Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2224 Developed

Chapter 2224 Developed

[Djinn’s Powder]: A super special material.

Description: The body fat powder of the Dream Moon Beast King of the Dream Moon Forest, the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

Properties: This item can be used for forging. If you use this item for forging, the forged items will gain a defense power of not less than 30000 times, a damage reduction of not less than 10000 times, and an increase in blood volume of not less than 50000 times. Various The resistance of the five elements is not less than 10 times. The final attribute level depends on the final forged or item.

Special properties: Use this item for forging, and the forged items will gain 30000 times recovery speed and 500% healing properties.

Super-quality attributes: Use this item for forging, and the defense of the forged items will be increased by 200000 times.



Seeing the properties of the giant spirit powder, Tang Yi took a breath of cold air.

Super top attributes, it can actually increase defense by 200,000 times!
  Two hundred thousand times defense, how powerful must this be?

How high is the defense?

With this attribute alone, even without the previous ordinary attributes and special attributes, this piece of giant spirit powder can be called a super special material.

What's more, the ordinary and special attributes of Djinn's Powder are extremely powerful, and can bring huge bonuses to the forged items.

"nice one!"

Tang Yi was excited again and continued to check the harvest.

[Spiritual Power Level Promotion Scroll (Holy Level)]: After use, it can increase mental power by 1 level. (Can be used within level 200)
  Quantity: 10

"nice one!"

Seeing the spiritual power level promotion scroll, Tang Yi's eyes lit up, even hotter than when he saw the giant spirit powder.

After all, the spiritual power promotion scroll is something that can be used immediately.

The giant spirit powder is a material, something that can only be used after forging. One can be used in the future, and the other can be used in the future. Tang Yi looked at the latter with burning eyes.

In addition, the mental power level is very important to Tang Yi at this moment. Tang Yi very much needs the mental power promotion scroll to improve the mental power level. Therefore, Tang Yi's eyes are of course even more intense when the mental power level promotion scroll is presented.

Before that, Tang Yi was able to refine the spiritual power level promotion scroll.

However, the spiritual power level promotion scroll that Tang Yi could refine was no longer available.

Because the spiritual power level promotion scroll that Tang Yi can refine must be within level 100, Tang Yi's level has already exceeded level 100, exceeding the requirements for use.

Therefore, if Tang Yi wants to improve his spiritual power level, he can only practice it.

As for cultivation, it is very difficult to increase the level of mental power.

It takes a long time to practice before you can advance to one level. The further you go, the slower it becomes.

This has always been a headache for Tang Yi.

But now, after killing the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, he got ten usable spiritual power level promotion scrolls. For Tang Yi, can this be exciting or exciting?
  This brought Tang Yi's mental power level one step closer to level 200.

We are one step closer to breaking through the bottleneck.

"very good."

Tang Yi's face was filled with joy, and he quickly used all ten spiritual power level promotion scrolls.

"Ding, the player uses the spiritual power level promotion scroll (holy level), and the spiritual power level is promoted by one level."

"Ding, the player uses the spiritual power level promotion scroll (holy level), and the spiritual power level is promoted by one level."

"Ding, the player uses the spiritual power level promotion scroll (holy level), and the spiritual power level is promoted by one level."


After using ten mental power level promotion scrolls, Tang Yi opened his mental power level panel again.

Player: Tang Yi

Sea of ​​Consciousness: Sea of ​​Starlight Consciousness
  Mental power level: Level 177 (Level )
  Points required for spiritual promotion: 0/177 (unit: million points)

Mental Power Technique: Gathering the Gods (Top Level)

Practice efficiency: 16000000/D (experience points/day)
  *Players can turn on the automatic spiritual cultivation function, which requires 100000 holy points per day.    …

After using ten mental power level promotion scrolls, Tang Yi's mental power level was promoted from level 167 to level 177.

There are still twenty-three levels left before reaching level two hundred!

Continue to check out the harvest.

You don’t need to look at the items of unknown grade, you can’t see the grade anyway.

There is no need to look at the quest item, the horn of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, it is an item needed in the Courage Tavern.

The last thing left is the ‘Xumi Pouch, the treasure of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle’.

[Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle’s Treasure Xumi Pouch]: The place where the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle collects treasures and can be opened.


"A place where treasures are stored?"

Seeing this description, Tang Yi's eyes lit up and he hurriedly muttered: "Open the treasure Xumi Pouch of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle!"

next moment.

"Ding, player Tang Yi opened the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle's treasure Xumi Pouch and obtained the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle's collection."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the special material collected by the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, the Scarlet Moon Stone."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the special material collected by the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, the Silver Stone."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the special spiritual fruit collected by the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, the Flying Divine Fruit."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for obtaining the collection from the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle..."

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi..."


Hundreds of reminders sounded in his mind, making Tang Yi dumbfounded.

However, after coming back to his senses, Tang Yi looked excited: "It's developed!"

Yes, can it not be developed?

This is the treasure of finding the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle.

After just opening the Xumi Pouch, the treasure of the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle, Tang Yi obtained a total of fifty-four special materials.

Among them, fifty-one are ordinary special materials and three are top-notch special materials!

After obtaining these fifty-four special materials, plus the twenty special materials collected by Tang Yi, the number of special materials Tang Yi obtained reached seventy-four!

Yes, seventy-four!
  From one hundred special materials, Tang Yi already has seventy-four!

This is already 26 short of the 100 materials Tang Yi planned!
  After obtaining another twenty-six types, Tang Yi can implement the plan and use the Supreme Fusion Stone to create a unique super equipment that is unique in heaven and earth, with powerful attributes, powerful abilities, and powerful skills!

And this plan should be implemented soon.

After all, more than seventy kinds of materials have been obtained. Is a hundred kinds still far away?
  In addition, in addition to fifty-four special materials, Tang Yi also obtained more than thirty special items.

Although most of the items are of no use to Tang Yi, he can occasionally come across one or two useful items.

[Lingtian Holy Pearl]: A lucky special item that gave birth to self-awareness. After equipped, a golden spiritual pearl will appear next to the player, which can attack and defend independently, and can use skills independently.

The attack power is equivalent to 30 times that of a nine-star holy god level warrior.

The defense power is equivalent to 100 times that of a nine-star holy god level warrior.

Additional skills: Holy Spirit Protection, Holy Spirit Shooting.

Holy Spirit Protection: activates a shield to protect the player. The defense is equivalent to 500 times that of a nine-star holy god level warrior.

Holy Spirit Shooting: A small-scale skill that can cause 100 times the damage of a Nine-Star Holy God-level warrior to hostile targets within 1000 meters.


(End of this chapter)

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