Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2226 The 2 teams Tang Yi encountered before

Chapter 2226 The two teams Tang Yi encountered before

In doubt, Tang Yi glanced away and suddenly saw a pool of blood on the ground not far away.

This pool of blood should have been left by the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle when it blew up its shell and injured itself. It could not have been left when the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle died.

Because when the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle died, it turned into nothingness, with no flesh and blood left.

Therefore, if there is any blood stain left, it must have been left when the Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle exploded its shell.

Seeing this pool of blood, Tang Yi came to the blood stain with the mentality of giving it a try.

Then he stretched out his hand and pulled up all the blood stains on the ground, letting them float into the air.

However, it was at this time.

I saw a prompt coming from Tang Yi's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for discovering the top-level Holy God's Blood. Do you need to pick it up? Picking up the top-level Holy God's Blood requires 1000 billion holy points."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Tang Yi thought silently in his excited heart.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tang Yi for consuming 1000 billion holy points and obtaining the blood of the top holy god."

Tang Yi looked at this prompt excitedly.

He just gave it a try before, but he didn't expect that it would work this time.

The top-level holy blood was really extracted from the blood on the ground.

This is amazing too.

Originally, Tang Yi thought that he would not get the blood of the top holy god, but now he suddenly got it. This joy of regaining it immediately made Tang Yi extremely happy.

After obtaining the blood of the top Holy God, Tang Yi met two conditions to break through the bottleneck.

Now, only the mental level is not enough.

And the level of mental power...

This is difficult.

Because the mental power level is currently the most difficult to improve.

It was also because Tang Yi was lucky enough to obtain a mental power level promotion scroll that he was able to advance ten levels in a short time.

Without the spiritual power level promotion scroll, it would be impossible to upgrade to these ten levels within a few years.

This is still fast in a few years.

If it were someone else, it would probably take even longer to advance from level 167 to level 177.

It's possible for decades or even centuries.

It may even be stuck forever and cannot be improved.

Of course, for others, a few years is fast, but for Tang Yi, a few years is too long.

This is completely unacceptable to Tang Yi.

And it takes several years to upgrade from level 167 to level 177, so it will take even longer to upgrade from level 177 to level 200.

After all, the higher you go, the harder it is to practice, and it is not easy to improve your mental power level.

Therefore, if Tang Yi did not have any means of improvement and relied solely on cultivation, it would probably take a long time to reach level 200. "It seems that you have to complete more tasks and ask them to give you more spiritual scrolls for spiritual power level. Or, you can find a way to improve your spiritual power level, or you can get a prescription for refining spiritual power level improvement pills. In this way, Only then can I break through the bottleneck in a short period of time.”

Tang Yi made a decision in his heart.

While thinking, Tang Yi moved and left Mengyue Lake.

The Golden Lake Holy Dragon Turtle's horn has been obtained, as well as the blood of the top holy god, and the holy value has reached more than one trillion. Tang Yi has achieved the purpose of coming to Mengyue Forest this time.

Even more than fulfilled.

Therefore, there is no need for him to stay here.

In addition, the Road to Empire is about to begin, and it is time for Tang Yi to go back and participate in the Road to Empire.

"call out!"

Tang Yi flew with all his strength this time, unlike when he came to sweep away the monsters and stop every step.

Therefore, Tang Yi returned dozens of times faster than when he came. Soon, his figure disappeared into Mengyue Lake, and he left Mengyue Forest not long after.

However, just after Tang Yi left Mengyue Forest, two groups of people came to Mengyue Forest, and these two groups were the same two groups of people Tang Yi had met before.

The first group was the redemption team Tang Yi met at the junction of the inner and outer areas of Mengyue Forest, and the second group was the mysterious young master Xia Hongyu he met in the inner area.

The two groups met outside Mengyue Forest.

After the two parties discovered each other, they were alert for a moment. After discovering that there was no hostility to each other, Xia Hongyu hugged his hands, stepped forward and said to the people in the redemption team: "I am Xia Hongyu, and these are my uncles. Who are you?"

"Xia Hongyu? His Highness the Third Prince?"

Hearing Xia Hongyu's name, Luo Chun, the leader of the redemption team, was slightly surprised and said, "Are you the third prince of our Mengyue Empire?"

"Oh? You know me?"

Xia Hongyu said in surprise.

Since Xia Hongyu had lived in the Mengyue Palace for a long time, he rarely appeared outside. When walking on the street, generally no one would recognize him as long as he didn't make a big show of it.

However, now, in Mengyue Forest, and it is such a dangerous place in the inner circle, someone actually recognizes him, which makes Xia Hongyu very surprised.

The strong men beside Xia Hongyu were also vigilant, watching Luo Chun and others carefully, wary of Luo Chun and others having any ulterior motives or harming Xia Hongyu.

"Luo Chun, the leader of the redemption team, has met the Third Prince. Here are my team members."

Luo Chun slightly raised his hands and introduced, and then explained: "Your Highness, Third Prince, maybe you have misunderstood. I am only guessing about His Highness's identity. After all, in our Mengyue Empire, the only one with the surname Xia is the Mengyue royal family, and You are so young and have a royal aura about you. In my opinion, you should be a member of the royal family of our Mengyue Royal Family, and you are very likely to be our prince. Therefore, I guess that you are His Royal Highness the Prince of the Mengyue Royal Family. .

There are five princes in our Mengyue Empire. Among them, the fourth and fifth princes are still young, and you are definitely not over your age. In addition, the eldest prince and the second prince often show up. I have met them several times in the past few years. I have always had a good memory. Once I have seen them once, I will never forget them again. What’s more, I have met the eldest prince and the second prince several times. times, so you are definitely not the eldest prince or the second prince.

You are neither the eldest prince nor the second prince, nor the fourth prince nor the fifth prince, so I guess you are most likely the third prince. "

"I've met the third prince."

After hearing Luo Chun's analysis, other members of the redemption team also bowed to the third prince Xia Hongyu with expressions of respect.

"Clap clap clap!"

After listening to Luo Chun's analysis, Xia Hongyu was slightly stunned at first, then clapped his hands and said with appreciation: "Captain Luo Chun, right? It seems that Captain Luo Chun is a man with quick thinking. I didn't expect that just relying on Captain Luo Chun guessed Hongyu's identity and origin with just one name, and Hongyu really admires him for this."

On the side, the powerful members of the Mengyue royal family also showed admiration, and their originally vigilant expressions softened slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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