It has no effect at all.

Therefore, Tang Yi did not expect the flashing ring to help him avoid this blow.

And when he activated the flashing ring, he didn't want to dodge, but to attack!
  I saw him activate the flickering skill, advance instead of retreating, and teleport directly towards the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

The two sides were already far apart, but with Tang Yi's teleportation, he immediately came to the front of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

After arriving in front of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, Tang Yi waved his right hand and took out the Red Moon Apophis.

And without any hesitation, he raised the Red Moon Apophis and slashed at the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle!
  Of course, Tang Yi has no time to hesitate now, because as long as he hesitates, the red water dragon ball that has already flown out will turn around and attack Tang Yi.

Therefore, Tang Yi is not allowed to have any hesitation in terms of time!
  "Sky Slash!"

"Sky Slash!"

"Sky Slash!"


In a short period of time, Tang Yi performed sixteen Sky Slashes in a row. Of course, if possible, Tang Yi could perform more, hundreds of them.

However, time does not allow Tang Yi to do this.

Sixteen Sky Slashes were already the maximum number that Tang Yi could perform in a short period of time.

After these sixteen Sky Slashes were used by Tang Yi, the sixteen white sword lights that were shot out were superimposed and converged into a giant sword light.

The terrifying giant sword light flew directly towards the body of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

"call out!"

Because the power was too strong and the size was too large, the giant sword light flew out, causing a violent noise, and the entire space was filled with the sound of rumbling through the air.

Wherever he passed, the spaces collapsed one after another, looking extremely terrifying.

Seeing such a sword light coming towards him, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle's pupils shrank sharply, his teeth were about to burst, and he shouted: "No! Human, you can't kill me! I've just said it, I'll use a I gave you a treasure and a piece of news in exchange for my life. Now that I have told you the news and the treasure, you want to kill me. What’s the point of this? You can’t be so unfaithful!"

(End of this chapter)

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