Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2235 Incredible Speed

Chapter 2235 Incredible Speed

Tang Yi looked at Sun Xiaofu slightly and said, "Not interested."

With that said, Tang Yi turned around and left, ignoring Sun Xiaofu.

Of course, how could he ignore Sun Xiaofu?

What kind of strength is Sun Xiaofu, and what kind of strength is Tang Yi now?
  Sun Xiaofu is just a junior saint.

And Tang Yi is now the top holy god!
  The level gap between the two sides is like a chasm.

Tang Yi faced Sun Xiaofu as if he were facing an ant.

Facing an ant, what interest could Tang Yi have?

Seeing that Tang Yi wanted to leave, Sun Xiaofu took a step forward to stop Tang Yi.

However, at this time, Tang Yi turned around and disappeared from Sun Xiaofu's eyes, and Sun Xiaofu directly intercepted the air.

This scene made Sun Xiaofu confused.

He kept turning his head to look for Tang Yi, wanting to know where Tang Yi had gone.

The other two people in Tianshui Kingdom were also stunned for a moment, and then looked for Tang Yi.

However, no matter how hard Sun Xiaofu and others searched, they could not find Tang Yi. Tang Yi seemed to disappear out of thin air and disappeared from their eyes.

Seeing this scene, Sun Xiaofu and the other three were all dumbfounded.

He had no idea how Tang Yi did it.

I don't even know where Tang Yi went.

"What's going on? Why is he missing? Is this some special method?"

Sun Xiaofu said very puzzled.

"It seems that this person really has some abilities. No wonder he is so valued by the two royal lords." Xiang Anhe said in a deep voice.

"No wonder he dares to act alone. With such means, others really can't do anything to him." Zhong Lijun also said.


Hearing that the other two members of the Tianshui Kingdom were praising Tang Yi, Sun Xiaofu said unconvinced: "What's the use of just knowing how to run away? He doesn't even dare to spar. I think he is a coward. Forget it, since he doesn't want to If you dare to compare, then I will learn his clever tricks tomorrow on the road to the empire! I want to see who is the number one genius among the two kingdoms of Tianshui and Zijin."

"Brother Xiaofu...the road to the empire is the top priority. I think we should focus on the overall situation and complete the road to the empire first. We can also discuss the matter when we come back."

After hearing Sun Xiaofu's words, Xiang Anhe quickly persuaded him.

"Yes, Brother Xiaofu, don't be impulsive. If you really want to compete on the road to empire, if something happens, it will be a devastating disaster for us, so Brother Xiaofu, you should give up this idea. If If we really want to compete for the number one genius, we can compete after we return from the empire." Zhong Lijun also persuaded.


Sun Xiaofu interrupted the two people's conversation and said, "I know what to do, I don't need to teach you."

After saying that, Sun Xiaofu turned around and left the place.

It seemed that he definitely didn't listen to what Xiang Anhe and Zhong Lijun said. "Why."

Looking at Sun Xiaofu's angry back, Xiang Anhe sighed slightly and said: "Brother Xiaofu is quite strong and has good talent, but he is too competitive and competitive. If he can let go of some of his stubbornness, , I’m afraid we can get one step closer.”

"Yes! Brother Xiaofu is too self-interested. If he could downplay some interests, his current strength would probably be at the level of a top saint." Zhong Lijun also sighed with emotion.

"Okay, let's go. We must try to be careful tomorrow and not let Brother Fu be too impulsive and make some irreparable mistakes. After all, the Zijin Kingdom and our Tianshui Kingdom are brother kingdoms, and their warriors That is to say, we, the warriors of Tianshui, compete to compete, and if we don’t accept, we will not accept, but we can’t be too harmonious.”

Xiang Anhe said.

"That's right. Anyway, we have to watch more tomorrow."

Zhong Lijun nodded slightly, and then said curiously: "By the way, it was too strange just now. How did Tang Yi do it? How did he disappear? I didn't see it clearly at all."

"I didn't see it clearly either. But I heard..."

Xiang Anhe paused for a moment and said: "I heard that this Tang Yi, when he participated in the battle of principalities jointly organized by Zijin and our Tianshui, he crushed the heroes with one person. His personal achievements were directly compared to the combined results of hundreds of principalities. Hundreds of times! The rumors are extremely exaggerated.

In addition, I also heard that the location of this principality battle is the Eternal Holy Land. In the Eternal Holy Land, it is said that there is a divine palace from ancient times. There are a large number of high-level monsters entrenched in the palace, including even Holy Emperor-level monsters and Holy God-level monsters! And this divine palace was discovered by Tang Yi.

Moreover, he also explored the shrine and killed all the monsters in the shrine. Whether they were emperor-level monsters or holy-god-level monsters, they were all killed by him! It is because of this that he achieved extremely dazzling results. Only then did he get a spot on the Imperial Road. "

Zhong Lijun said as if listening to heavenly scripture: "This is too exaggerated!"

"Yes. It was because it was too exaggerated that Sun Xiaofu and I didn't believe it. We thought this rumor was a bit exaggerated. Even outrageous! And it was because of hearing this rumor that Sun Xiaofu had the idea to compete with Tang Yi. "

Xiang Anhe said.

"A player who participated in the Battle of the Principality has the strength to kill the Holy Beast. Not only we don't believe it, but also others may not believe it, right? With such strength, why participate in the Battle of the Principality? Not even the road to the Empire. Participated. Isn’t it abusive to participate in the Imperial Road with such strength?" Zhong Lijun said.

"Yes! So we don't believe it! I don't know how this rumor spread. Judging from his performance just now, this Tang Yi does have some tricks, but if he is said to have the strength to kill the Holy God, I still don't believe it. Yes." Xiang Anhe said.

"I don't believe it either, I think..."

The two of them left the place while talking.

Tang Yi, who disappeared before, has returned to his room now.

The reason why he disappeared before was because he took advantage of his speed and left the place at an unimaginable speed.

Because the speed was so fast, in the eyes of Sun Xiaofu and others, it seemed as if they had disappeared on the spot.

In fact, Tang Yi just left.

Of course, this is something Sun Xiaofu and others don’t know.

If they knew about this, I'm afraid they wouldn't cause trouble to Tang Yi from now on.

Nonsense, if they knew Tang Yi was so strong, would they still dare to cause trouble for Tang Yi?
  They couldn't even keep up with Tang Yi's speed, so how could they cause trouble?
  Unfortunately, Sun Xiaofu and others did not know.

Because he didn't know Tang Yi's strength, Sun Xiaofu still wanted to cause trouble for Tang Yi on the road to empire...

(End of this chapter)

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